Home Again

What a wonderful week we’ve had weather-wise…sunny, seventy’s and low humidity. Perfect for being anywhere, especially up in northern Minnesota. I was on the Whitefish chain of lakes with a friend, staying on her porch, with a cabin attached. Our days were relaxing, and among other things we did some boating and a lot of reading. 

Looking out in front of the cabin.

We went out on her pontoon which was a highlight for me. We left the jet skis docked this year, and my cell phone in the cabin. In previous years we’ve taken out the jet skis and had some…let’s say…complications. Then there was the year my iPad fell off the dock into the drink during early morning quiet time. So I tried to avoid any type of fiascos this year. Success! 

Getting ready for a pontoon excursion.

The evenings were still and cool so we slept on the large porch listening to the loons calling as we fell asleep. 

A lot of loon activity on the lakes.

Before I left home for the cabin I had fifty pages left to read in my latest political thriller. So when we arrived at the cabin Sunday afternoon, after unpacking the car, we immediately got out some lawn chairs, set them up near the lake and started to read. I quickly finished the book. I brought along three non-fiction books so I had plenty additional reading material.

One morning’s sun reflecting on the lake that looks like clear glass. Beautiful.

When it was time to leave the cabin four days later, I had fifty pages left in one of the other books I had started reading up there. However, when I arrived back to our house in Northfield things changed… I no longer felt I could just sit down and finish the book right away….there was unpacking to do, laundry to throw into the washing machine, email and catch-up conversations, plus weeding flowers and so forth. So instead of sitting down to finish my book I did chores instead. I felt I needed to get something accomplished before enjoying more reading time. 

Daggett Lake, a lake on the Whitefish chain of lakes.

I guess that’s why it’s always good to get away. At home we see all there is to be done (although my friend saw things that needed to be done at her cabin while we were there),  but we had a delightful time on our annual trip to Daggett Lake.

I came home to my Star Gazer lilies in bloom.

7 thoughts on “Home Again”

    1. Yes, when they bought the cabin years ago her husband told others, “we bought a porch and a cabin came with it”. It’s a nice porch. 😉

      1. Love your writing Valerie – so beautifully descriptive . Your photos are fabulous and what a wonderful commentary of time to read when away from commitments at home…sounds very relaxing! Love your stargazers!

  1. What a relaxing getaway described so eloquently! Also love your star gazers!

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