One wave at a time… Faithfully rolling unto the shore Hitting the rocky bedrock Bringing healing as I sit and watch. For hours. Each time a little piece of hope Delivered in the rhythm of the waves Reminds me God is faithful. Such needed blessing During these times of uncertainty. I am grateful to be on the shore of Lake Superior, Doing nothing, Watching the waves roll in. One blessing at a time.
Our writing prompt was to write about a ghost. It took a couple of months for me to come up with an idea for a story…and then I encountered Toro, the Friendly Ghost.
On the shores of Lake Superior, October 1, 2024.
On our annual trip to the north shore this year, we brought some kindling from our shed. We enjoy having a campfire on the rocks outside the cabin. This is a fun activity we do when we go up to the north shore…build a campfire on the rocks near the water. On this night the sky was clear and we saw thousands of stars. A sight to behold.
I sometimes take photos of our campfires…they are so mesmerizing…and we love to sit and watch the flames dance as we poke a stick into the fire to rearrange the logs. I take photos for documentation, although most do not turn out. But I try, and so, I did this night.
It was interesting…a green blob appeared when I was framing the photo. I moved the camera slightly to get the green blob out of the photo, but it was still there. Then I tried many different angles, but the green blob was in every frame, just above the flames. I have proof!
So, we wondered… where did this “ghost” come from?
We decided it came from our shed in our backyard in Northfield. When Gary grabbed the old, blue, plastic container filled with kindling from the shed, to pack in our car, we decided this ghost hitched a ride in the plastic tub, to the north shore.
We believe that night our friendly ghost, who we named Toro (since he shared the shed with a Toro lawn mower) was set free. For the past thirty years he was confined to our shed, watching over the kindling and unlocked doors, keeping watch over our belongings. Now that we were moving away from this address, Toro felt free to ride along with the kindling.
That night, when we set the tub down by the fire ring on the rocks, he began testing his “wings” by hanging around the fire…hesitant, I believe, to let us go after all these years. Then, he remembered the reason he had tagged along in the box. He remembered we were moving away from the house, and the shed, on Aldrich Drive. He was now free and able to go find a new shed to protect.
He was hanging out at the fire saying his last good-byes. The next time I tried to take a photo…he had vanished… in the wind, or waves, or however a friendly ghost travels…
We called her Auntie Ag. She was my dad’s older sister, Agnes. She was a special aunt…she never married so her nieces and nephews were very important to her, and she treated us well. She pass away in 2004.
I don’t know the date of this photo of Auntie Ag…perhaps she was in her 20’s or 30’s?
Last summer I inherited a couple of her photo albums from the 1930-40’s. I was amazed at what I could glean from perusing the old photos, where few photos had captions, and very few were dated!
I have many good memories of Auntie Ag. I knew her well, particularly in her older years…But when I looked through her photos, I felt I learned a lot more about her as a young woman. I found it interesting that I felt I could capture her essence from the photos. I decided we had a lot of similar traits.
When I found this photo of Auntie Ag, I remembered a dress I wore to a high school winter dance that was similar. I don’t know the date of Ag’s photo. The photo of me was taken in 1969.
I resonated with the photo of my aunt overlooking Lake Superior when she was a young woman. The photo immediately caught my attention when looking through several of her old photo albums.
Auntie Ag on the north shore. Date unknown.
One similarity is our love for Lake Superior and the north shore. It is my happy place. It was fun to see how often the north shore showed up in her photos, and to learn she went there often. I also know that my grandmother, my dad and Agnes’ mother, had a love for the north shore.
Me, on the north shore, 2022.
Another trait I share with Auntie Ag is she liked to travel. She liked to travel a lot; across the country, and to cozy cabins, and to Norway in later years. I like to travel too.
She was an adventurer…There were photos of her on hikes, on bikes, on horseback, on the water, on a toboggan, and fishing…what fun! I, too, am fond of adventure and new experiences.
You could see from the different photos she liked being with friends, and she had a lot of them. She loved hosting them for breakfasts and dinner parties, as do I.
Auntie Ag, all dressed up.
Agnes’ mother, my grandma, was always well-dressed. I think there are stories of grandma having more than one trunk of clothes when she traveled to Norway. I noticed Aggie was always well-dressed in the photos. I know when she was older, her outfits “matched” and she always wore “matching” jewelry. I am not a fashion bug by any means, but do like to dress nice.
Auntie Ag’s nieces and nephews, photo taken in 1971. I am in the front row, in the red dress.
There were hundreds of photos of our families. I know Aggie loved her extended family. She was a believer and prayed for me (and for her nieces and nephews) all her life…and for that, I am grateful. I too, am a believer, and deeply love and pray for my family.
My Grandfather Torkel and Grandmother Elizabeth in the front row. Again, I’m not sure of the year this photo was taken. Elizabeth died in 1962. The siblings in the back row L to R: Herbert (my father), Agnes, Earl, Bob.
As we plan our annual trek to the north shore, I always reread my own version of Psalm 23.
The Lord is my Shepherd
I shall thank him.
He allows me to be on the shores of Lake Superior
And hear the calming waves.
He restores my soul.
He guides me on trails of the Superior National Forest,
And leads me along the rocky shores of the big lake.
Even when the waves are rough – even when the lake is calm,
I am content to be near the water.
And the Lord is with me.
His creation and His majesty, they comfort me.
He anoints me with many blessings
My cup overflows and I am grateful
Surely, I will praise him and follow him
All the days of my life,
I am grateful to dwell in His presence
On the shores of Lake Superior.
Below are just a few favorite photos (from hundreds!) I’ve taken over the years, of Lake Superior.
I always thought it would be fun to be at safely tucked into a cabin on Lake Superior during a November gale. At a previous cabin we rented years ago, the owners had recorded, on VHS, a November storm that we could watch while staying at the cabin. It was always intriguing to see how incredibly high those waves came slamming into the cliffs at that resort.
Snow falling on our rented cabin on Lake Superior.
A touch of sunshine the first day.
We just came back from a couple days on the north shore, safely tucked into a cabin on Lake Superior during a March snowstorm. The waves came slamming into the rocky shore sending up sprays of water into the air.
The lake was full of white caps and the waves coming to shore were huge. Not like a November gale, but still a memorable snowstorm for us.
We managed to get in a hike that morning before the predicted storm. It was fun to walk along the lake, through trees, and we were delighted to find little gnomes along the trail. Three times we came upon these little trolls, cheering us on.
Once back in our cabin we settled in for the rest of the day, and the storm. It was cozy. The snow started falling and the wind was whipping and churning up the lake as we sat indoors, by a nice crackling fire and watched it unfold through the large patio doors overlooking the lake. The amount of snow that fell was not what was predicted, but the wind was wicked, and the lake turbulent.
The warm, crackling fire.
Last year when were we up at this same resort on the north shore in March, the temperatures were in the 50’s and 60’s. This year the temps were in the 30’s with wind chill temps even lower. But no matter what, Lake Superior is my happy place and it was great to be on the shore once again.
Snow falling on an old, picturesque, fishing hut along the shore of Lake Superior.
We often go up to the cabin we rent on Lake Superior in the fall. One never knows what kind of color autumn will have painted on the trees and foliage when we arrive.
On Oberg Mountain 2021
The leaves usually change up there in late September/early October. The last couple of years we have seen some good color up on the north shore, even though our dates staying up at the cabin have varied – a lot.
Oberg Lake 2021
This year, the day we went for our annual hike up Oberg Mountain, was one of those perfect fall days…bright sunshine, a vibrant, bold, blue, autumn sky, great temperature…it was stunning.
And the vistas from the seven lookouts on top were very colorful.
A lot of people were on the trail, and a lot of people were up north in general…more so than usual… evident with traffic and full parking lots. However, back at the cabin all was peaceful.
The Oberg Mountain trail. 2021
On another hike, in Tettegouche State Park, we spotted an unusual mushroom. It was golden…it looked like it was spray painted but it was far enough off the trail to know that was unlikely.
Zoomed in on this golden mushroom.
I tried to identify this mushroom with a quick internet search, but was unsuccessful. We saw other fun fungi on that same trail.
As wonderful as our hiking and biking and fall color drives were, the time spent with our son and daughter-in-love, and our two grandchildren, up north, at the cabin on Lake Superior, was the best!
One of my favorite things to do on our annual trek to the north shore is to watch the sunrise over Lake Superior. I set my alarm – just in case – so I don’t miss it.
Thursday morning…
I love sitting silently, waiting for the sun to come up. It is such a tranquil and quiet time…a beautiful time of enjoying God’s magnificent creation, a wonderful gift. There is a unique sunrise for each unique day…and it can change within minutes.
Friday early morning light. (6:52)
Then Friday’s early morning light filling the sky. (6:53)
Friday’s sunrise. (6:53)
Still Friday Morning… (7:36)
We don’t see sunsets from the location of our cabin, although sometimes we can see some color in the western skies at sunset, creating silhouettes of the trees and rocky shoreline near-by.
Towards the western sky Wednesday evening…sunset silhouettes.
Saturday morning’s sunrise.
In a previous post I showed photos of the moonrise we sometimes see over the lake. We are grateful for those spectacular views too.
Sunday Morning Sunrise.
The sun on Sunday rising through the clouds…
“The heavens declare the glory of the Lord!”
Words cannot describe the feelings evoked witnessing the wonders of the sky.
Monday morning sunrise.
I’m grateful for the sun that rises faithfully every morning, and to see it rise over Lake Superior is a special treat!
Our recent trip to the north shore was short but sweet. We rented a cabin for two nights and made the most of it. Arriving early afternoon, we unpacked, made some hot chocolate and enjoyed settling in. Next, we went for a walk on a scenic drive near the cabin. This area of the north shore is fairly new to us…we haven’t explored much of the Two Harbors area until recently, so there is a lot to discover. The first, for this trip, being a small fishing hut on the shores of Lake Superior. Our host told us to look for it when I mentioned we were going to go for a walk.
Our first glimpse of the fishing hut.
As we walked along the curvy, Stony Point Road we crested a hill and there it was. The all- encompassing, exquisite scene of a fishing hut between pine trees and along the water’s edge – immediately reminding us both of Norway! It was picturesque, charming and old-world. Our host told us this old fishing house, built extremely well and tight, was used by fishermen to store their fishing nets and supplies.
I loved this little hut on the shores of Lake Superior.
Many Scandinavian immigrants made a living by fishing Lake Superior in those early years. There is a North Shore Fishing Museum in Tofte, MN that shares stories and the history of commerical fishing on the north shore. I will plan to revisit that museum next fall.
A picture taken the next day, on a crystal-clear winter day.
We were delighted to see this lone hut sitting on the shores of the great Gichi-Gami (Ojibwe for great sea). From now on, this may become a short jaunt off our usual route when we drive up Highway 61 along the north shore.
Back at the cabin…
Exploring new areas is fun, especially when one has a warm and cozy cabin to return to!
We had a great weekend up in northern Minnesota with only one disappointment…but there could have been more.
We could have been disappointed when our camping reservations, made long before Covid was on the scene, had to be changed… because of Covid. A Jay Cooke State Park ranger called and told us they had to cancel one night of our stay in the camper cabins to let the cleaned cabin “rest” between renters.
Looking up at the Two Harbors lighthouse from the shore.
But that led us to making reservations at the Two Harbors Lighthouse B&B which usually requires a two-night stay but the innkeeper let us stay for just one night. So the cancellation of a night’s stay at a camping cabin turned into an exciting addition of staying in a historic lighthouse!
We could have been disappointed with the unusual cold weather spell for late October… the highs were only in the 20’s, but the sun was out and we had warm clothes.
From a wam & charming B&B to a cute, snow-covered but toasty warm camper cabin. Photo by gb
With warm places to sleep – the lighthouse was cozy and our camping cabins were toasty warm – we went with the mantra: “no bad weather, just bad clothing.” We brought sufficient jackets, boots, hat, scarfs and mittens and stayed warm while hiking and enjoying the great outdoors.
The lower falls at Baptism River in Gooseberry State Park.
We hiked at Gooseberry State Park and Split Rock Lighthouse State Park, and in Two Harbors itself.
Hiking in the Split Rock Lighthouse State Park.
Our first night, from the Two Harbors Lighthouse B&B, we saw a ship in the night right off shore. It had left the harbor and was all lit up, sailing under an almost full moon.
A ship in the night.
Our camping cabin was in Jay Cooke State Park where there are a lot of wonderful views of vast wilderness areas and of the rocky and rugged St. Louis River. We had great meals and campfires and hiked over seventeen miles in four days.
The St. Louis River flowing through Jay Cooke State Park.
What, then, was our disappointment?
Our exciting lighthouse reservation was at the Two Harbors Lighthouse B&B overlooking Lake Superior’s Agate Bay.
The back side of the lighthouse.
Agate Bay light show.
The lighthouse was charming and beautifully appointed with antiques and we loved the idea of staying in this historic home.
A wall in the kitchen of the B&B.
The dining room.
The claw foot bath tub.
The website says it is the oldest operating lighthouse in Minnesota. It began operation in 1892.
However, there was no light illuminating its special code out over the dark waters from the tower that night. Why? We didn’t know, and we were disappointed.
The original Fresnel lens on display in the dining room. The Fresnel lens consists of mirrored prisms that rotated around a fixed flame supplied by oil…until 1921 when the lighthouse started using electricity.
The next day we talked with the innkeeper and she said they are waiting on a new LED bulb for the lighthouse so the lighthouse is not operating at this time.
According to the website “the Two Harbors Light Station is designated as an active aid to navigation and is on navigational charts, as well as being a museum.” Apparently it’s not crucial for a light to be shining 24/7 these days, although usually it is on.
The light in the tower of the Two Harbors lighthouse is currently not lit.
We had been all excited to be “Keepers of the Lighthouse” but alas, it was not to be. We had a wonderful time anyway, and we wouldn’t change a thing – except the light bulb!
Lake Superior, an amazing blue color this fall day.