An Extended Fall

We’re back on our son’s front porch in North Carolina. The temperatures are mild, and it’s wonderful drinking our morning coffee out here. Yesterday, a long, gentle rain fell, but we could still sit on the porch and watch the rain fall, and it was lovely.

The woods next door offers a beautiful view of fall colors. We get to experience an extended fall season.

This morning’s show included an occasional leaf gently floating down and many active birds…the ones I could identify were finches, eastern blue birds and a woodpecker. The cardinal is the state bird of North Carolina, and I’ve seen many already, just not this morning.

All is well.

10 thoughts on “An Extended Fall”

  1. What beautiful autumn 🍂 pictures! Wish we could extend it for another few months! Enjoy your family!

  2. Looks so lovely, Valerie. And I love the TAZE acronym! Enjoy your family, Valerie!

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