Home Again

We have arrived safely home from our 4,690 miles road trip, through eleven states in southeastern US. We saw a lot of beauty in nature, and beauty in the many friends and family we were able to visit. We are grateful all went well, and we had a great time!

There have been unusual weather patterns all across the country. It was warm here in Minnesota during February, with little snow fall. And it was cooler than normal in the southeast, where we were.

February 26, 2024 in Iowa.

In Iowa Monday night, February 26, it was 72* and we ate dinner outside on a restaurant patio.

February 28, 2024 in Minnesota.

But our welcome home present was a cold snap. As we drove closer to Northfield the next day, the temperature kept dropping. When we arrived home we unloaded our car in 25* temperatures. It also started snowing. Sigh. We woke up to 5*!

It is predicted to remain cold for one day and then the temperatures will start climbing back up again. What a roller coaster. I wonder what kind of weather March will bring?

Below Zero Temperatures

Not only are the outside temperatures below freezing, but they are below zero degrees Fahrenheit…with wind chills about -27 degrees, according to Alexa.

Looking out on our back yard from our living room window.

So what does one do in these subzero temperatures?

It would be a great time to go through the closets, or files, or piles of paper on desks…or to clean out the kitchen cupboards, or do some deep cleaning in the basement…

Did I do any of those? 


On this gray, cloudy, bitterly cold day we stayed inside. I turned on the oven and made some peanut butter cookies (using my mom’s recipe),

It’s been a long time since I made peanut butter cookies.

then curled up by the fireplace and read all afternoon.

Ah, the warmth of a fireplace…

And it was good.

Now, what will the coming week bring…it is supposed to be below zero all week…

Autumn Quote

The 2020 autumnal equinox was Tuesday, marking the beginning of our fall season in Minnesota. We’ve had some enjoyable weather this week.

A friend sent me this quote.

I’m looking forward to many more pleasant weather days and hope they linger well into this fall season, to energize us for winter.

Fall is my favorite time of year!

Beautiful Bridge Square in downtown Northfield. Photo taken 9/23/20.