On the National Weather Service website it states there were 10 tornado tracks in SE Minnesota last week…apparently they use the term track before a tornado touchdown is confirmed. The havoc from these storms is all around us and we continue to hear stories of damage, and miracles of how the fallen trees and debris have not taken any lives. For that we are thankful.

But I did lose something dear…an old, oak tree at Valley Grove. I think this oak tree was beloved by many people.

Although the tree was not in my path daily I became very fond of the huge tree from many visits to the Valley Grove churches and cemetery. The towering, magnificent oak was a stable presence and protection over the cemetery where we plan to be buried someday.

We knew the 100 year old (plus) tree would not last forever but the thought of it being there was comforting. Now it’s gone. Taken down by the storm…in minutes…toppling over tombstones and laid to rest.

We recently took a hike through the prairie lands behind the cemetery and took a few photos of the massive oak tree, held together in some parts by chains. We’ve had picnics at Valley Grove and attend the Christmas Eve service in the historic church every year.

This is a special place, and will continue to be, although it will never be the same. The majestic oak tree will be missed by many.

Wow, so sad. What a well written story of an endearing place.
Thank you. It is sad.
I hope someone will be able to make something beautiful and meaningful with the wood from this old giant…
Yes! That is what I said to Gary…I hope someone makes something from the wood and sells it as a fundraiser for the Valley Grove preservation society.
I was saddened, too, to read of the loss of this historic oak during the storm. It anchored the cemetery corner and was such a beauty.
It was a beautiful tree. I know you were just out at Valley Grove too, and may have pictures of the tree. It’s such a wonderful place.