Valley Grove in Winter

After several days of snow and clouds, the sun broke through and the bright, blue sky revealed itself and changed our already awesome winter scenes into breathtaking sights. 

One of my new favorite photos of the Valley Grove churches in winter.

We grabbed our snowshoes and drove out to Valley Grove to tromp around the beautiful landscape. We enjoy Valley Grove in every season. We especially like to hike and picnic there in the summer and fall. I also enjoy seeing these two charming, and picturesque historic churches. This is the peaceful place where Gary and I have bought a cemetery plot.

Blue sky, white snow.

The temperature this winter day was mild because the winds were calm. The landscape was pristine and untouched, except for one short path to a gravestone. I imagined that somebody may have lost their loved one close to this time of year to make the special effort to visit. The footprints in the snow sunk at least 20-24 inches, so it must have been a very difficult walk. Our snowshoes sunk about 6-8 inches, which is expected, and makes walking much easier.

A gnarly, oak tree in front – the prairie beyond.

We enjoyed snowshoeing the perimeter of the cemetery, making fresh tracks wherever we went. We made an effort not to disturb the smooth, undisturbed snow in the center of the churches and cemetery.

We didn’t make tracks in the cemetery.
Gary took this photo from the prairie.

We continued to snowshoe on the prairie a bit too, to marvel at the vastness of white snow covering the ground, and every stubble of grass. 

Every twig and blade of prairie grass was ladened with snow.

We missed the beloved Christmas eve service at the historic Valley Grove church this year because it was canceled due to subzero temperatures. But it’s warmed up, and it was fun to visit Valley Grove on this beautiful day in January.

This photo was taken in Nerstrand, on the way to Boots & Lu’s.

We stopped for a bowl of soup and a cup of hot chocolate at Boots & Lu’s, a coffee shop in Nerstrand, before heading home.

Snow, and more snow

Looking out our patio door.

I’d be remiss not to post anything about our recent snowstorm, producing over twelve inches* of heavy, white snow…potentially dangerous to the trees, but so far our trees have survived.

Looking out our front door, across the street

Since we are retired and don’t have to drive in the snow, or work outside in it, or even leave the comfort of our warm home, it’s easier to say it’s beautiful! 

When we planted trees years ago, I envisioned the branches filling this window space.
It was a heavy snow that continues to stay on the branches.

Gary does get out to plow our own driveway and the public sidewalk that goes along the side of our house (sometimes I go out with a shovel to help).

Plowing for the third time.

I asked him if he wants to move to somewhere where it doesn’t snow, and he said only when he’s shoveling! ha

Looking to our backyard.

This snow clings to the branches, and everything, making an incredible winter wonderland for sure…the beauty can’t be denied.

Another view from the patio door.

Earlier in the week we tried “kicksledding” in fresh fallen snow…it was challenging but fun.

A kicksled.

Then we settled into our house and let it snow, and snow some more.


Jacobsen’s Department Store

When you walked into Jacobsen’s department store, it was like stepping back in time. Jacobsen’s was a quaint, family-run, old-fashioned store, complete with wooden floors and an atmosphere not unlike what you see on Little House on the Prairie. Jacobsen’s was located on Division Street in downtown Northfield. 

A bag I saved from Jacobsen’s.

Business seemed to be doing fine when we moved into town in 1994, but struggling a bit to survive in the midst of big retail giants. The store had been in the family over 40 years by then. It was known to have just about anything you’d need, or they would order it for you, and their slogan was “Jacobsen’s – Northfield’s “Store with a heart”. The Jacobsen family ran the store and were customer friendly, living up to its slogan. 

Jacobsen’s slogan printed on their bags.

Jacobsen’s offered a wide variety of goods. We were surprised to learn they carried tall sizes for men…which is unusual, and convenient, for our family. 

I thought of Jacobsen’s recently, as I helped feed the animals on the farm where I help out.  There were fresh eggs in the chicken coup. I didn’t have a bag or basket along, so I carefully placed them in the deep pockets of my heavy, hooded sweatshirt.  Gary and I bought these matching, navy blue sweatshirts at Jacobsen’s years ago (tall for Gary). The sweatshirts have been good utility work jackets for many years. When I opened the deep pockets of my sweatshirt, to place the eggs, Jacobsen’s popped into my head.

A few of the fresh eggs I collected from the chicken coup.

There is another time during the year when Jacobsen’s comes to mind. At Northfield’s first Winter Walk, in 1998, we bought a Santa hat at Jacobsen’s department store. I wore that Santa hat that night, as we strolled along the streets enjoying this fun Christmas festivity in our small town. I have worn that Santa hat to Winter Walk every year I’ve gone since, and every time I think of… Jacobsen’s.

Northfield Winter Walk 2021…my Santa hat.

The store closed its doors in 2003, so we really didn’t get to enjoy and shop Jacobsen’s that many years like many of the townie’s did, but it still was a sad day when the doors closed on such a long standing tradition.

Happy New Year

A sun dog filled the sky one morning last week. A fun sight to see, especially in its fullness which I didn’t capture on camera.
Twenty Twenty-Two:
One more trip around the sun -
Ponder lessons learned.

Cheers to the new year!
Welcome Twenty Twenty-Three.
Adventures await!

I like this quote:

Tomorrow {Today} is the first blank page of a 365-page-book. Write a good one.                                                                                           
                                                                                                 Brad Paisley

Merry Christmas

The children’s Christmas pageant at our church, includes shepherd and angels and cows etc.
Our wonderful children – telling and singing the Christmas story.
Luke 2: 8-12
And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.  This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

The full set design…the stable and a living room se,t complete with fireplace, for a grandmother and grandchild to reflect on the Christmas story. A new member of our church created this elaborate set.

Merry Christmas.

Bell Ringers

What do you do when it’s one of the coldest days of the year? Ring the bell for Salvation Army.

Our slotted time was scheduled long before we knew the freezing temperatures were moving into our area…-6 below with wind chills of -30’s. 

Fortunately, the red bucket and stand were moved into the cart corral entry way at Family Fare foods where we stood, ringing bells. We were bundled up in boots and hats and mittens, warm jackets and scarfs, long johns and toe warmers, protected from the wind, but still cold!

A familiar sign for Starbucks coffee.

Starbucks, located right inside the store, offered complimentary hot coffee or cocoa for the bell ringers. That was a nice jesture.

People were going in and out of the store constantly. I thought maybe the cold would keep people home but that was definitely not the case. Last-minute Christmas shoppers were out buying those last-minute dinner items.

We enjoyed our two-hour shift. It was fun to be out with others on this day before Christmas Eve. People were friendly, engaging and generous.

Before the Cold Sets In…

Last week the snow started falling…sometimes it felt like we were living in a snow globe. It was, and still is, beautiful outside.

Out our front door…at dawn’s early light.
Looking out our patio door, early morning.

It has continued to snow off and on, and the “frosting” has stayed on the trees, and everything else for that matter. Wherever you look, it is stunning. A true winter wonderland!

Breathtaking beauty.

We went on a cross-country ski outing at Riverbend Nature Center in Faribault before the freezing temperatures moved in. It was breathtaking…and hard to ski because I wanted to capture it on camera.

Other skiers enjoying the fresh fallen snow.

Recently, while in North Carolina, I read the chapter book “The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, to my grandchildren.

Winter wonderland…

In the book, the white witch keeps winter in Narnia all year long. The white snow-covered wonderland is gorgeous, but I wouldn’t want to live in it forever.

Into the woods…

Now the freezing temperatures are moving in.

Snow laden branches.

“And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled down for a long winter’s nap…”

Fresh ski tracks….

It’s time to settle into the cozy house by the warm fire. I’m so grateful we can do that, knowing full well that’s not the case for everyone.

Leaves hanging on trees, some individually covered in snow!
This scene in Riverbend reminded me of the cotton fields we saw in South Carolina last month.

It’s Official

“It’s official” are the words used in a text sent to us yesterday, from our son. His wife, Andrea (our other daughter-in-love), is from Mozambique.  They moved to the United States in 2018 with their two children.

After completing all that was required of her, yesterday she took the final step…the oath…in a government building in North Carolina, to become a citizen of the United States. 

“It’s official!”

Congratulations Andrea!

She now has dual citizenship with Mozambique, can get a US passport, and has all the privileges of being a citizen of the United States. Their two lovely children also have dual citizenship, by birth.

We are proud of her.

Winter Walks

Northfield’s Winter Walk took on an interesting twist for me this year. The children’s book author Kate DiCamillo was at our local bookstore, Content, for a book signing. I invited my daughter-in-love to come join me for Winter Walk, to meet and greet this author, who I knew was a favorite of hers.

Kate DiCamillo signing books at Content Bookstore.

First, my daughter-in-love and I went out for a nice dinner at a local restaurant, Reunion, and then we got in line for the book signing at Content. We were assigned a wait list number, which worked well and we didn’t have to wait long. It was a brief encounter, but sweet.

Enjoying our greeting time with Kate DiCamillo.

Understandably, Kate DiCamillo was masked which doesn’t make for lovely photos, but she was very gracious, and a joy to meet. (It was interesting to learn from Wikipedia that this beloved and award-winning children’s author received 473 rejection letters before her first book was published!)

Beautiful horses pulled a wagon, giving rides throughout the night. Photo taken 2021.

After shopping a bit in the children’s section of Content, we meandered along the closed-off main street lined with luminaries; going in and out of the stores, checking out the model trains at the library, waiting in line for a quick horse-drawn wagon ride, and hearing different groups playing or singing Christmas music.

Donning our Santa hats.

The weather was mild, and the lights and crowds made it festive.

I love this tree that is lit up during the Christmas season, welcoming everyone to Northfield. It sits on top of the old Malt-O-Meal hot cereal plant, near downtown. Photo taken 2021.

Also, last week I took another walk along Central Park in Faribault. It was lined with creative and artsy Christmas trees.

The Christmas trees are decorated by local businesses, then donated to families who might not be able to afford a Christmas tree and decorations this year. For more about this event visit MN Prairie Roots…click here.

The Christmas trees are put on display in Central Park for a few days before they are given away. It’s a fun idea, and a benefit to others.

I especially enjoyed seeing the different tree toppers.  

It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas.

An Annual Get Away

It was a quick turnaround for me. We arrived home from an almost four-week trip to North Carolina, and two days later I was driving to Madison, Wisconsin to meet up with a friend for our annual get away.

Frances and I.

We have been meeting once or twice a year since 1989. Earlier this year we had planned to meet on two different occasions, but each time we had to cancel, so we squeezed in a trip during the busy holiday season. We did not want to break our record and miss a year. 

Colorful dogwood shoots with a pagoda in the background at Olbrich Gardens.

My friend and I met many years ago during a church greeting time. Soon after, she gave birth to her first born and I offered to bring her lunch. Not knowing the protocol for bringing new mom’s lunch or dinner at that time, I simply brought her a tuna fish sandwich in a brown paper bag. 

BUT… God multiplied that simple lunch into a nourishing friendship that has spanned almost 40 years and is still going strong. 

Grasses and kale.
Beautiful blue/green myrtle spurge.

Madison is a good half way point for us, and is our default destination when we don’t have a lot of time. Our criteria for choosing destinations is the area has to have gardens, water (lake, river, ocean) and antique/thrift stores.

A huge cottonwood tree standing tall and proud without its leaves.
A carefully placed birch stump that looks like an owl.

Although it was a cold and windy December day, we enjoyed walking around Olbrich Botanical Garden in Madison. We have been there many times. Although no plants were blooming, the textures and contrasts of the different fall/winter plants were vibrant.

Lake Monona is across the street. The lake was full of white caps. 

Fruitful berries for the birds.
Buds ready for next spring.

We discovered two great restaurants for dinner each night. We’d recommend both. Dotty Dumpling’s Dowry has been in business for 47 years making delicious hamburgers, and it did not disappoint. 

Neon sign for Dotty’s.
This restaurant offered delicious hamburgers. We understand why it was voted as having favorite burgers. They were juicy and tasty.

The Old Stamm House, in an old stone house, had the best Brussel sprouts I’ve ever tasted.

I don’t normally take pictures of food, but these Brussel sprouts were scrumptious!

The lobster ravioli was great, and to top it off we had a Crème Brulée (we split everything, therefore we could enjoy an appetizer and dessert).

Old Stamm House building from 1847…it is not the original site of the restaurant.
I love the looks of stone houses.
Inside the Old Stamm House.

Our shopping times were fruitful in finding a few inexpensive little treasures here and there, which provides us with much entertainment just from the hunt! 

Back home now, I will settle in and start getting ready for the Christmas season.