Nerstrand-Big Woods State Park

I’ve always preferred a picnic rather than going out to eat on Mother’s day…I don’t like the crowds. This year Mother’s Day was colder than usual so we ate at home but went to Nerstrand-Big Woods State Park to hike and look at the wildflowers, which I always love to do in the spring.

We were surprised when we arrived mid-afternoon at Nerstrand. The cars were packed in, and overflow parking meant cars were parked outside the park! This is good…I love seeing families getting out to enjoy the outdoors and discover Minnesota’s beautiful state parks.

We walked a familiar trail and did find the spot where the unique-to-the-Nerstrand-area dwarf trout lily blooms, but they were not blooming yet. There were lots of other wild flowers in bloom though: bellworts, Dutchman’s breeches, spring beauty, anemones, trout lilies everywhere and marsh marigold, to name a few I recognized. It was beautiful, and the trees were budding out in spring greens.

Into the woods.

Additional bonuses: I saw my first hummingbird at our feeder on our deck today.

Maybe I should name the mourning dove. I say good morning to her every day.

Our mourning dove continues to sit in her nest on her eggs, and near Pond #2 in our neighborhood are several Canadian Geese and their goslings.

Mama and papa and their goslings.

I do love nature.

10 thoughts on “Nerstrand-Big Woods State Park”

  1. Now I’m wishing we had gone for a walk, too, yesterday after our daughter and her family left. But we had a 90th birthday party to attend and the day got later and later.

    A belated Happy Mother’s Day to you, Valerie!

    1. I’m sure the wild flowers at Nerstrand will be blooming for a week or more…I’d encourage you to go see them.

      And, a belated Happy Mother’s Day to you too.

  2. You take the best pictures of nature for your blog! Sounds like your walk was beautiful. Can’t do much walking yet with this hip, but was outside most of the day on my patio. A bit cold but still wonderful! With flowers and birds, how can you lose?

    1. I’m so glad you are out on your patio with your flowers and the birds. I believe being outside and fresh air helps with the healing process. 😉

  3. I am so glad to be receiving your blogs. Your photos are beautiful and I enjoy reading the words you share with us. Thank you!

  4. You really captured the beauty of Nerstrand Woods! It was one of my favorite spots to hike when I lived in Nfld.
    Love your blogs Valerie – you really paint a picture to entice us to go traveling!

    1. I went to Nerstrand again today to check on the Dwarf Trout Lily but it hasn’t bloomed.
      Glad you are enjoying the blog.

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