Sweet Music

As we hear the horrible news of the continuing Russian invasion of Ukraine, my thoughts go out to the people I met there on three separate trips in 2004, 2005, and 2008. The main purpose of the trips were to facilitate small groups of young students in an English Language Camp. Our days were busy and tiring, but fun. We also had free time to explore the area, and socialize with adults, after the camp day ended in the afternoon. 

The set up for a lovely meal together in
Cherkasy, Ukraine.

One of my fondest memories is a gathering at one of the leader’s home. There were many Ukranians present to be with our team of eight Americans. We shared a picnic-style meal together, outdoors. As the sun was setting and we were sitting around visiting, one of the Ukrainians got out his guitar and we started to sing hymns. We were singing and harmonizing the same lyrics in two different languages. I remember tearing up and thinking what a beautiful sound we were making, blending our voices together and creating sweet music. It was an emotional experience, which today elicits a peaceful and serene memory of my time with the many wonderful folks I met in the Ukraine; a beautiful and peaceful people.

My heart breaks when I think of all the destruction of lives that is ongoing. I pray for an end to the violence in Ukraine and that peace can be restored.

A Cute Pink Elephant

My grandson Ezra, 2018

When my grandson came upstairs the other day he was carrying a pink elephant he found in our bassinet filled with stuffed animals. It made me smile. This pink stuffed elephant always makes me smile. It holds very fond memories of a special young man who lived in Cherkasy, Ukraine. His name was Sasha.

I went on three mission trips to the city of Cherkasy, Ukraine and I met Sasha on the first one in 2004 (and again in 2005). I, and four others, went with a couple that had been taking mission trips to the Ukraine since 1991– sometimes as medical missionaries (he is a doctor, she is a nurse). On this trip, in 2004, they were organizing an English Language Camp, using Bible stories for curriculum.

The English Language Camp was well attended with middle and high school age students. The kids were eager to learn English from a native speaker. We spent the week in large group activities: learning songs, hearing testimonies and playing games, while spending time in small groups on English lessons. There were seven leaders, and we each had our own small group of students, and our own interpreter. Sasha was in my small group.

At the end of the week we had a celebration before traveling back to America. It was a festive event, but emotional too. We had all grown attached to our students, and to our host families (we had been placed in homes of church families and grew attached to them also).

Sasha and me, 2004

Prior to the celebration we had packed our suitcases because we were going to leave early the next morning.  At the end of the evening, when it was time to say good bye, Sasha came up to me and handed me this cute pink stuffed elephant as a going away present. It was such a sweet gesture. He was a precious young man, and we had made a special connection.

Since my suitcases were packed and there was no more room in my bags, I somehow tied the pink elephant to my carry-on…I really wanted to bring it home with me. So there it was, a cute pink elephant hanging from my bag as I walked through airports, and rode on airplanes, all the way home.

This cute pink elephant found its way into my home, and now it has found a way into my grandson’s arms and I am happy.