Lake Superior Waves

The photo of a man’s head popping up, in what looked like Lake Superior, caught my attention. It was on the front page of the Variety section of the StarTribune, Sunday April 14, 2019. I recognized the north shore… I love the north shore, and Lake Superior and am always interested in reading stories about it.

StarTribune Variety Section, Sunday, April 14, 2019

The article told about Christian Dalbec, a photographer, who puts on a wet suit, swims out into Lake Superior and catches the waves…on camera! What a clever idea and a unique niche. He not only takes pictures of the waves but of sunrises and sunsets and shipwrecks and all kinds of scenes while in the waters of Lake Superior.

He’s a recovering alcoholic who became interested in photography, which aided his recovery. He came up with the idea of getting into the lake to take unique photographs. The article said this kind of photography is uncommon since the lake is cold and dangerous.

The four photos printed in the StarTribune.

There were four of his photographs of waves in the newspaper article and a link to his website which I’ve included here.

I was impressed by this unique way of taking photographs of Lake Superior.

Mia: Art in Bloom

During the wet snowstorm last week I braved the elements and went to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts (Mia) for their Art in Bloom exhibit.

This was my first time to see this annual event of floral artistry. I think it works like this: a floral artist submits an idea using flowers and greenery that depicts different pieces of artwork…either sculpture, ceramics or paintings.

When awarded, the artist starts creating their floral masterpiece which is then set next to the artwork. A plaque conveys the artists name and how many times they have participated in this event. 

I was excited to see this exhibit, and it was worth the snowy drive. It was the touch of spring I needed after this rather long winter.

It was the creativity of passionate artists using flowers.

It was the charm of being at the art institute.

It was the warmth being inside and occasionally walking past the vast windows of the Mia looking outside to see large snowflakes falling. 

Snow fell outside while we enjoyed a touch of spring inside.
I’ve always be intrigued by the moon…I love how the moon is depicted in this floral arrangement.

It was a fabulous event. I enjoyed every minute.

April Snow

When temperatures were near 70* on Monday we, along with many Minnesota hopefuls, thought winter as over…the grass had hints of green and all the snow had finally melted on the north side of our house, which is the front side, and always the last side to surrender the snow.

The snow melted and the bicycles and tricycles came out.

With the warm temperatures we were happy to be outside. We cut down our prairie grass in the backyard and the grandchildren enjoyed riding their bicycles on the clear sidewalks. 

Later that same day I heard the forecast for blizzard conditions and it was hard to believe…until heavy snow started falling and accumulating quickly on Wednesday afternoon. We tucked ourselves safely in the house while the snow kept falling into the night.

The day before this snowfall our deck was clear of all snow…

Early the next morning I wanted to go outside for a walk and check out the effects of the snowstorm. I asked Zoey, our four-year-old granddaughter, to go with me. Her boots were packed away since we thought there would be no more snow, so I found two plastic bags…

I bundled her up, then put plastic bags over her shoes. I was planning to walk in the street, not play in the snow, so I thought the good old-fashioned trick with the plastic bags could work. And it did. 

Improvised…plastic bags over the shoes instead of boots.

We were walking down the street toward the park when we heard thunder. This must be what they call thundersnow. We could not hear it while we were in the house. Soon the winds picked up and freezing rain began pelting from the sky, stinging our faces. It happened quickly. We turned around and went back home, once again settling ourselves inside for the day. We baked cookies.

Additional photos:

Our front porch swing.
We woke up to our windows covered with snow.
Same window from the outside…snow stuck to the windows and siding.
A bouquet of beautiful white tulips sitting on our kitchen table inside, competing with the white snow and evergreens outside our kitchen windows.

Easter Eggs

It’s been awhile since I’ve colored eggs for Easter, but with our grandchildren here of course we had to do it. I hard boiled 11 eggs and ate one so that left us with 10 eggs. 😉

I plopped the tablets from the egg decorating kit into cups of vinegar and made several bold, color dyes to chose from. 

A fun activity for all ages.

The kids (of all ages) had fun drawing on the egg with a clear wax pencil or crayon, deciding which color to dip the egg into, then watching and waiting, with anticipation, to see how their egg would turn out. 

The Easter Egg with Christmas Tree.

The most unique egg is one our grandson envisioned and had help with the drawing. He has talked about Christmas trees since Christmas…he was so enthralled with our tree…so he wanted a Christmas tree on his Easter egg. O well, we couldn’t have Easter without Christmas.

Happy Easter in Portuguese.

An egg with Happy Easter written in Portuguese, the other language we hear in our house these days, is another special egg for our basket.

Adding mini-stickers to the dry eggs the next day.

 Ukraine is known for their beautiful Easter eggs. I have a bowl full of Ukrainian Easter Eggs. I brought a few home with me from my visits there. These eggs are wood, not the typical, fragile “real” eggs. Ukrainian Easter Eggs are amazing… detailed, intricate, artistic. I took a class on how to paint Ukrainian eggs but I never caught on to the technique. It is an art, and like all art, it usually takes much practice, and some talent.

My Carnival Glass bowl full of Ukrainian Easter Eggs.

I enjoyed watching my grandchildren having fun decorating their Easter eggs in their own creative way, and their eggs are just as special.

Cardinals and Other Birds

One of the sure signs of spring is opening the door and hearing the beautiful chorus of birds singing. It is truly an wonderful sound. And these days I’m excited to see cardinals back in our yard. Over the winter the birds that normally dined at our feeders had to go elsewhere to find food. 

A cardinal at the feeder with safflower seeds, before the squirrels took over.

We use safflowers seeds in the bird feeder that hangs on a pole near trees in our yard. We spend a little more money to buy nutritious, white seeds for our feeder because squirrels do not like them, so the squirrels do not disturb the various birds that come to the feeder. This plan worked for many, many years.

But, for some reason, several squirrels relocated to our yard this year and built large nests in our trees near the feeder. I’m not sure why, but this year the squirrels acquired a taste for the safflower seeds and they were attacking our birdfeeder and scaring the birds away and devouring all the safflower seeds. So much so that I stopped filling the feeder. It was hard for me to stop filling the feeder, but the seed is fairly expensive and I didn’t want to use it to feed the squirrels.

We have another feeder that is suctioned to our sunroom window and we fill it with black sunflower seeds. The squirrels cannot not get to that feeder but it fell down during the frigid, freezing temperature spell this winter so we tucked it away in the garage.

A cardinal at our window feeder, with black sunflower seeds.

With no seeds in the pole feeder and no seeds in the window feeder this winter, few birds came to our yard and we missed them. 

I have now re-attached the window feeder and filled it with black sunflower seeds. We put a small amount of safflower seeds in the pole feeder. So far the squirrels have stayed away…hopefully they are retrieving all the nuts they buried last fall and will leave the birds and our bird feeder alone.

A cardinal outside our window in the leafless maple tree.

I’m thrilled to see all the birds, especially the cardinals, back in our yard. I’m glad they remembered we offer food here at this location and they returned to give us another try.

Laughter is Good Medicine

Over the weekend comedian C Willi Myles was the entertainer at the Paradise Center for the Arts in Faribault, Minnesota, and we had tickets.

The marquee for the Paradise Center for the Arts in Faribault, MN.

The description in the schedule of events brochure indicated C Willi Myles “has quick wit, and a great sense of humor to deliver high energy, side-splitting shows for all ages.”  That sounded fun. 

It also said “C Willi’s non-offensive humor and stories that pull from everyday life have made him a fan favorite with sell out shows from coast to coast.” Non-offensive humor was the clincher for us. We bought tickets and looked forward to this show.

C Willi Myles poster.

It did not disappoint. We laughed out loud almost continually for an hour and a half, and it felt good. At one point I had tears in my eyes. How can six pillows on the bed, or straight roads through North Dakota, or even colonoscopies be so hilarious, but his stories and wit made them so.

We enjoyed ourselves and hopefully will have the chance to see him when/if he comes again. Apparently this was not his first time at the Paradise. 

Comedian C Willi Myles, on stage at the Paradise Theater.

In his closing remarks he reminded us what we all know, “Laughter is good medicine” and then he added, “so start laughing before doctors figure out how to start charging us for it!”


Although I love chocolate, my favorite dessert is crème brûleée. I don’t order it often, and have made it once, so I decided for my birthday to Google “best place in the Twin Cities for crème brûlée” and the Meritage popped up as number one. 

The Hamm building in St. Paul, where Meritage is housed.

My birthday, the first day of spring, was a beautiful, sunny day. Gary and I decided to go to the Meritage for lunch, on our way to Como Park Conservatory where we were going to take in the sight and smells of spring flowers.

I was impressed with the Meritage, a French restaurant in St. Paul, near Rice Park. Although we had trouble finding the door to enter, once inside a man who seemed to be in charge apologized for the difficulty in finding our way in. In the summertime the door on the street is unlocked, but in the winter they keep that door closed for warmth and redirect you with signs to an interior entrance. 

Inside the Meritage restaurant.

The Meritage is a small, intimate restaurant in a historic building, with old wood, mirrors and a wall of windows. We requested to be seated by the window, looking out at the Landmark Center. There was a fresh tulip on each table and a server came around with fresh bread served from a basket. Our waitress was friendly and very good. We told her it was my birthday and we were at the Meritage to try their crème brûlée. She said she’d set two aside. 

For lunch we split an omelet, which was delicious, and then our waitress brought out our much anticipated crème brûlée. She had placed one lit birthday candle on the side of my plate, which was a fun, added touch. I was so excited to taste the crème brûlée and it did not disappoint either one of us. It was excellent. 

Crème Brûlée with birthday candle.

After such a pleasant experience, we got our bill and the waitress had listed my dessert as complimentary. What a great birthday surprise. 

Como Park Conservatory with spring flowers.

One time I made crème brûlée, with a friend. The two of us would cook together occasionally, trying different recipes…and crème brûlée was one of them. I must say ours turned out well… and was very tasty… and we had fun in the process… but I’m not inclined to make it on my own. I’m happy to know about this wonderful little spot in St. Paul with the best crème brûlée in the Twin Cities.

First Ride of the Season

Last Friday, temperatures were in the 50’s and the sun was shining bright and it felt like spring had finally sprung.  I went on my first bike ride of the season around our “country block” which is 9.3 miles. We start at our house and ride north, then east, then south, then west back home…we are out of town within a mile so we are mostly riding in the country, on paved roads. It felt wonderful.

The name of the bike is Verve, made by Trek.

The best part of this first ride of the season…I was on my new electric bike! I was surprised on my birthday when I unwrapped a box with a picture of this bike I’ve wanted for a season or two. We picked it up in town on Friday. The bike is a beautiful coral color. I’m excited and I look forward to this biking season. Thank you Gary.

Psalm 27 Valerie’s Version

Sunrise over Lake Superior.

Light, space, zest – that’s God! So, with him on my side I’m fearless, afraid of no one and nothing.

The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear?   The Lord is the stronghold of my life – of whom shall I be afraid?                                                                  

When insecurities start to surface, when thoughts and comparisons attack me, I will turn them over to the Lord.

Though troubles rise up against me, my heart will not fear. He will change my name.  My new name shall be Confidence.

One thing I ask of the Lord that is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to gaze upon the BEAUTY of the Lord and to seek him.

For in the days of difficulties he will keep me safe in his arms, he will call me Friend of God and lift me high upon a rock.

God holds my head and shoulders above all who try to pull me down.

My head will be exalted above the inner enemies and I will be called overcoming one. I will sing and make music to the Lord.

Hear my voice when I call, O Lord; be merciful to me and answer me.

My heart says of you, “Seek his face!” Your face, Lord, I will seek.

Do not hide your face from me, do not turn your servant away in anger; you have been my helper. Do not reject me or forsake me, O God my Savior.

You are a faithful God. The Lord will receive me and fill me with joyfulness.

Teach me your way, O Lord; lead me in a straight path. I acknowledge your wisdom.

Do not turn me over to my own understanding, for false lies rise up within me, breathing out untruths.

I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living and he will change my name.

Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage and wait for the Lord. 

Stay with God! Take heart, don’t quit and stay with God!

London is…secretive.

Before we left Minnesota we decided on what play we would like to see while we were in London.

A promo for Agatha Christie’s “The Mousetrap” hanging in tube station.

We chose an Agatha Christie murder mystery, The Mousetrap. playing at St. Martin’s Theatre. It happens to be the longest running play in London…It’s first performance was in 1952!

St. Martin’s Theatre in London.

We enjoyed the play and didn’t know “who done it” until the end. I was so worried I would overhear someone talking about the ending… and I didn’t want to know! But I never heard any clues… and we were surprised when the murderer was revealed. I like surprises.

Anticipating the murder mystery.

At the end of the play, as the performers were taking their bows, the culprit stepped forward and said now we were all partners in crime…and he asked us not to disclose the secret of  “who done it” to anyone, so as to preserve the suspense of the play. 

On a street corner in London is this memorial to Agatha Christie, an English author who wrote over 80 mysteries.

This request must work…it’s been playing for 67 years, and we didn’t know “who done it” until the end of the production.