Snow, and more snow

Looking out our patio door.

I’d be remiss not to post anything about our recent snowstorm, producing over twelve inches* of heavy, white snow…potentially dangerous to the trees, but so far our trees have survived.

Looking out our front door, across the street

Since we are retired and don’t have to drive in the snow, or work outside in it, or even leave the comfort of our warm home, it’s easier to say it’s beautiful! 

When we planted trees years ago, I envisioned the branches filling this window space.
It was a heavy snow that continues to stay on the branches.

Gary does get out to plow our own driveway and the public sidewalk that goes along the side of our house (sometimes I go out with a shovel to help).

Plowing for the third time.

I asked him if he wants to move to somewhere where it doesn’t snow, and he said only when he’s shoveling! ha

Looking to our backyard.

This snow clings to the branches, and everything, making an incredible winter wonderland for sure…the beauty can’t be denied.

Another view from the patio door.

Earlier in the week we tried “kicksledding” in fresh fallen snow…it was challenging but fun.

A kicksled.

Then we settled into our house and let it snow, and snow some more.
