The Butterfly Cake

Children’s excitement is fun to experience. Our oldest granddaughter turned five in October. Since we missed her birthday party in Colorado, we decided to have a party when she and her brother came to stay with us for a few days in November. Her Minnesota cousin, aunt and uncle would help celebrate too. She was so excited.

I planned a butterfly theme since Zoey and I went to a butterfly garden last summer. I found butterfly plates, napkins and hanging decorations. I found pink butterfly wings, with a bit of glitter, for Zoey to wear. I borrowed a vintage cookbook with cake patterns from a friend, and found directions to bake and shape a butterfly cake.

Although the butterfly cake ended up with a broken, but mended, wing you couldn’t tell after it was frosted. 

The grandkids had fun helping me enhance the cake with sugar, sprinkles and candy. I think a good time was had by all.

14 thoughts on “The Butterfly Cake”

    1. Thank you Audrey.
      If I need to make another animal cake I will consult your book.
      Pinterest is fine, but it’s much more fun using a vintage cook book!

  1. Valerie, what a lovely party you gave your granddaughter! So thoughtfully planned, to mean something personal for Zoey. You have connected lovely memories for her, and I am sure she will never forget her butterfly cake!

  2. That type cakes are so much fun, or maybe I should say were. I had all boys so ones I made were rocket ships, sailboats, airplanes, footballs etc. Just recently my 45 year old son posted a picture of one of them on Facebook and wrote about how much the time and effort I put into those cakes meant to him. You are definitely making memories.b

    1. What a fun story about your 45 year old son posting a picture on Facebook of a birthday cake you made for him when he was young.
      That is precious, and encouraging!

  3. What a creative way to show Zoe that she is oh-so-special. Love the cake. Also the top photo is really neat. It has great balance, light, and colors. And what a cute smile!

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