Memorable Hikes – Glacier National Park in 2013

 Continuing my series on memorable hikes…

Gary and I took another trip to Glacier National Park, this one in August 2013. I wrote the following piece upon our return. It’s a little different from my usual hiking stories. I added information about the memorable hikes at the end.

Horses heading up the mountain.

Giddy up and up and up….clip-clop goes the steady sound of our horses hoofs climbing 3300’ in 6.7 miles to Sperry Chalet. It promises to be another gorgeous day in Glacier National Park. This is our fourth day in the park. This morning we’ve packed our saddlebags and said our prayers for our two nights stay on the mountain.

The horses are sure footed and they know the trail well – going back and forth to the chalet many times a week. We form a line of ten horses and rider’s. My horse, Wyatt, sometimes gets a little too close to Bobbie, the much bigger horse in front of him, so occasionally Bobbie gives Wyatt a kick with his back foot. Although Wyatt deserves it, it can be a little terrifying for the rider on it’s back! That would be me. Gary is on Chester, who behaves nicely.

The scenery is great, the pace is steady and we finally make it up to the hitching rail at the chalet after 3 ½ hours without a rest stop. We have help getting off our horses and we stagger a little to get our hiking legs back but we’re not sore and we are so delighted to be at our destination.

It’s awesome! The smells are divine…mostly pine. The sun is shining on us and the air is fresh. We find our way to the outhouses first, the nicest outhouses we’ve been in, but still outhouses. Next we find the dining room and the welcoming college-age students are ready to take our lunch order that includes fresh, just out-of- the-oven, peach pie.

The beautiful Sperry Chalet.

In 1913 the Sperry Chalet was built by the railroad (JJ Hill affiliation) to attract visitors to the park. The railroad used Italian stonemasons to build the foundation and outside walls, made from the rubble stone at hand. It opened for business in 1914. There are four small buildings: the dining hall, the chalet (hotel with 24 rooms) the old laundry building and the new (10+ years old) outhouses. There is no electricity up here and just two sinks by the outhouses for guests to use for washing up and brushing teeth. No showers. No hot water. Just bedding (1914 era), food, fresh air and mountain goats!

We find our room, take off our backpacks and head outdoors to explore God’s beautiful creation. The chalet overlooks MacDonald Lodge, to the west and down 6.7 miles. I try imaging women in long dresses riding here on horseback and hiking around camp and up to Sperry Glacier, named after Dr. Lyman Sperry, a professor of geology and zoology at Carleton College in Northfield. He was the first to reach the glacier in 1896. Tomorrow we will hike, with a naturalist, to see what’s left of the Sperry Glacier. The hike is 4.3 miles up 1500’, to the glacier, crossing over five ice fields and five rock fields (and of course, 4.3 miles back down). It’s a little farther than it used to be since the Glacier is melting.

After a relaxing afternoon sitting on the rocks taking in all the beauty we head back to the dining hall for dinner. Much to our surprise we have a full meal deal: turkey, stuffing, potatoes, gravy, cranberries, homemade bread, pumpkin dessert. It tastes so good. The staff assigned our seats so we meet fellow companions on this adventurous journey. We sit around visiting then get our packs ready for tomorrow, and go back to the dining hall for a night cap of delicious cinnamon hot chocolate.

As we crawl into bed we are careful to put our pants, jackets and shoes near by so when we get up in the middle of the night to go to the outhouse we can easily find our clothes. They say there are no secrets at the chalet since the walls are so thin. We wake up around 3 a.m. and quietly turn on our headlamps, get dressed and head down the stairs and out the door to a star-studded evening sky! We see a falling star and stand in awe. A mountain goat greets us and watches us walk to the outhouse. We are grateful for this interruption of our sleep to experience this stunning sight on a mountain!

Glacier National Park

***This is the end of my story from the first day of our trip to Sperry Chalet***

The following day we hiked with a naturalist up to Sperry Glacier. It took several hours. The scenery was amazing and the naturalist knowledgeable. I identified a lot of wildflowers, we saw many mountain goats, and we crossed ice fields and rock fields to finally arrive at the glacier. Then we turned around and made the trek back down to the lodge. It was an exhilarating day and we were tired (a total of 8.6 miles)

Hiking back to the chalet.

That evening, after another delicious meal, we packed our backpacks. We were hiking 6.7 miles down the mountain the next day, to our parked car at McDonald Lodge. It took us three hours to hike out. Etiquette is that hikers step off the trail on the down side to let horses pass, which we had to do.

The hike down the mountain was a grand way to bring closure our spectacular time at Sperry Chalet.

A sad note: Sperry Chalet caught on fire in 2017 and was severely damaged. There are hopes to have it rebuilt at some point…but it was such a unique and beautiful historic building…it will not be the same.

Memorable Hikes – Glacier National Park, Montana 1989

Continuing my series on memorable hikes…

Our boys were ages 7 and 5 at the time we took two weeks and drove to and from Glacier National Park in our mini-van, and camped for six nights in the park. Our guys were troopers – we took several hikes during our stay and overall we all hiked a total of 23 miles. We made the boys certificates at the end of the week (I can still picture us around the picnic table creating them) certifying their accomplishment and they were pleased.

A favorite picture of my two boys, 1989.

The most memorable part of the hikes was the boys carrying the hiking sticks we bought them early on. The wooden sticks had the name Glacier National Park burned into them and they had a leather loop handle with bells on them. The bells served a purpose. The bells made noise to scare off grizzly bears – to let the bears know we were on the trail. The park is home to many Grizzly bears – in this beautiful place they tolerate humans – sometimes. The first day we arrived we overheard the ranger telling of a grizzly bear mauling some hikers on a back-country trail as they neared the mama’s cubs. One needs to take the bears seriously! Fortunately we did not run into any grizzly bears on the trails.

The miles we accumulated that week were from hiking to or around Hidden Lake, Avalanche Lake, St. Mary’s Lake, Twin Falls via Trick falls and a boat ride, Ptagrin Falls, Swift Current Lake, and Grinnell Lake

Glacier is a beautiful place. It’s one of my favorite national parks and I have wonderful memories of it.

Memorable Hikes – Smoky Mountain National Park, Kentucky 1996

Continuing my series on memorable hikes...

In 1996 our family camped in Smoky Mountain National Park and went on several hikes, including a six-mile stretch on the Appalachian Trail that passed through the park.

Picture of a photo from my album.

The hike I remember most from this trip was a hike to Laural Falls, and beyond (according to my journal). As the four of us began this six-mile hike we met a couple from the Ranger Program we had attended the night before. They were coming out of the forest as we were heading into it. We stopped to chat and they told us to look for big trees ahead.

As we continued on our hike we were on the lookout for “big trees”. After hiking a while we met another couple and told them what the previous folks had told us. They looked around and said, “we think these are really big trees.” It was then we realized we were right there among the “big trees”…large enough for the guys to hold hands around to circle a tree. We laughed at our “impaired vision”. We were grateful to finally take notice of the big trees surrounding us.

Picture of a photo from my album. Great Smokey Mountains.

But more than the trees, what made this hike memorable was the Barred Owl. As we turned a bend in the trail we saw a big, beautiful, Barred Owl – perched on a lower branch – in plain sight. It was so large and so pretty and so close. I have never again seen an owl that close. I wish I had a good photo of that owl but I can still picture it in my mind.


Memorable Hikes – Zion National Park, Utah 1992

Continuing my series on memorable hikes…

One of the most unusual trails we have hiked is in Zion National Park where we camped with our two sons in July, 1992.

The Narrows, 1992

The Narrows is the name of the canyon, and trail, between two cliffs (1,000 feet tall) with the Virgin river running through it. Most times the water level is low enough to take a hike…however, there are signs posted warning hikers of the potential danger of flash floods so you need to be sure to check the forecast before you begin your hike…you do not want to be hiking in the river when there is danger of more water rushing in.

There was a flash flood last summer that caught some hikers by surprise. Fortunately people joined arms and made it out of the Narrows safely.

Click here  to read a news article.

My guys in The Narrows – Zion National Park, 1992

The day we hiked the Narrows, in 1992, the skies were sunny and we had great weather. We hiked in about a mile up the Virgin River and then turned around. It was a great adventure and thankfully we didn’t have any problems.

It was definitely a unique and unforgettable experience.

Memorable Hike – Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming 1999

Continuing my series on memorable hikes…

Our family took many road trips across country when the boys were younger, mostly to national parks, and we hiked a lot.

A picture – of a photo – of my three guys in the Tetons (from our 1999 photo album).

One memorable hike was in Grand Teton National Park. What made this hike memorable were the butterflies. I find it interesting that I mentioned seeing beautiful butterflies on our hike in Brazil, but on this hike in the Tetons the butterflies were my companions.

One morning we started hiking together along a park trail and after hiking 4.5 miles we came to a fork in the road. For the first time ever, while hiking with my family, I decided to turn around and hike back alone while my three guys continued walking to a mountain lake. This was the first and only time I remember turning around while hiking and I don’t remember why. I do remember feeling safe, knowing it was an established park trail, and that I had enough water.

What made this hike memorable were the butterflies. While I walked alone along the path they fluttered along the side of me all the way back. I couldn’t believe it…they were my escorts, my guardian angels. I remembered it as one butterfly but my journal reminded me there were several butterflies.

My journal also reminded me that the guys continued another 2.7 miles to the mountain lake, Lake Solitude. It was there they turned around and hiked back to the ferry landing. My husband hopped on the ferry, but our two sons decided to continue hiking all the way back to the trailhead for an additional 2.5 miles which made their total 17 miles for that day.

I often think about this story and my butterfly companions. It makes me smile.

Psalm 121: 1-2

I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

Glacier National Park

Glacier National Park

A colleague asked me about our vacations to Glacier National Park because she is planning a trip there this summer. I happily looked through our photos and read  through our vacation journals. Glacier National Park left a lasting impression on me and although we have been there only twice it is my favorite national park. It is so majestic and amazingly beautiful. I remember driving away from it after our first visit and felt like I was leaving a part of myself behind.

Our first visit to the park was in 1989. We drove to the park from Minnesota with our two boys and tent camped in the park for a week. Our young sons, ages 7 and 5 at the time, were troopers…they hiked over 20 miles with us on the beautiful trails.

In 2013 my husband and I went back to Glacier and the highlight from that trip was our experience going up to Sperry Chalet, on horseback, then walking back down the mountain two days later. Here’s what I wrote in our vacation journal.


Giddy up and up and up….Clip-clop goes the steady sound of our horses hoofs climbing 3300’ in 6.7 miles to Sperry Chalet. It promises to be another gorgeous day in Glacier National Park. This is our fourth day in the park. This morning we’ve packed our saddlebags and said our prayers for our two nights stay on the mountain.

The horses are sure footed and they know the trail well – going back and forth up the mountain to the chalet many times a week. We form a line of ten horses with rider’s. My horse, Wyatt, sometimes gets a little too close to Bobbie, the much bigger horse in front of him, so occasionally Bobbie gives Wyatt a kick with his back foot. Although Wyatt deserves it, it can be a little terrifying for the rider on it’s back! That would be me. Gary is on Chester, who behaves nicely.

The scenery is great, the pace is steady and we finally make it up to the hitching rail at the chalet after three and a half hours without a rest stop. We have help getting off our horses and stagger a little to get our hiking legs back, but we’re not sore and we are delighted to be at our destination.

It’s awesome! The smells are divine…mostly pine. The sun is shining on us and the air is fresh. We find our way to the outhouses first, the nicest outhouses we’ve been in, but still outhouses. Next we find the dining room and there are welcoming college-age students ready to take our lunch order which includes fresh, just out-of- the-oven, peach pie.

The beautiful chalet.

The chalet was built in 1913 by the railroad (JJ Hill affiliation) to attract visitors to Glacier National Park. The railroad used Italian stonemasons to build the foundation and outside walls, made from the rubble stone at hand. It opened for business in 1914. There are four small buildings: the dining hall, the chalet (building w/ 24 rooms) the old laundry building and the new (10+ years old) outhouses. There is no electricity up here and just two sinks by the outhouses for guests to use for washing up and brushing teeth. No showers. No hot water. Just bedding (1914 era), food, fresh air and mountain goats!

We find our room and take off our backpacks and head outdoors to explore God’s beautiful creation. The chalet overlooks MacDonald Lodge, to the west and down 6.7 miles. I try imaging women in long dresses riding here on horseback, hiking around the grounds, and up to Sperry Glacier, named after Dr. Lyman Sperry, a professor of geology and zoology at Carleton College -in Northfield, our hometown! He was the first to reach the glacier in 1896. Tomorrow we will hike, with a naturalist, to see what’s left of the Sperry Glacier. The hike is 4+ miles up 1500’, to the glacier, crossing over five ice fields and five rock fields (and of course, 4+ miles back down). It’s a little farther to the glacier than it used to be since the glacier is melting.


After a relaxing afternoon sitting on the rocks taking in all the beauty we head back to the dining hall for dinner. Much to our surprise we have a full meal deal: turkey, stuffing, potatoes, gravy, cranberries, homemade bread, pumpkin dessert. It tastes so good. The staff assigned our seats so we would meet fellow companions on this adventurous journey. We sit around visiting, then get our packs ready for our hike tomorrow, and enjoy a nightcap of delicious cinnamon hot chocolate.

As we crawl into bed we are careful to layout our pants, jackets and shoes so when we get up in the middle of the night we can easily find our clothes. We wake up around 3 a.m. and quietly turn on our headlamps, get dressed and head down the stairs and out the door to a star-studded evening sky! We see a falling star and we stand in awe. We are greeted by a mountain goat that watches us walk to the outhouse. We are grateful for this interruption of our sleep to experience this stunning sight on a mountain!

Glory to God in the Highest!