Benefits of Biking

This morning, after we walked the kids to their school bus stop, Gary and I went for a bike ride. We are able to use our son and his wife’s bikes. We were enjoying our ride around the neighborhood, then stopped to take a picture.  

An older gentleman, who was walking his dog, stopped to chat with us. He had moved to the area, from New York, several years ago. We enjoyed our nice visit with him as he was sharing some of his wisdom! When we departed, he said a blessing over us. What a great way to start our day.

10 thoughts on “Benefits of Biking”

  1. Glad you and Gary made a new friend. It’s so fun to connect with folks while on an adventure. Sound like your North Carolina stay is unfolding nicely. Enjoy…

    1. It is fun to connect with locals.
      Thanks Sue.
      I know you had a busy November planned…hope all is well.

  2. What a beautiful blessing to receive from a new acquaintance! Enjoy your family time with your son and his family!

  3. Sounds like you are having a wonderful time! It looks beautiful there! And it sounds like your day started with love and kindness. How wonderful is that!

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