When you walked into Jacobsen’s department store, it was like stepping back in time. Jacobsen’s was a quaint, family-run, old-fashioned store, complete with wooden floors and an atmosphere not unlike what you see on Little House on the Prairie. Jacobsen’s was located on Division Street in downtown Northfield.

Business seemed to be doing fine when we moved into town in 1994, but struggling a bit to survive in the midst of big retail giants. The store had been in the family over 40 years by then. It was known to have just about anything you’d need, or they would order it for you, and their slogan was “Jacobsen’s – Northfield’s “Store with a heart”. The Jacobsen family ran the store and were customer friendly, living up to its slogan.

Jacobsen’s offered a wide variety of goods. We were surprised to learn they carried tall sizes for men…which is unusual, and convenient, for our family.
I thought of Jacobsen’s recently, as I helped feed the animals on the farm where I help out. There were fresh eggs in the chicken coup. I didn’t have a bag or basket along, so I carefully placed them in the deep pockets of my heavy, hooded sweatshirt. Gary and I bought these matching, navy blue sweatshirts at Jacobsen’s years ago (tall for Gary). The sweatshirts have been good utility work jackets for many years. When I opened the deep pockets of my sweatshirt, to place the eggs, Jacobsen’s popped into my head.

There is another time during the year when Jacobsen’s comes to mind. At Northfield’s first Winter Walk, in 1998, we bought a Santa hat at Jacobsen’s department store. I wore that Santa hat that night, as we strolled along the streets enjoying this fun Christmas festivity in our small town. I have worn that Santa hat to Winter Walk every year I’ve gone since, and every time I think of… Jacobsen’s.

The store closed its doors in 2003, so we really didn’t get to enjoy and shop Jacobsen’s that many years like many of the townie’s did, but it still was a sad day when the doors closed on such a long standing tradition.
What wonderful memories you have of this hometown family-run business that served the Northfield community for so many decades. It’s interesting how something like gathering eggs can prompt a memory. I enjoyed this story a lot.
Thank you Audrey.
Jacobsen’s was a great store to have in town.
I, too, find it interesting at what prompts memories. It can be so random.
I loved those old stores! We had one in Dubuque, where I grew up. It was called Kresge’s. We went there on Saturdays, and had so much fun. It had a soda counter with those old retro stools covered in fake red leather. Sometimes we got a soda, sometimes a malt. The malt days were rare and awesome! The store had everything–books, toys, groceries, knickknacks, jewelry, tools. A bit of everything. It was a part of our week that we all loved and looked forward to. Then, we often went from Kresge’s to Penny’s, which had an escalator and an elevator. It also had a candy counter that entranced us. Once in a great while, Mom got some candy at the candy counter. We were all so happy when that happened.
Shopping is so different now, in these days when we can get almost anything anywhere. But, a part of me longs for those days when a malt was a rare treat and candy had us dancing in the aisles. Memories are always sentimental and charming, and I love to think back to those times. Thanks for reminding me of this, Valerie!
What fun memories you have. Thank you for sharing. The stories are so fun to hear.
This too reminded me of a corner store we would walk to as kids, to buy penny candy. It was very small…but holds big memories. It’s amazing to think they could survive, even back then.
Memory lane can be fun. 😉
I loved Jacobson’s in Northfield. I bought some fun dresses and clothes for my two oldest Grangirls there. It was a delightful place to shop. I remember finding gold crochet thread there as well. Thanks for those memories Valerie!
You’re welcome. Thanks for your memories.
A friend texted me that she bought tap shoes at Jacobsen’s! And…they were in stock!
aww the old days,
Love the photo of you!