July 2024

The month of July was a very unusual, emotional month for us –  dramatic negatives interspersed with unique positives…

A Negative:
Our 3-month-old granddaughter was hospitalized for seizures and it took several weeks and several attempts with different medications to get them to stop. It was hard to see her so uncomfortable and sad. The seizures have stopped, and we pray they do not come back as she weans off her medications.
A Positive:
My second cousin and his wife from Norway stayed with us for five days and we enjoyed our time together.
A Positive:
Our youngest son and his wife and two children, Zoey & Ezra, came for a three-week visit.
A Negative:
I tested positive for COVID, and needed to curtail some activities. Thankfully I didn’t get very sick, it didn’t linger, and no one else caught it.
The camping cabin.

A stand-out activity with our two grandchildren from North Carolina, was a camping trip. We made plans to go camping with Zoey and Ezra when we knew they would be visiting us in Minnesota. Their parents had planned a getaway by themselves to celebrate special birthdays, so we made reservations for a camping cabin in a state park, about an hour away.

We enjoyed two campfires.

Camping never disappoints to create unforgettable memories. And we created memories. The biggest problem we encountered were the mosquitos, of course, and it also rained a couple of times. But we were able to do all we wanted to. We ate well (and outside)…blueberry pancakes, roasted hot dogs, s’mores, hobo meals… and we sat around the campfire, relaxed and read in the screen porch, had ice cream for lunch…we had fun.

We made hobo meals to cook over the open fire.

One of my favorite activities with Zoey and Ezra was writing and creating a book about our camping experience after we returned home. Zoey took notes as we all sat together and made suggestions as to what to write about our two-night camping trip and all the mishaps…much like The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Vacation. Both Ezra and Zoey got into this activity and we spent several hours on it. And I must say, it turned out well. 

Busy at work, creating our book.

Ezra dictated as Zoey typed it up in a Word document. Then I edited the six chapters, and it “went to press”. We printed copies to present to the parents when they arrived home from their mini-get away. 

The end product.

The book, The Very Crazy Camping Trip, became an instant success!

18 thoughts on “July 2024”

  1. Very cool. You are making wonderful memories that your grandchildren will cherish forever.

  2. I know it’s been a mixed summer for you with joys and challenges. You’ve had a lot of ups and downs. But what doesn’t change is your positive attitude, your faith, your strength and your love of family. Thank you for sharing all of this. I love that you created that book with Zoey and Ezra.

    1. Thank you Audrey. I felt love and support through it all…including yours.

      It was so much fun writing the book with Zoey and Ezra, especially since they really got into it…they thought it was a lot of fun too. And they liked the final product. 😉

  3. Your creative focus never ceases to amaze me. The young ones are fortunate to have such engaged, hands-on grandparents.

    1. Ah, thanks Sue.
      I’m grateful we have the health and energy to “play” with the kiddos.

  4. That’s so neat. I wish to read the book.
    Hope all is well with little granddaughter.

  5. This blog creatively explained the joys and heartaches of life. In the midst, you creatively loved and made significant experiences for your precious family!

  6. So happy to hear that its looking better for Mila🥰 We pray that she will continue to do so🙏🙏
    Seems like you had lots of fun with Zoey and Ezra at the campingtrip and also by making that book😃🥰 I bet they liked it a lot😃 so much fun beeing with grandma and grandpa Bollinger🥰 We also enjoyed our time with you guys❤️❤️

    1. Thanks Kari.
      As you know, it’s fun being grandparents!
      I hope yours enjoyed the toys you brought them from USA.
      We enjoyed our time with you!

  7. So sorry to hear your granddaughter had such a rough start to her life and I’ll pray that good health will be hers very soon. Your camping trip with Zoey and Ezra sounds like such fun – that and the little book they wrote afterwards will be a great memory for them. You two are great grandparents!

    1. Thanks Shirley. Mila is smiling again and on the road to recovery.
      It was a scary time, and we appreciated all prayers.

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