
When I learned out about a Crèche Exhibition from Audrey Helbling’s Minnesota Prairie Roots blog I knew I wanted to go see it this Christmas season. The exhibit features several of Kathleen Putrah’s Crèches she has collected from around the world. The exhibit is in the Carlander Family Gallery at the Paradise Theater in Faribault, Minnesota.

Porcelain, through glass…tough to get a good photo.
One of my favorites…this included many African wild animals coming to the stable.

Each crèche was distinctive. They were made from all kinds of materials: wood,  porcelain, glass, there were icons and paintings and a quilt. There was a large Christmas tree in the corner and it was loaded with all manner of manger scene ornaments.

A Christmas tree in the corner was full of manger scene decorations.

The display in the Gallery was fun to look at however the crèches were not identified as to where they came from. That would have added a lot of interest to the collection. I always like to hear the stories. Apparently the display is a partial collection from the many crèches Kathleen has in her home. She started collecting in 1974.

A sweet picture of Joseph with Mary kissing her baby.

I have my own mini-crèche collection. I never intended to collect them. I have six and I display them every Christmas.

It started with a gift from my mother. She purchased a manger scene, carved from olive wood, when she was on a trip to Israel many years ago. It is special and beautiful.

My own clay interpretation of Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus that I made when I was a child.

I wish I remembered what year I made this clay sculpture of the nativity scene.
My sons brought this for me from their travels in South America.

I inherited the embroidered picture of the manger scene from my mom.

My mother framed this card she received from her grandson who brought it from Africa.


In 2014 our family spent Christmas in Africa and I brought this home with me.
In 2016 our family spent Christmas in Portugal and I bought this home with me.

The créche exhibition at the Paradise Theater closes Friday, December 22.