Mankato, MN

On another unusually mild February day in Minnesota, we took off for a day trip to Mankato. Upon arrival we went to two sizable thrift stores, and “scored” at both, buying some fun and unusual items. After perusing the goods, it was lunch time so we found a great local pub for lunch. 

One very long beautiful mural painted on a retention wall along the Minnesota River in Mankato.

Afterward we continued on to a small piece of land next to the Mankato Train Depot (the depot is no longer in service), along the Minnesota River. First, we walked past a beautiful mural, on our way to a Minnesota River lookout. The mural was beautiful, the river was very low. 

Very realistic paintings on this mural panel.
Another panel of this public art mural.

Next, we walked to Reconciliation Park, a small area created for a memorial for the 38 Native American’s who were hung in Mankato in 1862, by white folks. It’s a sad part of our history. It was moving to see these two memorials. The theme of the park is “Forgive Everyone Everything.”

This monument listed the names of the 38 Native Americans hung in Mankato at the same time, in 1862.
A limestone Bison, part of the memorial to Native Americans in Reconciliation Park, Mankato.

Next, we drove to near-by Minneopa State Park.

First, we drove through the bison paddock. and were fortunate to see many bison out grazing.

There was a large, lone bison crossing the road, walking very slowly. We decided he must be the grandfather of the herd.

This guy leisurely walking in the road, stopping traffic.

It was really special to see all the bison up close with only the car as our barrier. 

Looking good… photos by gb

Our next stop was the waterfalls in the state park. We got out of the car and walked to the falls in sunny, 54 degrees temperature. Although there was no snow on the ground, the falls were still frozen over, with some water trickling down as the ice melted in the sun.

The frozen, lower falls in Minneopa State Park.

On our drive back to Northfield, we stopped in St. Peter for a coffee break and visited one more thrift store along St. Peter’s main street, which is the busy Hwy 169.

I like it when barista’s add a little flair to the coffee.

By this time of day, we were tired and the thrift shop was no longer appealing, but the coffee tasted yummy!

I think this guy was wondering if we had a nice day in Mankato…we did.


Several years ago I found a painting of red geraniums on a framed, window screen in a thrift store. I thought it was a clever idea and it would look good on our front porch, so I bought it. It has hung on our front porch many times over several summers, and it started to lose its pizazz.  

Our front porch, June 2024.

Instead of throwing it out I decided to try touching it up myself, with my acrylic paints.

My messy work area in the garage.

I put on an old t-shirt, squeezed paint onto a paint palette, and did my best. I filled in the reds, and mixed red and yellow paint for orange, and blue and yellow for green, and repainted the pot and added a bit of color here, and a bit there. It was a fun, creative endeavor! 

My rejuvenated geranium painting.

And I think it turned out very well. The painting has found new life and is hanging on my front porch once again.

A Fun Twist

There was a twist in plans this year, for an annual get away (this would be #36) with my friend Frances. During the past year, she and her husband moved to Vermont. We wondered, what will we do for our trip this year?  Then, there was a fundraising auction and she won a bid for a beachfront condo.

Beachfront condo…

She asked if I wanted to join her on Fenwick Island, a coastal resort town in Delaware. Sure, I said, even though I had never heard of Fenwick Island. And then, we decided to include our husbands…that was the twist…that was new for us…and we had a delightful time.

The four of us…

The criteria for our get-aways include three things: some body of water to enjoy, thrift stores and/or antique shops to peruse, and gardens to meander. Would Fenwick Island meet these criteria?

The Atlantic Ocean

The condo was facing the Atlantic Ocean and we had lovely weather so we could walk along the beach and sit on the balcony… a wonderful fulfillment for our water requirement.

We had a fun time trying on matching shirts (which we did buy).

One day all four of us drove to a nearby, historic town with tree-lined streets, and quaint boutiques – we found sidewalk sales and ice cream. Another day we left the husbands behind, and sought out the thrift stores and antique shops we always enjoy. There is usually no problem finding these kinds of stores anywhere.

A landscape by Piet Oudolf, a Dutch garden designer.

The third requirement is all about gardens, and we found out the Delaware Botanical Garden was only a half an hour away! How convenient.

Could this be Nessie???

The four of us walked the trails, and in addition to lovely flowers, there were other surprises along the way.

This “nest” was created as an outdoor classroom at the botanical garden.

Apparently two volunteers at the botanical garden are clever at creating sculptures with natural materials from the forest floor. They were very creative, and fun to discover as we meandered through the grounds.

A turtle – a clever use of tree trunk slices for the turtle’s shell, with green moss in-between the spaces.
A snail…
A spider and its web…

Another blessing was seeing the nearly full moon (officially the following evening) over the Atlantic Ocean, the night before we left Fenwick Island.

Grasses and sand dunes, ocean, moon…

We could see its refection on the wet sand…so amazing.

Moon’s reflection on the sand.

Our criteria was met…we had a great time…with added blessings.

Sunset over intercostal waters.

Fairy Garden Stories

Many walkers and joggers use the sidewalk along the east side of our corner lot. We planted trees along the walk as a screen for our windows, but I do like to see the variety of folks who use the sidewalk. It leads to a paved trail that takes one around three ponds, and it is a delightful walk.

My fairy garden.

A couple of weeks ago when we were working out in the yard a gentleman, who was walking on the sidewalk, stopped to ask us about our house color (my all-time favorite green house). As we were visiting he said his grandson loves my fairy garden. He said his grandson will make sure everything is in place and clears out any dead leaves etc. when he walks by it. That made me smile, and inspired me to recreate the garden as soon as possible. I had just cleared the area of my fairy garden to clean things up and re-do it. It is along the sidewalk.

I took everything out of the first fairy garden…weeded and patted down the dirt, getting ready for a re-create.

I washed up the glass stones for the pathway and realigned them. I situated the porcelain table and chairs and fairies in place, including my troll from Norway. There were a few new items to add to the scene this year.

A string of lights from the thrift store.

When I opened a package that I bought at a thrift store last fall I was surprised. I thought it was street lamp poles, instead it was a string of lights, and that made me happy. I laughed. They do not light up but that’s ok, I like them.  I placed the lights in the garden, and added a new-to-me wishing well (another purchase from a thrift store). I put a turquoise stone in the wishing well, to represent water.

The Norsk troll, and the wishing well, plus my original fairy and bench…a little larger than the other items.

Now I enjoy my fun little fairy garden that will soon be hidden under a rose bush when it fills out. Right now, it is open for all to see. I’m trusting my little friend will enjoy it. My granddaughter did last summer.

A few years ago, a friend’s granddaughter took walks with her mom and passed a fairy garden, with a door. One day the little girl opened the door and to her surprise found a note in it. She was delighted and read the note from the fairy. Occasionally the fairy would leave her notes all summer, and the little girl enjoyed looking for a note every time. I’m wondering how to incorporate that idea into my garden…hard, since I do not have a door…

A door-shaped rock I placed at the bottom of a tree in our backyard. I want to paint a window and door knob on it sometime. But of course, it does not open. 😉

Another fairy garden story: A couple recently moved into a new house in the country and put out a gnome-size door next to a tree in their back forest, visible from their kitchen window. When I saw it, I commented on how much I like fairy/gnome gardens. They said they were going to add a gnome.

A few weeks later the guy came up to me in church and said he thought of me while snowshoeing one afternoon. It had gotten dark early and he was snowshoeing on their new acerage and kind-of got turned around. Eventually he saw a light through the trees and thought it was his wife with a flashlight, out looking for him. It was not. It was a solar light on the gnome door that was leaning against the tree close to their house. It guided him home!

Ahh…fairy stories abound.

Hand Soap Flashback

Gary and I visited my soon to be 93-year-old aunt today. She moved from her beautiful home on 150 acres in Deerwood, Minnesota into an assisted living apartment in Plymouth. She is doing well, and likes her new space. 

Auntie Joyce and me.

We had a nice long visit over coffee and some goodies. We updated family information and talked family history, and looked at photos she had hanging around her new apartment, and her many decorations.

Janet, one of Joyce’s daughters, lives near-by and stops in frequently, and happily enjoys shopping for her mother…from groceries to decorations for her new place.

There was one moment when I had an instant flashback to another aunt’s home…my Auntie Ag’s house. 

This carved, cherub hand soap immediately brought back a vivid memory.

Auntie Ag died in 2004. She was a very attentive aunt to her three nieces… me, and Janet and Cindy (Joyce’s two daughters). It didn’t surprise me to find out while Janet was shopping for Joyce, she bought unique hand soaps, with a cherub carved into the soap. My Auntie Ag always had similar soaps in her bathroom. It was so classic “Aggie”. It made me smile, and I mentioned it to Joyce, of course.  Joyce said, “I have extra. Please, take a bar home with you.” And so I did…including the beautiful box it’s packaged in.

A beautiful box of Italian Lavender Scented Soap.

The funny thing is I don’t recall the bar of soap in Auntie Ag’s bathroom was “for use.” I believe she used it for decoration only. And Joyce said the same thing. And so, Joyce too, put one of these unique hand soaps in each bathroom…for display only.

My newly acquired bar of hand soap that needs a special dish.

Now, while shopping thrift stores, I will look for a pretty dish to place my “Italian, lavender-scented, beautifully carved cherub in a perfectly round, hand soap” to put on display…somewhere in my house.

For memory’s sake. 

New Prague

We went to check out a new (to me) thrift store in New Prague, Minnesota. It is housed in the warehouse of an old flour milling site, and it’s called the Urban Flea Market. It’s fairly large, and had some “flea market items” along with antiques. There were several people browsing and finding bargains.

After the flea market we walked along New Prague’s historic main street. We passed different shops and bars and businesses…and several vacant store fronts. The booming businesses seem to be on the east side of town, before entering the downtown area.

This is the front of the church…and it is larger that it looks!

However, the magnificent cathedral is a looming structure on main street, right downtown.  St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church is beautiful. Its cornerstone is dated 1906, but the congregation was established in 1857. We’ve driven past the church many times but have never been inside. When we walked up the steps we were surprised the doors were unlocked, so we went in.

From the altar looking towards the entrance and pipes for the pipe organ.

Once inside, we could see the lovely stain-glass windows and the many organ pipes and a lot of evidence of a vibrant church community. I’ve learned there are public concerts and events held in this great space. 

Many of the stain-glass windows were of different saints.

We learned Saint Wenceslaus is the patron saint of Czech people. The New Prague area prides itself in its Czech heritage, affiliations and community.

King Wenceslas statue.

On a plaque about St. Wenceslaus, it explained he ruled Bohemia from 924 to 929 AD, therefore called a King. I remembered an unfamiliar Christmas Carol with the title “Good King Wenceslaus” in my old piano book, but I didn’t know who King Wenceslaus was.

A John W. Schaum Christmas Album piano book from my childhood. I got a star sticker! 😉 I’m not sure I have ever heard this carol sung. There is no date…it reads an Old English Carol.

Also on the plaque, I found it interesting to read, “Raised a Christian and educated by grandmother Ludmila, he ruled strictly but justly.”

A beautiful stain-glass window depicting events of the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Exploring this church was a highlight of our time in New Prague.

An Annual Get Away

It was a quick turnaround for me. We arrived home from an almost four-week trip to North Carolina, and two days later I was driving to Madison, Wisconsin to meet up with a friend for our annual get away.

Frances and I.

We have been meeting once or twice a year since 1989. Earlier this year we had planned to meet on two different occasions, but each time we had to cancel, so we squeezed in a trip during the busy holiday season. We did not want to break our record and miss a year. 

Colorful dogwood shoots with a pagoda in the background at Olbrich Gardens.

My friend and I met many years ago during a church greeting time. Soon after, she gave birth to her first born and I offered to bring her lunch. Not knowing the protocol for bringing new mom’s lunch or dinner at that time, I simply brought her a tuna fish sandwich in a brown paper bag. 

BUT… God multiplied that simple lunch into a nourishing friendship that has spanned almost 40 years and is still going strong. 

Grasses and kale.
Beautiful blue/green myrtle spurge.

Madison is a good half way point for us, and is our default destination when we don’t have a lot of time. Our criteria for choosing destinations is the area has to have gardens, water (lake, river, ocean) and antique/thrift stores.

A huge cottonwood tree standing tall and proud without its leaves.
A carefully placed birch stump that looks like an owl.

Although it was a cold and windy December day, we enjoyed walking around Olbrich Botanical Garden in Madison. We have been there many times. Although no plants were blooming, the textures and contrasts of the different fall/winter plants were vibrant.

Lake Monona is across the street. The lake was full of white caps. 

Fruitful berries for the birds.
Buds ready for next spring.

We discovered two great restaurants for dinner each night. We’d recommend both. Dotty Dumpling’s Dowry has been in business for 47 years making delicious hamburgers, and it did not disappoint. 

Neon sign for Dotty’s.
This restaurant offered delicious hamburgers. We understand why it was voted as having favorite burgers. They were juicy and tasty.

The Old Stamm House, in an old stone house, had the best Brussel sprouts I’ve ever tasted.

I don’t normally take pictures of food, but these Brussel sprouts were scrumptious!

The lobster ravioli was great, and to top it off we had a Crème Brulée (we split everything, therefore we could enjoy an appetizer and dessert).

Old Stamm House building from 1847…it is not the original site of the restaurant.
I love the looks of stone houses.
Inside the Old Stamm House.

Our shopping times were fruitful in finding a few inexpensive little treasures here and there, which provides us with much entertainment just from the hunt! 

Back home now, I will settle in and start getting ready for the Christmas season.

Out with the old, in with the…old

My picnic basket fell apart. I had it for many years, and used it a lot. It was a durable, wicker basket; deep, with a strong handle and flaps over each topside opening. Eventually the top flaps broke off but it was still a sturdy, useable basket. During the pandemic this past year I kept the basket stocked, and in the car, ready for any opportunity we might have for eating a meal outdoors. It was stocked with hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, flatware, drinking cups, paper plates, napkins, and a tablecloth. 

My beloved picnic basket – it served us well for many years.

I took it along on a recent trip to Iowa to meet up with a friend for a few days. As I put it in the car I felt the handle (which had already been fixed once with wire) was loosening up. But I still put it in the car. Then while there, I took it out of the car and the handle broke completely. The picnic basket was no longer functional.

But the timing was good. My friend and I like to frequent thrift stores so it was the perfect time to look for a new-to-me picnic basket, and we were successful in finding one.

My new picnic basket.

When I got it home I cleaned it off and set it in the sun to disinfect, and now it’s ready to “carry on” the task of holding our picnic goods for many more years, I hope.

Dubuque: A very long barge traveling down the Mississippi River.