What do you bring to a solar eclipse party?
When we decided to celebrate the solar eclipse with a party around a bonfire I never thought we’d actually see the eclipse. The long- range forecast was cloudy, but we were going to celebrate the event anyways. Although we woke up Monday morning to rain, by 9 a.m. there was sunshine with a few clouds and we had some good viewing on top of a hill where our friend’s live.
We gathered together, sitting in the shade a little ways from the bonfire… the temperature was very warm outside and being by the fire made it warmer still, until the moon started covering the sun and then it cooled down. Hot dogs were available to roast, delicious salads ready to eat along with star-shaped cheese slices with crackers, the party-bag goodies, and an all-American apple pie.

A couple of solar eclipse boxes were made and to my delight a welder’s helmet was available to view the eclipse and it worked well. We took turns watching the different phases of the eclipse using the helmet. The eclipse peaked at 1:06 pm where we live in the universe, and at peaked at 85%. I did not take any photos of it.
We listened to old songs to: Moon Shadow, Sunshine On My Shoulders, Here Comes The Sun, You Are My Sunshine, Age of Aquarius, I Love The Flower Girl, It’s A Small Town Saturday Night… and about 1:06 p.m. we heard a little howling coming from somewhere near-by…
At about 1:08 p.m. the sun/moon was clouded over for the rest of the afternoon and we saw no more of the eclipse. We had a great time while it lasted.