One of the sure signs of spring is opening the door and hearing the beautiful chorus of birds singing. It is truly an wonderful sound. And these days I’m excited to see cardinals back in our yard. Over the winter the birds that normally dined at our feeders had to go elsewhere to find food.

We use safflowers seeds in the bird feeder that hangs on a pole near trees in our yard. We spend a little more money to buy nutritious, white seeds for our feeder because squirrels do not like them, so the squirrels do not disturb the various birds that come to the feeder. This plan worked for many, many years.
But, for some reason, several squirrels relocated to our yard this year and built large nests in our trees near the feeder. I’m not sure why, but this year the squirrels acquired a taste for the safflower seeds and they were attacking our birdfeeder and scaring the birds away and devouring all the safflower seeds. So much so that I stopped filling the feeder. It was hard for me to stop filling the feeder, but the seed is fairly expensive and I didn’t want to use it to feed the squirrels.
We have another feeder that is suctioned to our sunroom window and we fill it with black sunflower seeds. The squirrels cannot not get to that feeder but it fell down during the frigid, freezing temperature spell this winter so we tucked it away in the garage.

With no seeds in the pole feeder and no seeds in the window feeder this winter, few birds came to our yard and we missed them.
I have now re-attached the window feeder and filled it with black sunflower seeds. We put a small amount of safflower seeds in the pole feeder. So far the squirrels have stayed away…hopefully they are retrieving all the nuts they buried last fall and will leave the birds and our bird feeder alone.

I’m thrilled to see all the birds, especially the cardinals, back in our yard. I’m glad they remembered we offer food here at this location and they returned to give us another try.