The Hokey Pokey

A photo of me and my grandkids in NC, taken on a recent visit.

As I’ve mentioned, one of the highlights of my week is zooming with our grandchildren in North Carolina. These visits will come to an end soon, because school will be starting.

I love visiting with them and reading stories to them. At the end of our time this week, I asked Alexa to turn the volume up and play “The Hokey Pokey”. And we all danced to the music. I was waving my hands in the air, abandoned and totally consumed by this amazing time together, although distant it felt close.

I am grateful.

6 thoughts on “The Hokey Pokey”

  1. What a loving grandmother you are! Aren’t grandchildren such a blessing and great that you are able to connect with them once a week!

  2. Oh, Valerie, what lovely visits you have with your grandkids! Keep on hoke-pokeuing, girl!

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