A Few More Photos

I want to post a few additional photos from our road trip in the southeastern states.

The beautiful Pineapple Fountain in Charleston, South Carolina.
Special artwork using paint and sweetgrass, on display in Hyman’s Seafood restaurant in Charleston, South Carolina.
We were surprised to see this bobcat one morning in northeastern Florida.
These fun boats caught our eye. The boats shaped like cars were docked at an outdoor restaurant where we ate in Clearwater, Florida.
We tried boiled peanuts for the first time, and liked them. We ate at Hyman’s Seafood restaurant. The Hyman family has been at the same location for over 121 years (five generations). It started out as a Wholesale dry goods store then changed to Hyman’s Seafood in 1987. The restaurant has a great reputation.
Some “funky birds” in a park in Dunedin, Florida.
In Myrtle Beach we tried fried green tomatoes, for the first time, and liked them.
Sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Lake Superior

Our trip to Duluth to see the Bentleyville “Tour of Lights” also provided an opportunity to witness some beautiful and interesting scenes of the magnificent Lake Superior.

We walked the sandy trail to the shores of Lake Superior on Park Point.
Sand and snow on the shore of Lake Superior.
A sandy beach on Park Point, Lake Superior.

We arrived on a bright and sunny day. Except for an small accumulation of snow -remnants of a recent snowfall- the shores of Lake Superior look like an ocean beach. There were no tropical temperatures though!

Lake Superior scene from our balcony.
Moonrise over Lake Superior.

As the sun set, the skies remained clear so we could see the full moon rise and shine (however, the clear skies kept the temperatures below freezing!)

Morning light: 6:39 am the next morning.

The next morning a cloud bank appeared over the lake.

Morning light: 7:10 am
The silhouette of a ship in the mystical misty fog rising from Lake Superior.
A freighter heading towards the canal in the early morning light.

I went out on the balcony, which faced north, to take a few photos. As I leaned over the balcony and turned to the east, I saw the stunning sunrise and images over the lake.

Sunrise: 7:24 am
Sunrise over Lake Superior.
I’m not even sure how I captured this zoomed photo, but I like it.

I do so enjoy this lake! It’s very entertaining.

Where sky and sea meet on Lake Superior. This photo was taken at 9:10 am, a few hours after the beautiful orange, sunrise.

Lake Superior in March

Our mini getaway to Minnesota’s north shore happened to fall over unusual and spectacular days in March… temperatures were in the high 50’s with bright sunshine and clear blue skies on one of the days.

The sunrise on the first day.

We did what we normally do up on the north shore…walk the rocks, hike, relax at the cabin, and enjoy the outdoors.

A row of cabins along the lake.

I read a story about someone claiming a large, old beautiful tree in his backyard sent him a silent sermon, or a blessing, each time he looked at the tree. I feel Lake Superior sends me a silent sermon each time I look at it. Lake Superior blesses me each time I stand in awe looking at it. I am drawn to it, and it blesses me.

From our cabin deck…the line in the corner of the photo is plexiglass…used for the deck railing. It is a wonderful feature of the cabin that sits so near the water’s edge.
Happy to be up at the cabin on the shore of Lake Superior.

This 58 degrees day in March also blessed me. It was unusual to have such wonderful weather this time of year. It was a gift. Our time was short, but sweet. Here are a few more photos.

The fun fishing hut we discovered.
An inland trail we hiked. It was a very pleasant walk through the snowy woods.
Towards sunset off Stony Point Road.
At dusk.
Beautiful lighting as we looked out from the deck towards evening.
First morning light the second day.
There was some snow on the edge of the lake in places…not many places though.
Ice shards in the Duluth Harbor.
This bear greeted us as we entered the cabin. Such a whimsical touch. I loved it.
Smooth Stones.
Lake Superior in March.

Sky Art

An unusual jet vapor trail, or a cloud? Either way…it was fun to watch.

My husband says it a jet vapor trail, I say it’s a cloud, but whatever it is, it made for beautiful sky art this morning over Lake Superior.

A sliver of the moon is visible too, but not captured on camera. Actually at 5 am I woke up and the yellow/orange sliver was shining brightly and reflecting on the waters of
Lake Superior.
The sunrise from our deck, on this Monday morning in March, at our cozy cabin on Lake Superior. A high of 48 degrees today.

Home Again

What a wonderful week we’ve had weather-wise…sunny, seventy’s and low humidity. Perfect for being anywhere, especially up in northern Minnesota. I was on the Whitefish chain of lakes with a friend, staying on her porch, with a cabin attached. Our days were relaxing, and among other things we did some boating and a lot of reading. 

Looking out in front of the cabin.

We went out on her pontoon which was a highlight for me. We left the jet skis docked this year, and my cell phone in the cabin. In previous years we’ve taken out the jet skis and had some…let’s say…complications. Then there was the year my iPad fell off the dock into the drink during early morning quiet time. So I tried to avoid any type of fiascos this year. Success! 

Getting ready for a pontoon excursion.

The evenings were still and cool so we slept on the large porch listening to the loons calling as we fell asleep. 

A lot of loon activity on the lakes.

Before I left home for the cabin I had fifty pages left to read in my latest political thriller. So when we arrived at the cabin Sunday afternoon, after unpacking the car, we immediately got out some lawn chairs, set them up near the lake and started to read. I quickly finished the book. I brought along three non-fiction books so I had plenty additional reading material.

One morning’s sun reflecting on the lake that looks like clear glass. Beautiful.

When it was time to leave the cabin four days later, I had fifty pages left in one of the other books I had started reading up there. However, when I arrived back to our house in Northfield things changed… I no longer felt I could just sit down and finish the book right away….there was unpacking to do, laundry to throw into the washing machine, email and catch-up conversations, plus weeding flowers and so forth. So instead of sitting down to finish my book I did chores instead. I felt I needed to get something accomplished before enjoying more reading time. 

Daggett Lake, a lake on the Whitefish chain of lakes.

I guess that’s why it’s always good to get away. At home we see all there is to be done (although my friend saw things that needed to be done at her cabin while we were there),  but we had a delightful time on our annual trip to Daggett Lake.

I came home to my Star Gazer lilies in bloom.