Continuing my series on memorable hikes...
In 1996 our family camped in Smoky Mountain National Park and went on several hikes, including a six-mile stretch on the Appalachian Trail that passed through the park.

The hike I remember most from this trip was a hike to Laural Falls, and beyond (according to my journal). As the four of us began this six-mile hike we met a couple from the Ranger Program we had attended the night before. They were coming out of the forest as we were heading into it. We stopped to chat and they told us to look for big trees ahead.
As we continued on our hike we were on the lookout for “big trees”. After hiking a while we met another couple and told them what the previous folks had told us. They looked around and said, “we think these are really big trees.” It was then we realized we were right there among the “big trees”…large enough for the guys to hold hands around to circle a tree. We laughed at our “impaired vision”. We were grateful to finally take notice of the big trees surrounding us.

But more than the trees, what made this hike memorable was the Barred Owl. As we turned a bend in the trail we saw a big, beautiful, Barred Owl – perched on a lower branch – in plain sight. It was so large and so pretty and so close. I have never again seen an owl that close. I wish I had a good photo of that owl but I can still picture it in my mind.
How incredible to see an owl that near. Just like bald eagles…until you see them up close, you don’t really realize their enormous size.
That’s true. They both are awesome.