Spring Wildflowers

We took a day trip to Beaver Creek Valley State Park to go for a hike. It is a ways away but it felt good to head out of town. The day was sunny, but cool. There were a few folks out and about but not many.

Spring greens!
An abundance of watercress in the creek.

There were a lot of wildflowers in bloom in the park. I had my wildflower book handy but it is always difficult to identify flowers because it takes awhile to look them up and figure them out, plus it’s hard to keep stopping every few feet!  I usually end up just enjoying viewing them.  

This white flower, which I believe is an anemone, carpeted the forest floors. It was in many areas of the park.

At one time, several years ago, my friend and I took a lot of wildflower hikes, with and without naturalists, and could identify more flowers than I remember now. 

Spring wildflowers are a wonderful sight!

Plus so many other natural wonders…

Surprised to see mushrooms too.
Interesting lichen and moss on this dead tree limb.
A simple, clever log bench.

On a side note, we took many family-driving vacations when the kids were younger, and we camped and hiked in many national parks. Upon arrival at the visitor’s center in a park, I always bought a book of wildflowers found in that particular park, then I tried to identify some flowers on our hikes. It was fun and a nice souvenir of our trips. 

5 thoughts on “Spring Wildflowers”

  1. What beautiful pictures you have taken…
    thank you for sharing nature’s spring welcome!

  2. Oh, Valerie, I always love your nature photos. They make me happy to see them. Thanks so much for sharing!

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