April Snow

When temperatures were near 70* on Monday we, along with many Minnesota hopefuls, thought winter as over…the grass had hints of green and all the snow had finally melted on the north side of our house, which is the front side, and always the last side to surrender the snow.

The snow melted and the bicycles and tricycles came out.

With the warm temperatures we were happy to be outside. We cut down our prairie grass in the backyard and the grandchildren enjoyed riding their bicycles on the clear sidewalks. 

Later that same day I heard the forecast for blizzard conditions and it was hard to believe…until heavy snow started falling and accumulating quickly on Wednesday afternoon. We tucked ourselves safely in the house while the snow kept falling into the night.

The day before this snowfall our deck was clear of all snow…

Early the next morning I wanted to go outside for a walk and check out the effects of the snowstorm. I asked Zoey, our four-year-old granddaughter, to go with me. Her boots were packed away since we thought there would be no more snow, so I found two plastic bags…

I bundled her up, then put plastic bags over her shoes. I was planning to walk in the street, not play in the snow, so I thought the good old-fashioned trick with the plastic bags could work. And it did. 

Improvised…plastic bags over the shoes instead of boots.

We were walking down the street toward the park when we heard thunder. This must be what they call thundersnow. We could not hear it while we were in the house. Soon the winds picked up and freezing rain began pelting from the sky, stinging our faces. It happened quickly. We turned around and went back home, once again settling ourselves inside for the day. We baked cookies.

Additional photos:

Our front porch swing.
We woke up to our windows covered with snow.
Same window from the outside…snow stuck to the windows and siding.
A bouquet of beautiful white tulips sitting on our kitchen table inside, competing with the white snow and evergreens outside our kitchen windows.

4 thoughts on “April Snow”

  1. Oh, did you bring back memories with those plastic bags on feet. I hadn’t thought about that waterproofing method in a while.

    It sounds like you had a wonderful and adventurous day with Zoey.

    I brought a sprig of lilac branches into the house on Tuesday and the buds are leafing out. I got the idea from a friend at bible study on Monday evening. It’s like a piece of spring inside my home.

    1. It was a beautiful bouquet of tulips. A friend called and said she was going to bring me flowers and gave me a choice of colors and I said white. We really enjoyed them.

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