
Thanksgiving has come and gone and a new tradition has begun – I hope. My son and his wife came down for the day and we had a delightful time…eating a traditional Thanksgiving meal, going for walk with their dog Charlie, playing a game, giving thanks and…reading children’s books.

The book The Tale of  Three Trees was already laying around in our sunroom after recently reading it to friends who came to visit. I was recalling how special it was to read the book out loud to adult friends and so I asked our small family gathering if I could read it out loud to them.

After I finished, unbeknownst to me, my daughter-in-love pulled out a children’s book she brought along to read to us, The Secret of Giving Thanks…so there we were, listening to each other read children’s stories.

Later in the day, while we were talking about things we were thankful for, quiet times were mentioned…which reminded me of another favorite children’s book, Thank You, God, for Quiet Things. I went straight to the bookshelf, found the book and read the story out loud.

We looked at each other and said a tradition has begun…

We’ll see…that’s the thing about traditions….only time will tell…but we had a fun and memorable time this year.