St. Olaf’s Collegiate Chorale

I have posted a link to the St. Olaf  Chapel service today. It was phenomenal.     One of the favorite parts of my job is to be able to attend chapel everyday…in fact it is encouraged. Today the Collegiate Chorale sang. It is a non-auditioned women’s chorus with female students from all four class years, and faculty/staff/emeriti women, conducted by Dr. Anton Armstrong.

The song “Peace, Hope & Love” was written earlier this year by a student from the class of 2019. The lyrics were a balm after these few days of turmoil on campus. What perfect timing. The song is towards the middle of the service.

Listen if you can…click here.


2 thoughts on “St. Olaf’s Collegiate Chorale”

  1. Thank you for sharing the link to that powerful, prayerful piece. It is a message we all need to hear and uphold.

    What a blessing to attend chapel services each day. This reminds me of my two years at Bethany Lutheran College and the daily worship services I attended there. So uplifting to me personally and in my faith.

    1. It is a blessing and I am grateful. I’m glad you had the experience at Bethany Lutheran.

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