The Love of God

Lake Superior, our Minnesota “ocean”.

The hymn entitled, The Love of God, was new to me as we sang it in church on Sunday. It was written in 1917 by Frederick M. Lehman. I really like the metaphors in the third stanza.

Could we with ink the ocean fill,
and were the skies of parchment made;
were every stalk (tree) on earth a quill,
and everyone a scribe by trade;
to write the love of God above
would drain the ocean dry;
nor could the scroll contain the whole,
though stretched from sky to sky. (Refrain)

O love of God, how rich and pure;
how measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure,
the saints' and angels' song.

Click here for a link to the entire lyrics.

13 thoughts on “The Love of God”

  1. “The lyrics are based on the Jewish poem Haddamut (or Akdamut, אֵקְדָּמוּת מִלִּין), written in Aramaic in 1050 by Meir Ben Isaac Nehorai, a cantor in Worms, Germany; they have been translated into at least 18 languages.”

  2. Thank you Valerie for looking it up and sharing. I don’t remember ever hearing before either.

  3. I know and love that old hymn! But when we got to that verse, my song changed to tears of overwhelming gratitude!

  4. I’m slow in checking my email , but I MUST respond, because this is one of my favorite hymns. I knew all the words to verse 1 and 3 , plus the refrain. Verse 2 I had not heard. Oh, how I wish I had the Baptist Hymn Book of my youth with me so I could sing a few others.
    You may remember I have said, when I fall asleep I will often recite BIBLE verses to myself that begin with every letter of the alphabet. Often I have several for a letter and find it hard to choose which one for that night, or any other time I am waiting.
    An alternative is to sing a favorite hymn or chorus for each
    Letter of the alphabet.
    ” All the Way My Savior Leads Me”
    ” Blessed Assurance Jesus Is Mine”
    “( Oh, ) Come, Come, Come to the Church in the Valley”
    “Do, Lord, Oh Do, Lord, Oh Do Remember Me, ……Way Beyond
    The Blue ”
    “Everybody Ought to Know, Everybody Ought to Know……
    Who Jesus Is ”
    Now, try to make your list of this or BIBLE verses. When I was
    Hospitalized for knee surgery, I brought my list of both songs and verses with me, in case I was sleepless or in pain.
    Kay Costa

    1. I still have a copy of your verses by alpha order. You are amazing to be able to recite the verses.

      It’s fun to know you knew this hymn…it’s a lot older than 1917 apparently. It’s wonderful that it is still sung today.

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