The Seaside Seabird Sanctuary

While visiting with our friends near Clearwater, FL they thought we would like to visit the Seaside Seabird Sanctuary, and they were right.

We enjoyed seeing the beautiful coastal birds, which included owls, egrets, herons, and several other birds we see back in Minnesota.

We walked alongside this beautiful great egret.
Up close and personal with a great egret.
Bald eagles get around.

Although most of the birds in the sanctuary have been injured somehow, it was great to see them recovering and walking or flying around…some up close and personal. 

A juvenile brown pelican.
A black-crowned night heron.

Many of the birds were in enclosures by themselves, or in large pens with multiple birds. Some were walking the grounds and others were flying freely.

One example of an enclosure for multiple birds.
White pelicans.

Of course, the risk is one may get bombed with a plop of bird poop. One such plop landed on our friend’s cell phone. 

Two sandhill cranes.
The sandhill cranes were in an enclosed pen, but I was able to zoom in for a picture. I’ve only seen them in flight, or in a field before, so it was special to see them so close.

Some of the birds may be perfectly healthy, but they know where to find an easy, free meal. Part of the sanctuary is open to the seashore, along the intercoastal waterway.  

An juvenile ibis.
A double-crested cormorant.

I’m grateful for the people who run this small, but intimate bird sanctuary that is free and open to the public (donations accepted). It’s a way to help the birds, and to introduce the birds to anyone who stops by.

Dipping our toes into the gulf waters.
A serene photo of a sailboat on the beautiful water.

Colors of California

We had a dazzling time observing all the colors during our few days in California.

Dawn’s early light, before sunrise.
Sun rising over the mountains, at the exact minute it was scheduled!
Lemon trees, lime trees, avocado and clementine trees, o my!
Big waves and blue sailboats.
A flock of Birds…of Paradise.
Gary an I on this rocky beach on the Pacific Ocean during low tide.
A lone tree on top of the cliff overlooking the ocean.
A fun hint of blue on our toenails to remind us of the ocean water and blue skies
We went to fly a kite and the wind took hold.
A dramatic Foxtail agave plant.
Lil’ Toot’s captain took us on a harbor cruise.
Twilight, catching a couple of planets.
Pacific ocean sunset.

California Coast

We walked along the Atlanta Ocean in January, and five weeks later we walked along the Pacific Ocean. We spent some time with our older son and his wife and two children on the California Coast. It was lovely, sunny, and in the 60-70’s. Here are some photos from our time there.

We grabbed a blanket, with coffee in hand, to watch the sunrise every morning.

Sunrise, our first morning.

We walked to the playground with an ocean view to let the grandchildren play.

The playground.

We would see dolphins swimming off shore, and picturesque sailboats sailing by.

A mosaic tile art piece mounted on a cement fence.
A lone sailboat.
A sailboat race.

We went on a sunset cruise and saw sea lions, and another beautiful sunset.

Lil’ Toot: our boat, and captain, for our sunset cruse.
Sea lions.
Sunset, our third evening, from Lil’ Toot.

My granddaughter and I made fresh lemonade from the lemons off a lemon tree.

Fresh lemons!
Beautiful Bird-of-Paradise in bloom.

Gary and I walked along the beach, in my fancy boot (for my injured foot)!

150 concrete steps down to the beach (and back up!)
The beach and rocky shoreline – low tide rising.
The waves.

We sat by the firepit and watched the sun set every night.

Sunset, our first evening.
Lingering light from a sunset.
Sunset, the second evening.
The colors of the sunset reflecting in the east.

We enjoyed our time together, and making memories.

And once again, it was hard to come back to Minnesota’s cold weather, but spring is coming.