
The snow frosted trees are beautiful.

Winter…snow, wind, cold, freezing rain. We had it all this week. And the week before – the polar vortex with temperatures 20-30 degrees below zero.

Monday morning we woke up to a layer of ice everywhere from the freezing drizzle/snow the night before…I wasn’t sure if I should venture out in it, but I did, and I thought up this poem while driving home from my outing.

Morning Conundrum...
Scheduled appointment,
But icy road conditions.
Should I go or 
Should I stay?
Listen to TV reports,
Shower and dress.
Check again.
Driveway a sheet of ice,
Decide to venture out anyway,
Wet hair and all,
Drive slowly and carefully.
Some events I just don’t want to miss.

Tuesday brought an old-fashioned Minnesota snowstorm…almost 10 inches of snow fell. We arrived at the library to find out story time was cancelled. After that we were advised to stay home.

Wednesday, after plowing out, we took advantage of the fresh snow and went snowshoeing and the grandkids went sledding, and then Thursday brought another round of continuous snow so our weekly class was canceled…

Out for some fresh air.

It’s been years since the weather has determined what I can and cannot do…Winter is fine when you can get out in it, but cabin fever is hard.

Excited smile.

It’s wonderful to see the grandkids having fun in the snow!

11 thoughts on “Winter”

  1. Great pictures. Your grandchildren must be ecstatic to be able to play in this wonderful white stuff they call snow.

    1. Yes, they are enjoying it a lot, even watching the snow fall. They like walking in it, building a snowman, sledding and just romping. It is good.

  2. I have always loved the snow as long as I didn’t have to drive any where !
    My favorite was building snow houses, and then crawling inside the cozy interior. Kay

  3. Oh my gosh, I love the photos! It takes me back to winter outings with our boys and winter outings when I was a kid. It is so wonderful to see them having such fun!

    Also, it was fun for me to be a part of your poetry creation! Thanks for sharing!

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