Snow, and more snow

Looking out our patio door.

I’d be remiss not to post anything about our recent snowstorm, producing over twelve inches* of heavy, white snow…potentially dangerous to the trees, but so far our trees have survived.

Looking out our front door, across the street

Since we are retired and don’t have to drive in the snow, or work outside in it, or even leave the comfort of our warm home, it’s easier to say it’s beautiful! 

When we planted trees years ago, I envisioned the branches filling this window space.
It was a heavy snow that continues to stay on the branches.

Gary does get out to plow our own driveway and the public sidewalk that goes along the side of our house (sometimes I go out with a shovel to help).

Plowing for the third time.

I asked him if he wants to move to somewhere where it doesn’t snow, and he said only when he’s shoveling! ha

Looking to our backyard.

This snow clings to the branches, and everything, making an incredible winter wonderland for sure…the beauty can’t be denied.

Another view from the patio door.

Earlier in the week we tried “kicksledding” in fresh fallen snow…it was challenging but fun.

A kicksled.

Then we settled into our house and let it snow, and snow some more.


16 thoughts on “Snow, and more snow”

  1. Wow Valerie,
    You have gotten a lot of snow😅
    No snow here in West part of Norway now, but we had a lot of snow a few weeks before christmas and it shore looks nice when you can watch it from inside your warm house😂
    These days it’s Oslo and the south and east part that has a lot of snow.
    Take care and stay warm🥰

    1. Thanks Kari.
      Snow in smaller amounts is a lot nicer, and is easier to go out and play in it.
      Continuous, heavy snow is nicer to look at from inside a warm house! 😉

  2. The snow covered trees are so beautiful and those of us who can stay home and enjoy the beauty from inside our warm homes are so fortunate! Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos Valerie!

    1. Thanks Mary Jane. It’s so nice to hear from you.
      I’m glad you are enjoying the snow from your warm home. 😉

  3. I liked Gary’s response to your question about moving. I feel the same. Thankfully Randy did snow removal before leaving late for work this morning. His commutes have been pretty awful.

    Your images are stunning. I do love looking at the winter wonderland.

    Amber tells me Lakeville got the most snow at 17.7 inches. Yikes. Not nearly that much in Faribault.

    1. I can imagine Randy’s commute is not pleasant, especially on the less traveled roads. I know he drives it slowly and carefully.

      The landscapes are picturesque…and will be even more so when the sun shines.

      And then it will melt. But this much snow will take a long time…

  4. So beautiful but, especially with Jim gone to Thailand, I’m glad to be in Des Moines where we got only about 1/2 inch. It should melt soon with the sun peeking through. Our association takes care of any snow removal of an inch or more so I can usually wait until it melts on its own.

    1. Only a half inch? Wow.
      I’m glad you can wait for it to melt. 😉
      It’s good your association takes care of snow removal for you.

  5. Your photography is fabulous! The beauty of this snowstorm is magnificent, but I feel so bad for all the people who have to drive to their jobs. Hopefully they will all drive cautiously,

  6. Those are fabulous photos of incredible beauty! I love looking out the window at night with the full moon lighting it up with all the shadows from the trees! The sparkle of diamonds amazes me!

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