At the Cabin

I’m delighted to be up on the north shore of Lake Superior. We are in our happy place. I’ve been anxiously waiting for our time to check in, relax and be renewed in this very special place.

My happy place.

The drive up was gorgeous…many golds and yellows leaves along the highway, interspersed with evergreens. The beautiful sunny sky and warm October day added to our pleasure. 

Beauty along the highway.

We made our usual stops along the way: Canal Park in Duluth…

Duluth’s aerial bridge.
The light house at Canal Park.
A ship coming to port in Duluth.

…Gooseberry Falls State Park for a picnic lunch, Black Beach and then Tettegouche State Park for a quick hike before arriving at our beloved rental cabin on the shores of Lake Superior.

Gooseberry Falls.
Black Beach.

Once we unpacked and settled in we were looking through the books at the cabin and one stood out in particular… we laughed that this book was in our cabin. The title? Outwitting Squirrels. This adds to our reading pleasure during this 2020 squirrel capturing season.

The book we found in the cabin…how appropriate for our squirrel adventures this summer.

6 thoughts on “At the Cabin”

  1. I am so chuckling! I would never have thought someone would write a book about outwitting squirrels. Too funny! The North Shore is a soul-healing place, that is for sure. I am certain you had a wonderful, gentle time.

    1. It is a place of soul-healing.
      I can’t believe the beautiful colors we are seeing…that do not include red/orange maples!
      Squirrels, squirrels, squirrels! O my.

  2. Oh, Valerie, I am laughing out loud about that squirrel book in your cabin. Maybe you will pick up a useful tip or ten.

    Your photos of the fall colors and the North are absolutely stunning. And that cabin, oh, my, what a dream. Enjoy every moment, my dear friend, in this peaceful place.

    1. I know, when we saw that book we just laughed…how appropriate for us this year!
      I am so amazed at the gorgeous colors we are seeing here…and the sunny and warm October weather is a bonus!!! So unexpected.

  3. How wonderful Valerie. Every photo of where you are brought a smile to me because they are also our favorites. I know you will enjoy every moment and I’m so happy for you that you can be there❣️

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