Valentine’s Day Tradition

Projects my granddaughter has been working on for Valentine’s Day.

I have written about our Valentine’s Day dinner tradition before. It began years ago when our boys were young. I wanted to make the day special and start a tradition, hopefully one that would last. I decided to make heart- shape French toast…which over the years morphed into waffles because I found an electric waffle maker that made heart-shape waffles! 

The box calls this a “Heart Waffler”.

I have made this dinner for many Valentine’s Days over the years. Even after the boys left home, I would make it for Gary and me. The tradition has lasted and it continues…

This year we have our grandchildren living with us so I will be getting out the red tablecloth, using fun Valentine’s Day napkins, and making heart-shape waffles for them. I think they will love it – just as my boys did when they were little.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

10 thoughts on “Valentine’s Day Tradition”

    1. Thank you. It’s been a lot of fun to make valentines with the grandkids. There’s something special about getting out paper and craft supplies and creating something.

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