Even More Color and Shapes

We went to the Balloon Fiesta on two different days.  The second day we followed the same routine to see the Special Shapes Rodeo, an event featuring special shaped balloons. Again we arrived before dawn to see the Dawn Patrol and watch the balloons ascend. Below are only a few photos from all we took. It was too hard to pick a favorite (well…maybe the Armadillo). They were all amazing.

An Armadillo
Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall…but stayed afloat at the Balloon Fiesta.
The Holstein cow is huge…and you can see the scarecrow on the ground being inflated.
The Scarecrow air-born,  along with penguins…and a bandit and a British “Bobbie” getting ready to ascend.
The lady with the “Tutti-Frutti” hat ascending, a British Guard getting ready for take off and Uncle Sam still on the ground.
I love this fish’s smile…with a Mexican Dancer close by. The other balloon has ocean critters hanging from it.
A plump beaver!
A huge balloon in the shape of a dog. Note the basket size compared to the balloon.
A baby in her carriage.
A Penguin and a Lady Bug.
This Man on Motorcycle balloon is so huge it doesn’t ascend often. When it does it, only goes across the field. It was fun to see it inflated.
Another huge balloon…boy in a wheelchair. I don’t think it goes up very often either.
This boy balloon enjoying the festival with lots of hot-air balloons reflected in his glasses.

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