Literary Steps

It caught my attention while driving down Division Street in Northfield. Someone painted the steps leading up to the library. I stopped on the way back from my errand to take a closer look.

This caught my attention while driving past the library.
The upper portion.

I stopped and immediately started photographing the steps while oohing and aahing over the fantastic idea and amazing artwork to a woman with a broom, tidying up the steps. I said I love this new paint exhibit and asked her if she knew who the artist was…she said, “Me!” She was a long-time children’s librarian in Northfield, and has since retired. She loves children’s books, as do I.

A pop-up book by Eric Carle.

Kathy Ness, the artist, applied for a Main Street Artist’s Grant and was awarded monies for “Literary Steps”.

Harold is painted off to the side.

The art teacher from Spring Creek Elementary School (formerly Sibley Elementary) offered to help her and so the two of them painted this beautiful piece of art.

Kathy was putting the actual book near the step representing it. This is one of her favorite children’s books: Stop That Pickle!

She painted replicas of children’s book spines on the 16 steps going up (I counted more) to the Division Street side of the Northfield Public Library. She asked the community for suggestions for the book titles and chose 16 titles from the list.

Dear World: a book of poems.

Many of the books I have read, but I got a few new ideas to check out. One of my children’s favorites, “The Little Engine That Could” did not make the list. 


I love this beautiful artwork on public display in downtown Northfield. It definitely adds to the unique and wonderful place we call home.

Story Time

For me, one positive impact from the pandemic was learning about the communication app Zoom. I’m grateful for the Zoom business to allow me free access to family members across the country, and close to home, during the restrictions of meeting in person. 

Grandma enjoys reading the library books.

One result has been a weekly story time over Zoom with my grandchildren who live in Colorado. At each session we; visit, read books, and then sometimes, they read to me. Lately, our oldest granddaughter is attending in-person kindergarten, so it’s just me and Ezra…and Grandpa joins in occasionally.

Grandpa reads a book.

A favorite memory from when my boys were little was reading to them. And now, I love reading to my grandchildren. I have always enjoyed children’s books, and have several on our bookshelves around the house. One sweet gift a daughter-in-love gave to me, early on in our relationship, was a children’s book. I treasure that thoughtful gift.

Ezra reads/tells a story.

During our weekly story time I lay out books and let the kids choose which ones they want me to read. Zoom has yet to cut us off at the free forty minutes deadline…we typically go for an hour so we get to read several books. I love the children’s books I own, but it is always good to find new ones at the library to add to the mix. 

Read first, then…

I go to the Northfield Library to look for new catchy titles and book covers. At my last visit to the library the children’s librarian, who presents the library’s children’s story time each week (pre-Covid), was there. I asked her for suggestions and she was very helpful. She actually remembered Zoey & Ezra from our weekly visits to her story time when they lived with us. Even now, when the kids come to visit they still want to go to story time at the library. YAY

…show the pictures…

The interaction I had with the children’s librarian that day was extra special. She told me of a book she really liked about “an overnight at grandmas”. The library copy was checked out so she went and retrieved a copy from her story time materials. When I went to the automatic checkout I noticed the book didn’t have a bar code, so I went and asked her about it and she told me this was her own personal copy and “just return it when you’re done.”

And visit with Ezra…

How special is that?

Happy Thanksgiving

A pumpkin tree in Madison, WI.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Psalm 106:1

We celebrated Thanksgiving, with family, early this year.


Unusually warm temperatures.

Beautifully set table.

Dinner delivered at sunset.

Eating by candle, and lantern, light.

Giving thanks.

Reading children’s books.

Continuing traditions.

Enchanted evening.


Story Walk

We entered Forestville State Park into the GPS system in our car and ended up on a dirt road in the middle of two tall cornfields with the system declaring we had “reached our destination!”

Following the red truck down the gravel road.

We pulled over and as we got out our map, a red pick up truck pulled up along side us and stopped. We rolled down our window and he asked, “Are you looking for the state park? “ We said,  “Yes.” He said, “Follow me.” So we did. He stopped a couple miles up the road at his farm and gave us directions from there to the park. He laughed and told us he meets the nicest folks at the end of his driveway… every weekend. They find themselves where we did, in the cornfields looking for the state park. 

The beautiful golden cornfields under an interesting sky.

Along our route that morning we saw colors of autumn. Yellow, red and orange leaves on the trees and stunning golden corn stalks in the fields so we didn’t mind this beautiful detour… and we did find the state park.

Once there we met up with friends. They greeted us with a campfire. We planned to do some hiking. 

Along the Story Walk trail.

The park has set up a wonderful Story Walk along one park trail. I had seen this Story Walk idea in Faribault. I had checked out a few storyboards downtown. The title of the featured book in Faribault was Eric Carle’s, From Head to Toe

My comfy slippers.

(That morning in Faribault has a side story… I left our house and drove 25 minutes south to Faribault to run some errands. When I got out at my first stop I realized I had my slippers on! It was too far to go back home and change shoes so I ran my errands in my slippers!)

I purchased the book.

Back to Forestville State Park. The book featured on the Story Walk was One North Star by Phyllis Root.

Look for “Eight yellow pond lilies float, seven great blue herons…”

Each page of the book was placed behind plastic on a sign staked to the ground, spaced several hundred feet apart on the trail.

Look for “Nine mosquitoes whine, eight small cranberries…”

As you walk along the trail you stop to read another page of the story. This book is a beautifully illustrated, counting book featuring Minnesota animals and flowers. We stopped at each page to read and count. It was fun!

“Who else lives here? You do.”

I enjoyed the book so much I bought a copy at the park office.

I can only imagine how much fun this Story Walk would be for children. It is engaging. We were wishing our grandchildren were along, hiking this Story Walk trail with us.

Reading Time

Some people my age tell their fond memories of reading the afternoon away when they were children. I do not have those memories. However, I do have good childhood memories…we lived in a close neighborhood full of kids. After chores in the morning we’d go outside to play until lunch. After lunch we’d go outside and play until suppertime. After supper we’d go outside and play until dark. At least, that’s the gist of it. But back to reading…

I don’t remember when I first started to like to read but I am grateful for the people and teachers in my life who taught me to read. In elementary school I remember reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (or was it Tom Sawyer?) and also Trixie Belden mysteries.

Now I love to read, and I read daily, and have for most of my adult life.  I continue to enjoy adventure stories, mysteries and biographies. 

I also love children’s books. I loved reading books to my own two sons when they were young and now I enjoy reading to my grandchildren. All three of them like to be read to. (I have been known to read children’s books to adults too.)

When Zoey and Ezra were here for ten days we read multiple books multiple times. How is it they want to read the same story over and over and over again? It’s so fun!

Grandpa likes reading to them too.

It was a blessing to sit on the loveseat, between the two children snuggled in blankets while they were engaged in looking at the pictures as I read the story. I treasure those precious moments, and all moments when I can read books to any of my three grandchildren. I love the warmth and closeness, and bringing adventures and love to them one book at a time.

Children of God Storybook Bible

A couple years ago I bought Children of God Storybook Bible at the annual Hospital Auxiliary book sale in Northfield. The two-piece set included a book that was beautifully illustrated, plus the complete book on two Audio CD’s. I also liked the fact that Jesus was not “white”, a feature I look for in picture book Bibles. 

This set sat on our bookshelf for a year or two. When preparing for our son’s move to Colorado, I went through our bookshelves to pass along some books and rediscovered this set. I looked it over and decided to listen to the CD’s on our drive out West. I would be driving alone in our car, the last vehicle in our three-vehicle caravan. It was a great way to start each day.

The author of this children’s Bible is the Nobel Peace Prize Winner Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa. Desmond Tutu also narrated his book on the CD’s. It was wonderful to hear his voice reading his beloved stories. I felt the love of God through his words, and could only image his simple stories appealing to children all the while bringing the good news about God’s love. And, each story ends with a simple question. I was really impressed.

I left the wonderfully illustrated book in Colorado with our grandchildren, but I brought the CD’s home with me.

A partial quote about the author off the information sheet in the set reads: “Archbishop Desmond Tutu was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 for his lifelong struggle to bring equality, justice, and peace to his native country of South Africa. In 1986, he was elected Archbishop of Cape Town the highest position in the Anglican Church in South Africa…… He is known for his great love for children, as well as his powerful and profound understanding of the message of Jesus Christ…….”

The book was published in 2010.


Arrived at MSP airport.

 Our son and his lovely wife and their two adorable children have arrived safely in Minnesota. They are here for the long term…Andrea left her childhood town in Mozambique, Africa. They are beginning a new chapter in their lives, here in the USA. We have prepared a space for them in our home for their transition period. We are so excited this day has finally come. We are grateful.

I’m in a happy place…reading to the grandchildren.

Frog and Toad and the Circus

I went to the Minneapolis Children’s Theater production of A Year with Frog and Toad last week. It was a delightful rendition of the stories from the Frog and Toad “I can read” book series. We read the books when my guys were young and these sweet stories of Frog and Toad’s friendship and escapades have come alive on the stage. It was very enjoyable.

Another childhood entertainment, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus – The Greatest Show on Earth –  had its very last performance on Sunday May 21, in New York. Although I didn’t attend the circus much (we took the boys once and I remember going as a little girl) it seems the circus was a very big deal…most people refer to the circus at times and we all seem to understand the lingo… so I “tuned in” to watch the last performance live-stream for a while. Observing the acrobats and contortionists, who are truly athletic, doing their amazing stunts, viewing the animal trainer in the arena with fourteen lions and tigers and getting them to obey his commands, tracking the clowns and their antics all did their job to cheer me up. It’s a little sad to know the greatest show on earth has come to an end of an era.


Thanksgiving has come and gone and a new tradition has begun – I hope. My son and his wife came down for the day and we had a delightful time…eating a traditional Thanksgiving meal, going for walk with their dog Charlie, playing a game, giving thanks and…reading children’s books.

The book The Tale of  Three Trees was already laying around in our sunroom after recently reading it to friends who came to visit. I was recalling how special it was to read the book out loud to adult friends and so I asked our small family gathering if I could read it out loud to them.

After I finished, unbeknownst to me, my daughter-in-love pulled out a children’s book she brought along to read to us, The Secret of Giving Thanks…so there we were, listening to each other read children’s stories.

Later in the day, while we were talking about things we were thankful for, quiet times were mentioned…which reminded me of another favorite children’s book, Thank You, God, for Quiet Things. I went straight to the bookshelf, found the book and read the story out loud.

We looked at each other and said a tradition has begun…

We’ll see…that’s the thing about traditions….only time will tell…but we had a fun and memorable time this year.