The Blue Moon

Early this morning when I looked out our bedroom window I was in awe as I saw the beautiful, full moon. Later, on my way out of town along Highway 1, the super (closest to earth), blue (second full moon in a month) moon again gave me pause to wonder. There in the western skyline was the huge, white disc hanging in the blue sky, over the farm fields covered with bright snow. It was a phenomenal sight. Behind me I noticed in my rear view mirror the sun was shining brilliantly just over the horizon announcing a new day. I marveled at seeing the moon in the west at the same time seeing the sun in the east.

The blue moon shining over expansive snowy fields -a beautiful sight.

I guess the moon just couldn’t set yet. It seemed (and was to be) extra large, like it was puffing itself up to show off. I have always liked the moon. I decided it’s because I can look at it. One really shouldn’t look at the sun, but it’s fun to see the moon in the sky, especially a full moon at night.

I pulled over to take a picture but it’s really hard to take a photo of the moon, especially with an old iPhone, my only camera theses days. But I tried.

Heading west on Highway 1.

I praise God…for his amazing creation, both sun and moon…and stars, and trees and fields and birds and animals and…

Genesis 1:14-18   “Then God said, “Let lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night. Let them be signs to mark the seasons, days, and years. 15 Let these lights in the sky shine down on the earth.” And that is what happened. 16 God made two great lights—the larger one to govern the day, and the smaller one to govern the night. He also made the stars. 17 God set these lights in the sky to light the earth, 18 to govern the day and night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good.”

8 thoughts on “The Blue Moon”

  1. Just after I crawled under the covers last evening, Randy suggested I view the moon. So I did. I crawled from under the warmth to see the full moon suspended and shining much light upon our winterscape.

    Thanks for sharing this beautiful post as a reminder of God’s glorious creation.

  2. Valerie, the words are beautiful and the photos still evoke an understanding of what you are saying, even with an old iPhone! Nature is definitely a gift from God, there is no doubting that. This was wonderful and it was fun to be a partner as you created this piece.

  3. We set the alarm for 5: AM, awakened and walked the 2 blocks to the Pacific Ocean! As we walked security lights blinked on, to show us the way.
    Standing on the shores of the ocean, with no impediments to interrupt our view, we watched the beautiful changes of the moon. I couldn’t help but marvel at God’s fantastic revelation that exactly 150 years later at 5:30 our time we could observe this amazing phenomenon ! How can anyone
    Believe the Big Bang theory could produce such explicit details a couple
    thousand years later? I choose to trust God for EVERY detail of my life!

    1. Seeing the full moon over the ocean would be a wonderful experience. We both have seen it over Lake Superior.

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