On another unusually mild February day in Minnesota, we took off for a day trip to Mankato. Upon arrival we went to two sizable thrift stores, and “scored” at both, buying some fun and unusual items. After perusing the goods, it was lunch time so we found a great local pub for lunch.

Afterward we continued on to a small piece of land next to the Mankato Train Depot (the depot is no longer in service), along the Minnesota River. First, we walked past a beautiful mural, on our way to a Minnesota River lookout. The mural was beautiful, the river was very low.

Next, we walked to Reconciliation Park, a small area created for a memorial for the 38 Native American’s who were hung in Mankato in 1862, by white folks. It’s a sad part of our history. It was moving to see these two memorials. The theme of the park is “Forgive Everyone Everything.”

Next, we drove to near-by Minneopa State Park.

First, we drove through the bison paddock. and were fortunate to see many bison out grazing.

There was a large, lone bison crossing the road, walking very slowly. We decided he must be the grandfather of the herd.

It was really special to see all the bison up close with only the car as our barrier.

Our next stop was the waterfalls in the state park. We got out of the car and walked to the falls in sunny, 54 degrees temperature. Although there was no snow on the ground, the falls were still frozen over, with some water trickling down as the ice melted in the sun.

On our drive back to Northfield, we stopped in St. Peter for a coffee break and visited one more thrift store along St. Peter’s main street, which is the busy Hwy 169.

By this time of day, we were tired and the thrift shop was no longer appealing, but the coffee tasted yummy!