Ploughing In Style

The other day as we drove by Memorial Park in Northfield we noticed the city snowploughs sitting in the swimming pool’s parking lot. And then we noticed the blades were painted with vibrant colors and wonderful pictures. 

We stopped to look at the interesting paint jobs. Later, I returned to take photos and to read the signs posted next to each machine, but they did not tell me what I wanted to know. 

But what I assume is this was an art project done by the students at St. Dominic’s School…in different grade levels. It seems a student created their own work of art by re-creating another artist’s painting. Then the student, or group of students, painted their rendition on the snowplough blades.

The ploughs were on display for a short while at Memorial Park. The signs next to each plough showed a photo of the original painting and told about the original artist. The student’s grade level were on the blades, but no recognition for the student artist(s).

It must have been a fun, new and creative way to paint.

I’m glad I was able to take pictures to show off the beautiful machines that will be clearing our streets in Northfield this winter.

16 thoughts on “Ploughing In Style”

  1. Some amazing talent for their ages! What an ingenious idea and hopefully as we dread the snowfall amounts at times, these pictures may bring a smile to people’s faces! Great writing/photos as usual Valerie!

  2. What fun! The blades are beautifully painted. Too bad they will very soon be put to work. We got our first snowfall last night in DSM, a record for Iowa. More to come in the next day or so. Beautiful but so cold. Not ready for winter!

    1. There was almost 3 inches of snow…but no snow ploughs. 😉
      Most of it has melted, except in shaded areas.
      It was a surprise. Hopefully you won’t get any snow this coming weekend.

  3. Only in Minnesota can Old Man Winter be celebrated so wondrously! Thanks for sharing the spirit.

      1. Maybe people will be so amused they won’t be mad when the plows knock over their mailboxes!!

  4. I love it! Who thinks up these things? How clever! I am glad you saw these and shared them!

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