A Good Laugh


Gary and Uncle Bob

Part of our Christmas celebrations this year was the traditional gathering at my cousin’s house, with my only  living uncle, who turned 90 this past year and his wife, some cousins and other family members. This is a tradition from my side of the family and we always enjoy our time together when we are around and able to participate. The gathering starts in the afternoon so people can leave in time to attend Christmas Eve services. The following day we spent with our son and his wife and their beautiful eight month-old daughter.

Christmas Eve service at Valley Grove Church, complete with snow coming down.

Gary and I like to attend a candlelight service at a country church in Nerstrand, Minnesota. Valley Grove Church is a historic church built in 1894. The church is inactive except for special events. Every year they open the doors for a late Christmas Eve service. Attenders hear good music, sing Christmas carols, hear the gospel message and  at the end of the service sing Silent Night as each person holds a lit candle and the lights dim. It’s delightful and nostalgic time. This year there was an perfectly shaped, especially large Christmas tree up front.

A beautiful Christmas tree filling the front of the church.
The windows rattled in the wind.

Sometimes we see people we know. This year as we were leaving the service I told my husband to go ahead to warm up the car while I took a few photos on this cold Christmas Eve. Soon I headed for the car and when I got in and looked over to the driver’s side there was a strange guy sitting in the driver’s seat. It took a few minutes to register that I had gotten into the wrong car! Fortunately I knew the stranger (he was a friend’s husband) and we started to laugh…it was funny. I got out of his car and went two parking spaces down to my own car which is the same make, model and year of my friend’s car. I got in and there was my husband…wondering what was going on.

Soon I got a text from my friend, the wife of the “stranger”, telling me she was “laughing so hard right now!” after being told what had happened.

It was quite comical. Laughter is good medicine.

Banners and Candles.


Memorable Hikes – Lisbon, Portugal 2016

Continuing my series on memorable hikes…

Lisbon, Portugal December 2016

This is one of my favorite photos of me and my granddaughter taken in Portugal, at Christmastime a year ago. And although we didn’t go on any official hikes the two weeks we were there, we did do a lot of walking around Lisbon and I consider this one of my memorable hikes  – on Christmas Day 2016.



When I learned out about a Crèche Exhibition from Audrey Helbling’s Minnesota Prairie Roots blog I knew I wanted to go see it this Christmas season. The exhibit features several of Kathleen Putrah’s Crèches she has collected from around the world. The exhibit is in the Carlander Family Gallery at the Paradise Theater in Faribault, Minnesota.

Porcelain, through glass…tough to get a good photo.
One of my favorites…this included many African wild animals coming to the stable.

Each crèche was distinctive. They were made from all kinds of materials: wood,  porcelain, glass, there were icons and paintings and a quilt. There was a large Christmas tree in the corner and it was loaded with all manner of manger scene ornaments.

A Christmas tree in the corner was full of manger scene decorations.

The display in the Gallery was fun to look at however the crèches were not identified as to where they came from. That would have added a lot of interest to the collection. I always like to hear the stories. Apparently the display is a partial collection from the many crèches Kathleen has in her home. She started collecting in 1974.

A sweet picture of Joseph with Mary kissing her baby.

I have my own mini-crèche collection. I never intended to collect them. I have six and I display them every Christmas.

It started with a gift from my mother. She purchased a manger scene, carved from olive wood, when she was on a trip to Israel many years ago. It is special and beautiful.

My own clay interpretation of Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus that I made when I was a child.

I wish I remembered what year I made this clay sculpture of the nativity scene.
My sons brought this for me from their travels in South America.

I inherited the embroidered picture of the manger scene from my mom.

My mother framed this card she received from her grandson who brought it from Africa.


In 2014 our family spent Christmas in Africa and I brought this home with me.
In 2016 our family spent Christmas in Portugal and I bought this home with me.

The créche exhibition at the Paradise Theater closes Friday, December 22.

A Children’s Christmas Program

Children’s Program Bulletin for 12/17/17

Our church’s children’s program was performed last Sunday: O Come, Let Us Adore Him. One of my favorite Sundays in the church year is the day the children put on a Christmas program. I love to see the children all dressed up, some in shepherd’s clothing, some with angel wings, all cute. It’s fun to hear them sing, read their lines and perform solos, all the while other kids are fidgeting and waving to the their mom or dad, and adjusting their halos. It’s pure and innocent. I know I’m not alone in finding joy watching the children tell the story of Jesus and his birth each year at Christmastime.

The children of Emmaus Church in the Christmas Program, December 2017

After the program the kids all received a treat bag with candy and popcorn balls. It brought back memories of receiving my own treat bag at the church I grew up in after participating in our Christmas Pageant. Our bags were filled with ribbon candy, and an orange, and some walnuts in the shell, if I remember correctly.

The beauty of this pageant tradition is they are telling the same wonderful story every year but we are seeing it with fresh eyes by watching our children act and sing it out once again.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

Christmas Tea

The meditation below came through on my email a couple of weeks ago. It pairs well with a Christmas cup of tea. (used with permission).

You must be completely awake in the present to enjoy the tea.
Only in the awareness of the present, can your hands feel the pleasant warmth of the cup.
Only in the present, can you savor the aroma, taste the sweetness, appreciate the delicacy.
If you are ruminating about the past, or worrying about the future, you will completely miss the experience of enjoying the cup of tea.
You will look down at the cup, and the tea will be gone.
Life is like that.
If you are not fully present, you will look around and it will be gone.
You will have missed the feel, the aroma, the delicacy and beauty of life.
It will seem to be speeding past you. The past is finished.
Learn from it and let it go.
The future is not even here yet. Plan for it, but do not waste your time worrying about it.
Worrying is worthless.
When you stop ruminating about what has already happened, when you stop worrying about what might never happen, then you will be in the present moment.
Then you will begin to experience joy in life. 

Thich Nhat Hanh


Memorable Hikes – Norway 2007

Continuing my series on memorable hikes…

Incredible Beauty all around us.

Norway ~ Your Way was the name of the tour group we went with to Norway in 2007. An American partnered with a native Norwegian naturalist as a guide and he has organized one hiking trip through Norway every year for over twenty years. Ours was a group of about thirty. We traveled by bus for segments of the trip but mostly by our own legs, hiking from mountain lodge to mountain lodge. The good news was when we were not riding the bus it was carrying our luggage.

Hiking lodge to lodge.

Norway is unbelievably beautiful, and indescribable. Ask anyone who has been there. We often wondered why my grandfather, at the age of 17, left this beautiful country to come to America. I know it was for economic reasons but it must have been hard. Thankfully we have contact with many relatives still living in Norway and we have built relationships with them. I love my Norwegian heritage, and my Norwegian relatives!

The hills are alive in Norway.

Because of the astounding beauty all around it’s hard to single out one memorable hike from this trip.

Our first hike was a six mile day hike near Geilo, northwest of Olso, to get our hiking legs in place. On the second day we started our lodge-to-lodge journey. We saw reindeer and mountain sheep while hiking and came upon pools from streams of melted snow and I took off my hiking boots to put my feet in the water. It was cold, but it felt good on the feet.

Sharing the trails.

Every day, after a wonderful European (in this case – Norwegian) breakfast, we would make our lunches from the breakfast buffet and fill our water bottles. We also filled our coffee thermos’ for a morning coffee break, finding a place to sit on the trail and soak in the breathtaking views. We hiked between six to ten miles a day.

Stopping for a coffee break.

Sometimes it was difficult due to steep climbs, rocky paths and some snowy patches. We crossed many streams and one very challenging waterfall where we had to help each other across.

Beautiful waterfalls to cross.

The scenery was spectacular with dozens of waterfalls, lush vegetation, and lots of wildflowers. This area we hiked lodge-to-lodge is known as the Grand Canyon of Norway. After our treks to the lodges we took several day hikes:  we took a train up a mountain and hiked back down, another day the bus dropped us off so we could hike a back-country road to a small village on the sea. It was so picturesque and I remember stopping to smell a lot of roses!

A hiker’s hut.

We had a “free” day so we went on our own, without the group, and hiked a couple hours up a steep, defined trail and discovered a small mountain hut…a hiker’s cabin we learned…a one-room hut with a sod roof with a small Norwegian flag displayed outside, a pot belly stove inside with a small bed and table. There were emergency supplies if a hiker was in need of them. It was such a fun discovery. We signed a journal on the table inside and filled our water bottles in the clear mountain stream outside the hut.

A Fjord near the village of Mundal. I had this picture enlarged and framed and it is hanging in my kitchen.

The overall trip included so much more than hiking… we took a boat ride through a fjord, we shopped in Bergen, toured a Stav Church, and learned about Norwegian culture.

An added bonus for us…we extended our stay and spent time with my Norwegian relatives and had many more exciting adventures!




Winter Walk

The first Thursday evening in December the city of Northfield blocks off Division Street (our main street) to traffic and puts out luminaries, brings in horses and sleighs for rides, has carolers singing, hosts Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus and the stores offer yummy treats and cider. It’s very festive and very popular – even with folks from the cities who come down to enjoy the special event. This year was Northfield’s 19th Winter Walk.

It was a bit cold this year which seemed to keep the crowds to a manageable size (for me anyways) and there was a touch of snow on the ground which added some extra Christmas spirit.

Outside the Antiques of Northfield store.

Each year we enjoy walking around and make a few regular stops to certain places we like, including the Downtown Bicycles shop where I put my name in a drawing.

Downtown Bicycles

The library always hosts the Model Train Club and hobbyists set up their old model trains for a fun exhibit.

Quality Bakery

Stores along Division Street decorate their storefront windows with holiday displays so its fun to window shop too.

Rare Pair

I wear a Santa hat to the winter walk every year. At the first Winter Walk, in 1999, I bought my Santa hat from Jacobsen’s Department Store and I have worn it to the Winter Walk every year since. Jacobsen’s Department was an “old-fashioned” department store with wonderful, old wooden floors, distinctive but pleasant smells emanating from years being in the same place, and unbelievable inventory. We were sorry to see it close in 2007.

My Santa hat from Jacobsen’s Department Store.

I was notified the day after the Winter Walk that I had won the drawing at the bike shop. When I went to claim my prize I was hoping I won the water bottle instead of the t-shirt, but my to my delight both the water bottle and a t-shirt were included in the prize so I was given both. That made me smile.

My generous prize!

Memorable Hikes – Smoky Mountain National Park, Kentucky 1996

Continuing my series on memorable hikes...

In 1996 our family camped in Smoky Mountain National Park and went on several hikes, including a six-mile stretch on the Appalachian Trail that passed through the park.

Picture of a photo from my album.

The hike I remember most from this trip was a hike to Laural Falls, and beyond (according to my journal). As the four of us began this six-mile hike we met a couple from the Ranger Program we had attended the night before. They were coming out of the forest as we were heading into it. We stopped to chat and they told us to look for big trees ahead.

As we continued on our hike we were on the lookout for “big trees”. After hiking a while we met another couple and told them what the previous folks had told us. They looked around and said, “we think these are really big trees.” It was then we realized we were right there among the “big trees”…large enough for the guys to hold hands around to circle a tree. We laughed at our “impaired vision”. We were grateful to finally take notice of the big trees surrounding us.

Picture of a photo from my album. Great Smokey Mountains.

But more than the trees, what made this hike memorable was the Barred Owl. As we turned a bend in the trail we saw a big, beautiful, Barred Owl – perched on a lower branch – in plain sight. It was so large and so pretty and so close. I have never again seen an owl that close. I wish I had a good photo of that owl but I can still picture it in my mind.


Cannon Valley Trail: East

A new section of the Cannon Valley Bike trail opened last week. We walked the new section over the weekend when it was sunny and warm outside. The trail is a great addition to the existing trail and it connects with another section to make a 5.8 mile loop between Dundas and Northfield.

A glimpse of the new link of the Cannon Valley Trail.

We were pleased at a job well done: to see the curves in the trail between the trees, hay laying on top of the grass seed lining the trail, a new picnic shelter, and nice views of the Cannon River.

A new, large picnic shelter along the trail.

When we woke up to 55*F temperature one morning this week in December (the next day it dropped to 15*F) we decided to get our bikes out, once again, and go for a bike ride on this newly paved, smooth trail.

A bike ride in December.

This will be a easy trail to access next summer without getting in the car, which will provide more opportunity for impromptu bike rides, like this warm day in December.