California Coast

We walked along the Atlanta Ocean in January, and five weeks later we walked along the Pacific Ocean. We spent some time with our older son and his wife and two children on the California Coast. It was lovely, sunny, and in the 60-70’s. Here are some photos from our time there.

We grabbed a blanket, with coffee in hand, to watch the sunrise every morning.

Sunrise, our first morning.

We walked to the playground with an ocean view to let the grandchildren play.

The playground.

We would see dolphins swimming off shore, and picturesque sailboats sailing by.

A mosaic tile art piece mounted on a cement fence.
A lone sailboat.
A sailboat race.

We went on a sunset cruise and saw sea lions, and another beautiful sunset.

Lil’ Toot: our boat, and captain, for our sunset cruse.
Sea lions.
Sunset, our third evening, from Lil’ Toot.

My granddaughter and I made fresh lemonade from the lemons off a lemon tree.

Fresh lemons!
Beautiful Bird-of-Paradise in bloom.

Gary and I walked along the beach, in my fancy boot (for my injured foot)!

150 concrete steps down to the beach (and back up!)
The beach and rocky shoreline – low tide rising.
The waves.

We sat by the firepit and watched the sun set every night.

Sunset, our first evening.
Lingering light from a sunset.
Sunset, the second evening.
The colors of the sunset reflecting in the east.

We enjoyed our time together, and making memories.

And once again, it was hard to come back to Minnesota’s cold weather, but spring is coming.

10 thoughts on “California Coast”

  1. Oh, Valerie, what a wonderful get away with loved ones in the deep of a Minnesota winter. Your images are beautiful, your stories joy-filled. Thank you for sharing this with us. I thoroughly enjoyed every photo and, especially, the story about you making lemonade with A using fresh lemons.

    1. Thank you Audrey. It was a wonderful getaway and we were happy to be together, making memories.

  2. What beautiful pictures and memories ! I love the picture of the bird of paradise flowers. I remember seeing them often when I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area many years ago. The sunsets are so striking and the unforgettable memories you bring back with you precious.

    1. Yes, the memories are precious.
      I didn’t know you lived in the San Francisco Bay Area at one time.
      I’ll have to hear more about that.

  3. Spectacular pictures! I can see why your son and family head that way in the winter

  4. What fun to see your photos and hear tidbits of your time in California! But, 150 steps down and up to the beach each day with a wounded foot sounds daunting! I’m so happy you were able to be there and do that!

    1. These boots are actually very comfortable. I hope your sister finds them to be comfortable.
      We did have a good time in CA.

  5. Lovely photos, sunsets were so richly colored. Glad you had a nice time with the family and good weather.

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