The Seaside Seabird Sanctuary

While visiting with our friends near Clearwater, FL they thought we would like to visit the Seaside Seabird Sanctuary, and they were right.

We enjoyed seeing the beautiful coastal birds, which included owls, egrets, herons, and several other birds we see back in Minnesota.

We walked alongside this beautiful great egret.
Up close and personal with a great egret.
Bald eagles get around.

Although most of the birds in the sanctuary have been injured somehow, it was great to see them recovering and walking or flying around…some up close and personal. 

A juvenile brown pelican.
A black-crowned night heron.

Many of the birds were in enclosures by themselves, or in large pens with multiple birds. Some were walking the grounds and others were flying freely.

One example of an enclosure for multiple birds.
White pelicans.

Of course, the risk is one may get bombed with a plop of bird poop. One such plop landed on our friend’s cell phone. 

Two sandhill cranes.
The sandhill cranes were in an enclosed pen, but I was able to zoom in for a picture. I’ve only seen them in flight, or in a field before, so it was special to see them so close.

Some of the birds may be perfectly healthy, but they know where to find an easy, free meal. Part of the sanctuary is open to the seashore, along the intercoastal waterway.  

An juvenile ibis.
A double-crested cormorant.

I’m grateful for the people who run this small, but intimate bird sanctuary that is free and open to the public (donations accepted). It’s a way to help the birds, and to introduce the birds to anyone who stops by.

Dipping our toes into the gulf waters.
A serene photo of a sailboat on the beautiful water.


On a walk around the ponds in our neighborhood yesterday, I was treated to seeing several different types of waterfowl: ducks, Canadian geese, an egret and a great blue heron.

A great blue heron.

I stopped to watch the heron stealthily approach the egret. Canadian geese and ducks were swimming in the pond. It was a delight to stand and watch the birds, and take pictures of them.

The heron approaches the egret, with an image of a bird flying over the pond.

It reminded me of a time, years ago, while traveling with our sons, we had to wait a while for a train. There was a pond nearby. I told them nature can be very entertaining, and we went to sit near the pond to watch the birds and ducks.

The heron chases the egret away.

It was entertaining then, and it is today.

The heron, the egret and Canadian geese all together for the photo shoot. ha!

These birds did indeed entertain me, and bless me, this day.