Snapshots from the North Shore

Here are some photos from our time up on the north shore of Lake Superior. Some stories (and more photos) will follow later, but for now I want to share some pictures of the various sunrises and some of the spectacular colors we enjoyed while up north. The beauty is indescribable.

The sunrise on the first day.
The sunrise on the second day.
Some colorful foliage along the shore.
From the top of Oberg Mountain overlooking the lake with yellows from the birch/aspens in contrast with the evergreen trees.
A lone tree in it’s glory against the fall blue sky.
Another view of the yellow and dark green combination.
The awesome Lake Superior.
Beauty along the roads close to the lake. There are maple trees inland but their colorful leaves had been blown off the trees.
Except there was an occasional maple tree in full color near the lake.
Sunrise on the third day; the sun clouded over but soon broke through.
Tamarack trees, also know as larch trees; they are deciduous trees with needles that turn yellow in autumn and fall off.
Tall red pines, mistakenly called Norway pines by the immigrants from Norway because they resembled trees back in Norway.
Dramatic morning light as it get closer to sunrise.
Finally, the sun pops up…and it melted the clouds away that morning, making way for another clear and beautiful day on the north shore.

10 thoughts on “Snapshots from the North Shore”

  1. My favorite photo by far: Dramatic morning light. You need to print and frame this one to hang in your home, Valerie.

    Thank you for sharing these beautiful North Shore images. One of these autumns, we need to head north. I’ve never seen the North Shore in autumn.

    1. I hope you can get up to the north shore some autumn…it’s always beautiful though…any season. I love it so! 😉

  2. Looks amazing🤣 you guys realy like it up there🥰 and I sure can understand that👍
    How many days did you stay for?

    1. Uncle Bob told me Grandma Elizabeth – Torkel’s wife – loved the north shore and it reminded her of Norway. Maybe that’s why I love it so. 😉
      But…it is not Norway. You have such beauty on the sea there.

  3. I agree with Audrey. That dramatic morning light photo is amazing. It is such a beautiful place, especially when documented by someone who has such a deep and abiding love for it. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you Sheri.
      I may have to get the Morning Light framed…a few people have mentioned that. 😉

    1. Thanks Frances, and I, too, love the Sky colors.
      And guess what…we saw Mars in the evening skies!

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