Leaves, leaves and more leaves…

We have enjoyed unusual November temperatures – in the 70’s – these past few days and they have been stunning. It has been great for working in the yard – raking up the leaves that were covered under eight inches of snow that fell in mid-October.  

One pile of leaves in the back yard.

We live on a corner lot, downwind it seems. Along with our own leaves, a lot of our neighbor’s leaves are blown into our yard, and stop there. Most of the snow has melted so it was time to rake them up. It’s a big job.

We used these black buckets as scoops to load the pick-up truck.

We took six loads to the compost site in Northfield. Four times we filled the pickup bed to the max.

Filled to the brim.

We also filled 30 big black bags and two garbage cans full of leaves. That took another two trips to the landfill.

I decided to shovel two small, leftover snow piles to get to the leaves underneath! A comic twist.
Last fall (2019) our grandchildren were visiting and enjoyed jumping in piles of leaves.

But I’m grateful…for the beautiful weather to be working outside, for our health to be able do the work, for trees to enjoy, and a good night’s sleep!

Our leafless lawn, for now.