Easter Traditions

When our boys were growing up we had a tradition of buying them new Easter shirts to wear to church on Easter Sunday….just like girls getting new a Easter dress I suppose. The shirts would often be the same style but a different color or pattern. That tradition continued into high school (although the shirts no longer matched). Often we would take them to get a picture taken with their new shirts.

One year I made Easter baskets for them. A friend and I were taught how to weave baskets and we would get together after the kids were in bed and to make them. That’s when I could stay up past midnight.

An Easter egg hunt in the house was tradition too, but when the boys were very young we had healthy options like raisins, stickers, and such, instead of candy.

I rarely bought a new Easter outfit for myself. When I was a little girl I don’t remember getting a new dress for Easter but it seems like something my mom would have done. This is the type of question I can no longer ask her or dad since they both have passed away. Therefore,  I like recording our own family traditions.


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