Lake Superior in March

Our mini getaway to Minnesota’s north shore happened to fall over unusual and spectacular days in March… temperatures were in the high 50’s with bright sunshine and clear blue skies on one of the days.

The sunrise on the first day.

We did what we normally do up on the north shore…walk the rocks, hike, relax at the cabin, and enjoy the outdoors.

A row of cabins along the lake.

I read a story about someone claiming a large, old beautiful tree in his backyard sent him a silent sermon, or a blessing, each time he looked at the tree. I feel Lake Superior sends me a silent sermon each time I look at it. Lake Superior blesses me each time I stand in awe looking at it. I am drawn to it, and it blesses me.

From our cabin deck…the line in the corner of the photo is plexiglass…used for the deck railing. It is a wonderful feature of the cabin that sits so near the water’s edge.
Happy to be up at the cabin on the shore of Lake Superior.

This 58 degrees day in March also blessed me. It was unusual to have such wonderful weather this time of year. It was a gift. Our time was short, but sweet. Here are a few more photos.

The fun fishing hut we discovered.
An inland trail we hiked. It was a very pleasant walk through the snowy woods.
Towards sunset off Stony Point Road.
At dusk.
Beautiful lighting as we looked out from the deck towards evening.
First morning light the second day.
There was some snow on the edge of the lake in places…not many places though.
Ice shards in the Duluth Harbor.
This bear greeted us as we entered the cabin. Such a whimsical touch. I loved it.
Smooth Stones.
Lake Superior in March.

16 thoughts on “Lake Superior in March”

  1. What a great time. You were right about the cabin being so quaint. Glad you had such a memorable time.

    1. Thanks Barb.
      The cabin was actually smaller than yours…which I also love.
      Possibly a little bigger than the size of your wonderful cabin porch.

  2. Oh, Valerie, thanks for sharing the blessings of Lake Superior with us in your photos. The scenery is beyond beautiful. Such a gift. I’m thankful you experienced the peace of the North Shore.

    1. Thank you Audrey.
      I struggle to take pictures – there’s so much to take pictures of, and yet I also want to just being still and enjoy the beauty.

  3. Valerie, it is an ways wonderful to see photos of your North Shore visits. That kind of beauty is truly a blessing.

  4. An incredible story in written word and sensational pictures! It makes me want to get in my car and go visit the area in person! Hopefully will get there later in the spring. What a beautiful time to be there. So enjoy your blogs – you have a real talent!

    1. Thank you Shirley.
      I’m thinking anytime of the year is a great time to be there! I hope you do get a chance to drive up and enjoy.

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