One of the many highlights in Norway included our trip to Kaldestad, the area where my grandfather came from, and the where my family name originated…Kallestad (spelled Kall rather than Kald).

In Kaldestad, we stayed in “Brita’s house” the old farmstead, where my grandfather lived, which is still in the family. It’s a special place.

My grandfather, Torkel, lived in this house built by his father, Haktor, in 1881/1882, with his parents and four siblings. Torkel’s older brother, Johannes, inherited the house and had four children, one of whom was his daughter Brita. She never married, and lived in the house all her life. Thus, the house became known as Brita’s house. Brita died in 1982. Johannes’ grandchildren keep up the house to this day.

The house is used for special family get aways, which would include our time in Kaldestad. Gary and I stayed in this deep-rooted house with Jomar and Heine and their wives, Bente and Kari. Jomar and Heine are brothers, and my second cousins. Our grandfathers were brothers who grew up in this house.

An old-fashioned rose bush, in bloom, greeted us by the front door. As we walked inside it felt so comfortable. We had been there before: I was there in the 70’s and Gary and I were there in 2007.

We climbed the painted wooden stairs to the second floor and found our bedrooms with individual dynes on the beds.

A side story: In 1972 my cousin from America and I experienced our first “dyne” in Norway…a featherbed, or down comforter as they are called today.

They became popular in America many years later, but not so much in the 70’s. I bought one at the store in Kaldestad (managed by Brita) and had it sent to America. It was only a few years ago that I had to finally give it up because many feathers kept poking out.

Back to the house: It was a chilly evening when we pulled into the driveway at Brita’s house. Heine had arrived before us and started a fire in the wood-burning stove, so it was nice and cozy in the living room, with a view. Old family pictures of distant (and not so distant) relatives adorned the walls and it was so thrilling and delightful to be in this house where my grandfather had once lived.

The view from the living room, and the dining room, was of the sea and sky, and we enjoyed looking out the large picture windows.

We walked down the hill to the sea where there were two old, small, wooden buildings; an old store, and an old boathouse on the shore. They were a part of the original property. The store opened in 1903 and was prosperous when sea routes were common and roads were non existent in the area. The store moved to the roadside in 1947 when a road was built through Kaldestad. (This is the store where I bought my dyne).

The store on the sea, called La-Berget (pronounced la-bar-ia) was always painted red.

But two great-grandchildren bought it from the family and did some renovations. Now it’s gray.

When old enough, Brita ran the store, both by the sea, and then on the roadside.

There have been many gatherings and guests in Brita’s house over the years. It is an extraordinary place.

To be able to stay in this house and learn more of the history of my family was a precious gift that I cherish.