One wave at a time… Faithfully rolling unto the shore Hitting the rocky bedrock Bringing healing as I sit and watch. For hours. Each time a little piece of hope Delivered in the rhythm of the waves Reminds me God is faithful. Such needed blessing During these times of uncertainty. I am grateful to be on the shore of Lake Superior, Doing nothing, Watching the waves roll in. One blessing at a time.
I’m not Irish but I do like the color green and I do like tales of St. Patrick – I read he used the shamrock to explain the trinity to others.
My china teacup with shamrocks.
We have traveled to Ireland, the emerald isle. It is charming and picturesque, and green.
Festive lights near our front door.
So, for those silly reasons, I decided to have a little St. Patrick’s Day celebration.
The seasoned brisket on top of the vegetables.
For the first time, I made corned beef and cabbage. I found a crockpot recipe that had good reviews. It called for red potatoes, carrots, onion, cabbage and corned beef, which my husband purchased at a store in the cities.
The cabbage is added to cook for the last hour.
I followed the recipe carefully – 8 hours in the crockpot, before our planned dinner time.
The crockpot on the counter, cooking the corned beef meal.
While waiting for our dinner to cook, I set the table, looking around the house for green items to use for decoration. I had bought some fun napkins for the occasion.
Green tablecloth, candles and themed napkins.
Also, I found a BINGO game online, using the Irish theme. Gary helped me make up several “boards” and we went out to find some prizes which I wrapped in green tissue, of course.
A game we made, and played.
As dinner time grew closer, I put soda bread (another first for me) into the oven. When it was done, we were ready to eat. The corned beef and cabbage turned out, and were very tender and very tasty. The soda bread was a little doughy. But overall, we deemed the meal a great success, all the while Irish music was playing in the background. Delicious lemon bars were brought for dessert.
The sun sets on our party.
We had a fun time celebrating St. Patrick’s Day.
A traditional Irish Blessing for all...
May the sun shine warm upon your face. And rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
There was a twist in plans this year, for an annual get away (this would be #36) with my friend Frances. During the past year, she and her husband moved to Vermont. We wondered, what will we do for our trip this year? Then, there was a fundraising auction and she won a bid for a beachfront condo.
Beachfront condo…
She asked if I wanted to join her on Fenwick Island, a coastal resort town in Delaware. Sure, I said, even though I had never heard of Fenwick Island. And then, we decided to include our husbands…that was the twist…that was new for us…and we had a delightful time.
The four of us…
The criteria for our get-aways include three things: some body of water to enjoy, thrift stores and/or antique shops to peruse, and gardens to meander. Would Fenwick Island meet these criteria?
The Atlantic Ocean
The condo was facing the Atlantic Ocean and we had lovely weather so we could walk along the beach and sit on the balcony… a wonderful fulfillment for our water requirement.
We had a fun time trying on matching shirts (which we did buy).
One day all four of us drove to a nearby, historic town with tree-lined streets, and quaint boutiques – we found sidewalk sales and ice cream. Another day we left the husbands behind, and sought out the thrift stores and antique shops we always enjoy. There is usually no problem finding these kinds of stores anywhere.
A landscape by Piet Oudolf, a Dutch garden designer.
The third requirement is all about gardens, and we found out the Delaware Botanical Garden was only a half an hour away! How convenient.
Could this be Nessie???
The four of us walked the trails, and in addition to lovely flowers, there were other surprises along the way.
This “nest” was created as an outdoor classroom at the botanical garden.
Apparently two volunteers at the botanical garden are clever at creating sculptures with natural materials from the forest floor. They were very creative, and fun to discover as we meandered through the grounds.
A turtle – a clever use of tree trunk slices for the turtle’s shell, with green moss in-between the spaces.
A snail…
A spider and its web…
Another blessing was seeing the nearly full moon (officially the following evening) over the Atlantic Ocean, the night before we left Fenwick Island.
Grasses and sand dunes, ocean, moon…
We could see its refection on the wet sand…so amazing.
Moon’s reflection on the sand.
Our criteria was met…we had a great time…with added blessings.
This morning, after we walked the kids to their school bus stop, Gary and I went for a bike ride. We are able to use our son and his wife’s bikes. We were enjoying our ride around the neighborhood, then stopped to take a picture.
An older gentleman, who was walking his dog, stopped to chat with us. He had moved to the area, from New York, several years ago. We enjoyed our nice visit with him as he was sharing some of his wisdom! When we departed, he said a blessing over us. What a great way to start our day.
I have had a series of annual check-ups recently; dentist, mammogram, eye doctor, lab work and a wellness visit with my physician. All have gone well…I may need cataract surgery…but that’s to be expected at my age I guess.
As I’m driving to my appointments, I think about those folks in countries where they walk a long distance to get health care, and/or wait in long lines to see a health care professional, and/or do not even attempt to go because they cannot afford the services. I think about such things and am very grateful for affordable, accessible healthcare, right here within minutes of my home. I don’t want to take it for granted. What a blessing it is. I am grateful.
We left North Carolina early Thursday morning to start our journey back to Minnesota. We planned a new route home, because we wanted to see a part of Mississippi.
Welcome to Mississippi.
We wanted to stop there because there are only two states I do not recall having been in…Idaho and Mississippi. Since Mississippi seemed a reasonable distance to include on our trip home (Idaho, of course, was not!) we decided it would be fun to stay overnight in Tupelo, Mississippi.
Road maps.
Therefore, on Thursday we drove from North Carolina, through South Carolina, through Georgia and through Alabama to Mississippi. We stopped at the birthplace of Elvis, a must-see attraction in Tupelo, before checking into our hotel…then we went out for dinner. It was a pleasant day.
The house where Elvis Presley was born, in Tupelo, Mississippi.
The clouds put on a pretty display for a pleasant evening in Mississippi.
The next morning we drove on the Natchez Trace Parkway, a 444 mile national scenic byway, that goes through three states.
Directional sign.
The road roughly follows the “Old Natchez Trace” a historic travel corridor used by American Indians, European settlers, slave traders, soldiers and a few presidents. It has a lot of history to tell, dating back to the late 1700’s.
A scenic two-way parkway, with little traffic.
Natchez Trace Parkway.
We drove on the parkway for thirty miles before getting off to head towards Kentucky. There was another attraction we wanted to see on our way back to Minnesota…the National Quilt Museum in Paducah, Kentucky.
A wonderful museum in Paducah, Kentucky.
A step inside the quilt museum.
The quilt museum was interesting. I have more thoughts and photos to share in an upcoming post.
Our third morning was a bit different than the others. We spent the night near St. Louis, Missouri, and woke up to a snowstorm (unusual amounts expected for this part of the country). We got an early start, but it was slow going the first few hours, until we drove out of the storm and the roads cleared up.
Snow-packed road conditions as we traveled north through Missouri. Fortunately there was not a lot of traffic.
As we checked out that morning in St. Louis, the clerk at our hotel gave us a blessing for our safety while traveling through the snow…she was a kind-hearted woman and a delight. It felt right, and special, to start our journey that day with her blessing.
Heavy snow-cover along the side of the road.
A Minnesota winter scene.
We were thankful we made it back to Minnesota safely.
This is my writing partner’s Christmas poem for your enjoyment.
by Sheri Ginter Eichhorn
As we gentle into winter and the holidays draw near,
my heart turns toward my loved ones, the good people I hold dear.
It is a time I cherish. During Christmas time I find
that people make more effort to remember to be kind.
We all seem to be nicer, and to be more thoughtful, too.
It brings out all the best in us and shows in what we do.
It’s a time when we remember the blessings that we share,
and it’s a time to show others just how much we care.
It seems to me that, in the end, the blessings we receive
that matter most of all to us are our loved ones, I believe.
And, though life’s not always easy, when a tough challenge appears,
It’s the hands of all those loved ones that I hold to quench my fears.
I am blessed far beyond measure with the riches of the heart.
and it matters so for me to say that you, dear, are a part
Of my lovely cache of treasures—of the people I hold dear—
and that is why I wish you love today and through the year.
My wish for you is every good that life can offer you.
A life of love and happiness and lots of laughter, too.
May all the blessings Christmas brings be yours at the holidays.
But also, may the year bless you in endless, lovely ways.
On Wednesday afternoon, we arrived at our beloved cabin we rent on Lake Superior, two days/nights after the full moon. I always love to see the full moon over Lake Superior but we do not plan our trips around it…however, a lot of times the dates do work out and we’ve seen the moon rise over the lake many times…I love it!
Since the full moon was only two nights ago we planned our campfire on the rocks to coincide with the moonrise. And…at precisely, 8:01 pm, as posted on the meteorological site predicting sunrises and sunsets, moonrise and moonsets, it, indeed, rose.
Almost full moon September 22, 2021
However, the unique thing about this evening’s moon rise was we saw it rise two times! It came over the horizon at 8:01 and was gorgeous, a huge orange ball…we saw it come up in its entirety.
However, there was a low cloud in the sky, on the horizon, and the moon went behind that cloud and we could not see it for a few minutes…then lo and behold, we saw it rise again over the cloud for a second moonrise, and this time the moon shone bright and white.
The moon over Lake Superior, September 22, 2021.
What a gift. What a blessing. What an amazing time to be sitting on the rocks on Lake Superior, in front of a campfire, watching the moonrise, twice!
Last March (2020) when Covid-19 started infiltrating our world and we began to isolate ourselves, I decided it might be a good time to start knitting a prayer shawl. I didn’t have a specific person in mind as I started knitting. The finished shawl would go to our care pastor at church, to give to someone as needed.
I used yarn a friend had given to me. The yarn created a unique pattern. It made for an interesting prayer shawl that I hope will lift someone’s spirits.
Interesting yarn pattern.
As it turned out, knitting ended up not being something I was inclined to work on a lot during the pandemic. But, after almost a year, I finished the prayer shawl.
Years ago, I knit several prayer shawls…some for specific people, others for the pastor to give out. At that time, when there were several people knitting prayer shawls, a man from our congregation joined in knitting shawls. He happened to be my son’s mentor through a church program, and he gave a prayer shawl he had knitted to my son. It was a special blessing. I also received a prayer shawl when my mother died.
An old article from a Seventeen Magazine.
I don’t remember anyone showing me how to knit. I think I learned from a magazine article, when I was a teenager. I believe the magazine was titled Seventeen but I can’t find the magazine’s name (or date) anywhere on the article to confirm this. I still have this article in my knitting bag and sometimes refer to its simplistic instructions for knitting.
A brochure for Praying with a Prayer Shawl.
The brochure that used to be handed out with a prayer shawl (and maybe still is) begins; “A prayer shawl is intended to be a reminder of God’s ever-present love which is as near to you as your own body is to your sprit. It is a fit for every time and every occasion – joyful or sorrowful, for every season and circumstance of life – chose or unchosen, when you are weeping or when you are celebrating”…
It includes this scripture and a special prayer:
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139
I hope the finished prayer shawl will be a blessing to someone who needs some encouragement these days.
Some people my age tell their fond memories of reading the afternoon away when they were children. I do not have those memories. However, I do have good childhood memories…we lived in a close neighborhood full of kids. After chores in the morning we’d go outside to play until lunch. After lunch we’d go outside and play until suppertime. After supper we’d go outside and play until dark. At least, that’s the gist of it. But back to reading…
I don’t remember when I first started to like to read but I am grateful for the people and teachers in my life who taught me to read. In elementary school I remember reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (or was it Tom Sawyer?) and also Trixie Belden mysteries.
Now I love to read, and I read daily, and have for most of my adult life. I continue to enjoy adventure stories, mysteries and biographies.
I also love children’s books. I loved reading books to my own two sons when they were young and now I enjoy reading to my grandchildren. All three of them like to be read to. (I have been known to read children’s books to adults too.)
When Zoey and Ezra were here for ten days we read multiple books multiple times. How is it they want to read the same story over and over and over again? It’s so fun!
Grandpa likes reading to them too.
It was a blessing to sit on the loveseat, between the two children snuggled in blankets while they were engaged in looking at the pictures as I read the story. I treasure those precious moments, and all moments when I can read books to any of my three grandchildren. I love the warmth and closeness, and bringing adventures and love to them one book at a time.