Ninety and Beyond

We went to visit a special friend of the family…she is like a dear aunt…and she celebrated her 99thbirthday on December 26th. We went to offer her congratulations and wish her many happy birthday blessings for the year ahead.

Florence (99) and me. I purposely wore the Norwegian sweater that Florence and my aunt brought back for me from their 1984 trip to Norway.

Florence has a caretaker that comes to help her in the mornings but otherwise she lives on her own in a beautiful house she and my aunt (best friends for 70 years) bought together in 1968. I’ve written about their house before…it’s like stepping back in time…the house has the original gold, wool carpet…gold, heavy draperies…most of the olive green appliances(!)… and a worn linoleum floor in the kitchen. They bought the house by assuming the mortgage…it was only 2 years old when they moved in fifty years ago. 

Florence talks about her various jobs she had, with wages that ranged from 33 cents an hour to her favorite job as a bookkeeper for 20 years, starting at $1.00 an hour. We wanted to ask her how she could survive financially after all these years and no pension but we didn’t. We just listened to her wonderful stories. We always enjoy our visits with her, and we always wonder how much longer she will be with us. She told us that her grandmother lived to be over 100 years old. We hope Florence will too.

Uncle Bob.

Another family member in his 90’s is my Uncle Bob. Last month, during the Christmas season we spent time with my uncle, my dad’s brother. He is 92 years old and in good health and is still driving. We also enjoy visiting with him. I asked him his favorite Christmas memory and he told us this story:

As a child his parents (my grandparents) had very little money, and no money for Christmas presents. One Christmas, Bob’s brothers, Herb (my father) and Earl, who were several years older than Bob, found a beat-up old tricycle in the trash with a missing wheel. They repaired the trike, painted it and gave it to Bob. It was a very special gift – one that Bob has always remembered.

I love hearing stories of my father since he died so young (age 55 in 1974).

Gary and me, Uncle Bob and Aunt Joyce.

I relish and appreciate visiting with these two special people, Florence and Uncle Bob. Along with Bob’s wife, Auntie Joyce, they are the only people in the world who have known me all my life – since I was born. That is significant.

8 thoughts on “Ninety and Beyond”

  1. Valerie, this post is making me really emotional, for various reasons. I love how you appreciate these family members by taking the time to visit them and to hear their stories. What a blessing you are to them. That you wore your Norwegian sweater shows the depth of your love and care.

    Your statement that they are the only people who have known you your entire life is truly profound.

    1. Thank you Audrey.
      It is sometimes mind boggling to think I’m the “older” generation.

  2. I get tears in my eyes Valerie when I see these photos of Florence and Bob &Joyce.❤️ We did’nt know that Florence was that old and still living at their home, it’s amazing🤣
    We have been visiting there a couple of times and one of those times was at christmas (when we lived in USA) and I remember they had a white christmastree with lots of ornaments and we had green gelly with carrots in it together with dinner🤣🤣😍 it tasted very good👍 Good memories❤️ Please greet Florence so much from us the next time you talk to her😘

    1. Those are fun memories Kari. Yes, Aggie had her flocked Christmas tree and made Grandma Elizabeth’s (Torkel’s wife) jello “salad.”
      I will greet Florence for you next time we see her.
      Both she and Bob and Joyce are very excited about our trip to Norway!

      1. Do you have the rescepie for that jello salad Valerie? Would be fun to make it🤣
        Heine is wondering if Florence still have her car? Back in year 2000, when we visited together with Heines mom Gunhild, Heine and Florence were talking about Heine coming back to America and buy her car🤣

        1. Kari – I will send the recipe to your email.
          And yes, Florence sold her car…we think to her niece’s son (not that long ago.)
          Heine missed out!

  3. What a wonderful story Valerie! We have a woman in my church who will be 99 this year and is in pretty good health and looks much spryer than her age! I marvel at these strong, older women. Though I believe their longevity is somewhat related to good genes, a lot of it appear to be a positive attitude, exercise, and daily connection with family and friends.

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