An Assignment

A writing assignment was to complete this thought: I have a feeling about my tree…

I like trees. I think most everyone does, but maybe most people don’t think about them much. Even though I really like trees, I can’t identify many of them.  Of course, the oaks and maples are easy, but then I struggle.

We planted 17 trees in our yard in Northfield. Many of them almost 28 years ago. Some are getting really big, or scraggly, or both. They do provide a lot of shade. I used to have sun gardens, but now I often need to consider shade plants. 

The honey locust tree in our front yard, October 2022.

One tree that we planted 28 years ago, in the front yard, was a honey locust tree. It was maybe 1-2 inches around in diameter…It grew tall, and beautiful, and full, and it became my favorite tree. I can see it outside the window above my kitchen sink.

But I have a feeling about my tree…it’s dying. Last year we had a tree service company come and trim it back. This spring it leafed out and seemed to be doing well during the summer. Now, this fall we noticed more large, dead branches and I have a feeling it won’t live much longer. I won’t give up on it yet. But I will miss it when it’s gone. It is a light and airy tree, with branches that sway in the wind and offers dappled sun light through its small leaves.

The majestic oak tree at Valley Grove Cemetery. I took this photo on September 14, 2018. A tornado felled this tree on September 20…6 days later. Little did I know.

Another tree I loved was the old, oak tree that grew in the Valley Grove cemetery. If it was planted when the first church was built in 1862… it could have been well over 150 years old…some estimate it to be 200+ years old.

Photo of a photo in a pamphlet about the Valley Grove Preservation Society.

It stood tall and mighty, with long, branches spread wide and offering protection over the gravesites. It was special. It was majestic.  It fell when the 2018 tornado came through. It was a huge loss. 

I went out to see the downed tree on September 25, 2018. Many people mourned this sad event.

While attending the Valley Grove Country Social this fall, I learned someone made crosses from oak branches that are trimmed off other oak trees on the cemetery property. These oak trees are believed to be descendants from the majestic, old, oak tree. The woodworker was an acquaintance of mine, so I decided to contact him.

The 10″ cross made from the old, oak tree.

When I asked him if it was possible to get a cross made from the old oak tree, he told me he and several others checked out the wood from the fallen tree and found the wood to be twisted and not so good, and that there was very little salvaged from it. I said OK, please make me a cross from the other oak wood.

Valley Grove Churches, without the majestic oak tree. Photo taken August 2022.

When he called to let me know the cross was ready to be picked up, he told me he was able to make a cross from the old, oak tree…that he had found enough good scrap wood to make a cross. I was blessed! 

Winter’s Beauty

Valley Grove is a special place…two historic churches on top of a hill, surrounded by a cemetery and some lovely pine trees and oak trees…

The two historic churches at Valley Grove.

There was an old, old oak tree that stood in one corner of the cemetery, providing shelter and shade for many gravesites, but it blew down in a 2018 tornado. That was a sad day.

This stately, old oak tree stood tall in the corner of Valley Grove Cemetery. This photo was taken months before it was felled by a tornado.

Valley Grove remains a place of beauty…in any season. And one I like to visit often.

Winter’s beauty.
A sweeping prairie view.

I was recently snowshoeing there on a bright, sunshiny day, after a morning of hoar frost that shed its shards onto the freshly fallen snow causing them to sparkle in the sunshine, making us feel like we were walking through diamonds. It was stunning. 

A bit of hoar frost left on this twig.

We walked for a couple of hours in the glistening and untouched snow, creating paths through the prairie land and into the woods.

Into the woods.

We noticed several varieties of animal tracks crating their own paths and sometimes leaving us to wonder what the animals were doing…dancing I’m sure, in the wide open spaces while no one was watching.

So peaceful, so picturesque.

O, Holy Night

For several years now (it has become a tradition) we enjoy going to the late Christmas Eve service in one of the historic Valley Grove Churches.

As we walked in we noticed the huge decorated Christmas tree in the front of the sanctuary, and a Hardanger fiddle, flute and an organ filled the church with beautiful music.

The beautiful, full Christmas tree filled the front of the sanctuary.

Then the church bells rang to announce the start of the Christmas Eve service.

A trio making music: organ, flute and the hardanger fiddle.

We enjoy this service for many reasons, one being… there is a time for just singing Christmas carols. The congregation make requests for different carols and we all sing to our hearts content the old familiar tunes.

Pastor John Gorder, gave a sermonette. This year he included thoughts about the beloved, old, oak tree that a tornado ripped down last September. This tree was love by many folks. The rings of the tree indicated the tree was there long before the settlers, in 1862.  I can only imagine all the special events that happened around that tree.

There was a branch from the tree in the church, in front of the Christmas tree. It was holding a photo of the old oak tree before it fell. Pastor Gorder had visited the stump of the oak tree a few weeks before the service, and found an acorn from that tree. The acorn… a small seed grows into a great tree, so with baby Jesus… born to be a great King.

A branch from the beloved old, oak tree, holding a photo of the tree.

As is tradition in many Christmas Eve services, we lit candles and as the lights dimmed, sang Silent Night, Holy Night, a favorite.

We saw a few friends and said “Merry Christmas” as the ringing of the bells accompanied us out of church, after the service. A beautiful Christmas night scene met us as we walked out of church – with a bright moon and stars, and a few wispy clouds in the night sky near the old stone church and I imagined a stable long ago.

The amazing view we witnessed as we departed the historic church which is directly across from another historic church in Valley Grove.

Thank you God, for giving us a holy night indeed.