The Tale of Four Cats

The writing assignment: Write about a time you had to put an animal to sleep…

Over the years I’ve lived with four cats. 

One, I had as a child. He was a stray cat that our family took in. We called him Chief, until she had babies, then we renamed her Chief-asina, after the popular cat movie at the time (in the early 1960’s) Thomasina. I think she eventually ran away. I thought I saw her sitting in a neighbor’s window down the block once. But for some reason we didn’t pursue her.

Movie released in 1963

The other three cats were a part of our lives when our two boys were young. The first cat was a black and white shorthair male. We named him Mittens. He was a cute black and white kitten with white paws. We bought him at an animal shelter. On the way home we asked the boys what we should name him. Mittens was chosen. After we got Mittens settled in his new home we sat down for dinner. When we were done eating our youngest said, “May I please be excused? I want to go pet Gloves!”

Mittens and Tim: December 1987

Although, Mittens was a well-groomed cat, he would not use the litter box. We tried all kinds of tricks and suggestions, short of bringing him to a cat psychiatrist (one of the suggestions). The animal shelter did not want him back either, so we had no choice but to put him to sleep. That was a hard decision, and one not made lightly. I do not remember how we told our boys.

Cocoa: January 1989

Our second cat was a calico cat…a lovely mixture of gray and white and tan. We named him Cocoa. He did use the litter box, but he didn’t like to be inside. We wanted an indoor cat. Every time the door opened Cocoa flew through the air to get outside. This was a constant problem.

Cocoa airborne in 1989.

One day I was going to run some errands. As I backed the car out of the garage, I ran over something I thought was a toy. Little did I know Cocoa was out there, under the car, and I had run over him. It was traumatic. Gary was out of the country on business, but fortunately our neighbor came over and helped us dig a hole and bury our naughty, but loved, kitty in the back garden.

Caramel Corn: June 1993

Our third, and last, cat was an orange, female tabby cat. I had heard orange female cats were usually gentle and calm, so back to the animal shelter we went. We found one there and brought her home. We named her Caramel Corn. She was a beautiful cat…the color of caramel corn. She was a good cat: she used the litter box, she liked being in the house…she didn’t even try to get out of the house when the doors were open.

Caramel Corn: 1993

She loved to sit among people. I would pull up a stool at the kitchen table where Caramel Corn would perch contently and listen in on our conversations around the table, no matter who was visiting. In the mornings she would jump on my lap to snuggle while I had my morning coffee and devotions, and we’d rock in the rocking chair. She was a wonderful kitty-cat that we had for twelve years. I missed her when she died.

I like stuffed animals and years ago I bought a stuffed caramel colored kitty to add to a few pillows on our bed, as a reminder of Caramel Corn.

In the meantime, we found out our son was allergic to cats so we could not invest in another cat. But that’s OK. We had a delightful one for a long time, and it would be hard to find another one like our beloved Caramel Corn.

New Prague

We went to check out a new (to me) thrift store in New Prague, Minnesota. It is housed in the warehouse of an old flour milling site, and it’s called the Urban Flea Market. It’s fairly large, and had some “flea market items” along with antiques. There were several people browsing and finding bargains.

After the flea market we walked along New Prague’s historic main street. We passed different shops and bars and businesses…and several vacant store fronts. The booming businesses seem to be on the east side of town, before entering the downtown area.

This is the front of the church…and it is larger that it looks!

However, the magnificent cathedral is a looming structure on main street, right downtown.  St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church is beautiful. Its cornerstone is dated 1906, but the congregation was established in 1857. We’ve driven past the church many times but have never been inside. When we walked up the steps we were surprised the doors were unlocked, so we went in.

From the altar looking towards the entrance and pipes for the pipe organ.

Once inside, we could see the lovely stain-glass windows and the many organ pipes and a lot of evidence of a vibrant church community. I’ve learned there are public concerts and events held in this great space. 

Many of the stain-glass windows were of different saints.

We learned Saint Wenceslaus is the patron saint of Czech people. The New Prague area prides itself in its Czech heritage, affiliations and community.

King Wenceslas statue.

On a plaque about St. Wenceslaus, it explained he ruled Bohemia from 924 to 929 AD, therefore called a King. I remembered an unfamiliar Christmas Carol with the title “Good King Wenceslaus” in my old piano book, but I didn’t know who King Wenceslaus was.

A John W. Schaum Christmas Album piano book from my childhood. I got a star sticker! 😉 I’m not sure I have ever heard this carol sung. There is no date…it reads an Old English Carol.

Also on the plaque, I found it interesting to read, “Raised a Christian and educated by grandmother Ludmila, he ruled strictly but justly.”

A beautiful stain-glass window depicting events of the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Exploring this church was a highlight of our time in New Prague.

The Story Behind a Necklace

Recently I bought a new sweater and I have a necklace to go with it. I am happy to be wearing this necklace again. I have a few special pieces of beautiful jewelry (with stories), and some costume jewelry. For a while I didn’t wear much jewelry, but I’m trending towards wearing a few pieces again.

I received this enamel heart necklace years ago. It was a gift from my Auntie Ag. I was probably in my 20’s…I don’t remember. I’ve had it for a very long time. Agnes brought it home for me, as a gift from Norway. 

I like the heart shape, the color, the simple rose pattern, the enamel. 

And there is something distinct on the back. It is embossed with the Lord’s prayer, in Norwegian. I remember being told that when I was given the necklace, but today I wondered if the prayer could possibly fit on the back. So…I translated the words on Google and sure enough, it is the Lord’s prayer.

I always enjoy a good story behind the different things we have and use. 

Colors of California

We had a dazzling time observing all the colors during our few days in California.

Dawn’s early light, before sunrise.
Sun rising over the mountains, at the exact minute it was scheduled!
Lemon trees, lime trees, avocado and clementine trees, o my!
Big waves and blue sailboats.
A flock of Birds…of Paradise.
Gary an I on this rocky beach on the Pacific Ocean during low tide.
A lone tree on top of the cliff overlooking the ocean.
A fun hint of blue on our toenails to remind us of the ocean water and blue skies
We went to fly a kite and the wind took hold.
A dramatic Foxtail agave plant.
Lil’ Toot’s captain took us on a harbor cruise.
Twilight, catching a couple of planets.
Pacific ocean sunset.


At home, I use lists and set timers to help me at remember to do things around the house…like check the dryer, make a phone call, etc. Otherwise, I tend to forget…


In my car, I use a different method.  Years ago, I was given a cute, hamster beanie baby -officially named Pellet by its maker, the TY Corp – and it has always lived in our cars. I have come to rely on this sweet, little stuffed animal to help me remember things. When I’m driving and think of something I need to remember upon arrival at my destination, I pull Pellet up from the driver’s side door pocket and put him in my lap, or by my purse, or on the passenger seat. Then, when I stop the car to get out, I see him and think, “O, yes…” and he reminds me of what I needed to remember! 

Content to ride in the driver’s side door.

He has worked well. Pellet has been in our car for many years…I want to say over 20 years…maybe longer. We transfer him when we get a different vehicle. He is my friend! Maybe not as beloved as The Velveteen Rabbit, but he does look a bit worn from being a treasured and a reliable asset to me. I’d miss him if he ran away…

Marjorie McNeely Conservatory

Last week I thought to myself, I sure would like to see some blooming flowers…where can I go in Minnesota this time of year? Como Park Conservatory came to mind.

Sweet buttery yellow with a touch of lavender.

We have gone to the Marjorie McNeely Conservatory in previous winters, to catch a glimpse of colorful flowers, and be surrounded by greenery and warm, moist air. The sunken garden is always a bright and beautiful.

White orchids…with sprinkles of purple dust…

It is a lovely oasis in Minnesota’s winters. 

Blue skies and sun shone through the glass walls and ceiling which adds a lot to the ambiance of the sunken garden.
Stunning burgundy lilies, outlined with a fine white line, were growing throughout much of the sunken garden.
Foxgloves were blooming in the sunken garden, along with cyclamen and other annuals.

I checked the website and discovered an annual orchid show was happening, during St. Paul’s winter carnival. I talked to a woman over the phone and she said it’s a great exhibit, but warned me it does get crowded. I bought tickets anyways…

A amazing array of color. Tables of orchids were set throughout the sunken garden.
A striking orchid bloom.

We did get in to see the beautiful orchids even though we had to wait in long lines. It was not what I had planned when I first thought of the idea, but it was an enjoyable change in plans.

An exquisite pattern on this foliage.

I can’t begin to name all the different types of orchids there are. It was enough to drink in all their beauty.

One can see a face on these orchids…natural…two eyes, a nose, a mouth…

We saw many incredibly beautiful and interesting and unique orchids…in all different shapes and sizes and colors.  

Orange-colored orchids.
Pleasing purple.

It was hard to discern which photos to post. As it is hard to pick a favorite orchid.

Pearly and iridescent.

“Consider how the flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.” Luke 12:27

Meet the Neighbors

When I learned about the death of a former neighbor, I knew I would go to the funeral even though I didn’t know her well. Gary had a commitment, so I went by myself. 

The funeral was out of town, so I was driving through country roads that morning. This lone tree was stunning.

That morning, as I drove to the funeral, I thought of all the things I had to do since we were having company for dinner, but whenever I vacillate, I remember I never regret if I “just show up.’” And again, that was the case. I was glad I went. Not only did her husband remember me and ask about our family, but I felt peaceful sitting in the beautiful church, filled with bountiful and amazing sprays and bouquets of flowers, waiting to honor Margaret’s life and learn more about who she was. 

Margaret (84) and her husband (in his 90’s) moved into our neighborhood over twenty years ago, and then moved out several years later to other places. We would stop and chat whenever we would see them out and about after they moved away. Margaret would always remind us of the time when Gary and I and our two teenage boys brought homemade, chocolate chip cookies to welcome them to their new home in the neighborhood. She would repeat that story each time we met. She enjoyed it so.

At the funeral, I learned that she, too, would give her specialty cookies, snickerdoodles, to many different folks over the years. Although I brought chocolate cookies that day, the cookies I enjoy most is my mother’s ginger cookies. 

I use my mother’s recipe for these ginger cookies, sometimes called ginger snaps.

I wonder if people bring home made goodies to welcome newcomers? I admit I haven’t for a while now. Here are couple of new ideas I’ve heard of…

A couple moved into a neighborhood and made cookies to bring to their neighbors and introduce themselves, instead of waiting for the neighbors to come to them. 

When our son and daughter-in-love moved into their new house, they hosted an open house and invited the neighbors over so they could meet them. It was a hit.

It’s a gift to be remembered, however it’s done.

Bridge Over Troubled Water

It’s been a long time since we’ve been to the Chanhassen Dinner Theater, but we attended a concert there last weekend. In addition to the main stage play productions, there is a smaller venue, the Fireside Theater, where concert series are performed. 

At the end of December, we were scheduled to go to the Christmas on the Prairie concert in the Fireside Theater, but a winter storm caused Chanhassen to cancel the concert. So, we had to choose a different concert. We chose Simon and Garfunkel’s Bridge Over Troubled Water

The cozy corner where we ate dinner.
Enjoying the fire in the main lobby of Chanhassen Dinner Theater, before the concert.

Collective Unconscious is a popular Minnesota band that performs tribute concerts of different 60’s and 70’s bands. In 2019, we saw them preform a tribute concert to the Eagle’s at the Paradise Theatre in Faribault, and they were very good. We were excited to see them perform Simon and Garfunkel’s music. It did not disappoint.

A photo of the album cover of Simon and Garfunkel’s Bridge Over Troubled Water.

Collective Unconscious includes three guitar players who are also the vocalists, a drummer and a keyboardist. In addition, for this concert, there were 4 violin players, 2 trumpet, 2 trombone, 2 saxophone players, plus a harpist and flautist. They put on an impressive performance, and amazingly they sounded like Simon and Garfunkel, just as they sounded like the Eagle’s when they sang Eagle’s songs. How do they do that? They are very talented.

The first act they performed various songs by the duo, and a couple solo works by Paul Simon. 

The concert stage.

After intermission they played through the entire Bridge over Troubled Water album, the last album recorded by Simon and Garfunkel in 1970, before they went their separate ways. 

The first song on the album is “Bridge Over Troubled Water”, a favorite of mine, and many others. The lead vocalist did a superb job!

The group performed the songs in order on the album, and after several songs one of the vocalists said something to the effect… Back in the 60’s if you were laying on your orange, shag carpeting listening to a vinyl album, you would hear the scratch sound indicating it had come to the end of side one. You would have to get up, physically turn the album over, and set the needle down to play side two... His sound effects and word descriptions were so vivid, we could envision everything he said. It looked like most of us in the auditorium were from that era and could identify with what he was saying. It was not only funny, but nostalgic. 

Collective Unconscious.

After they finished side two of the album, they came back for an encore and played three more songs including, “The Sounds of Silence”, another one of my favorites.

It was fun to be out on a Saturday night…hanging out listening to great “oldie but goodies” music in an “oldie, but classic” dinner theatre, that was built in a cornfield in Chanhassen, Minnesota in 1968.

Northfield Library

Have I mentioned how much I like the Northfield library? I know I have, but it seems I always walk away with such good feelings about our wonderful Carnegie library in downtown Northfield. I am thankful we have this great space and resource in our town.

The big beautiful atrium near the entrance to Northfield’s library.

A couple weeks ago I had a scheduled session to learn about the Libby app, an app used to borrow ebooks from the library. I had to go in again, for more help with additional questions. I got the help I needed, with the feeling “my personal librarian” had all the time in the world for me and my questions…This librarian has helped me before with technical questions, so I try to meet with him when I can. I had to go in a third time and learned I was using the app correctly, but the kindle had to be reset. I think I’ve got it now, but if not I will not hesitate to go in and get help.

When I arrived at the library, the librarian saw me through the beautiful glass windows and waved to me. It felt so welcoming. And always…the person behind the desk greets patrons as soon as they step through the doors. 

After my initial help session, I went to the children’s section and once again, received the help I needed in finding a book from one of the children’s librarians I know. I met her when I took my grandchildren to the library story hours when they lived in Northfield. 

The day I had my initial app training session I learned that the library now loans out Canon DSLR cameras, a sewing machine, a telescope and more. They are experimenting with these new items to borrow. I like the idea. 

For a few minutes my librarian friend and I talked a bit about taking photos. We found out we both like to take pictures. I mentioned I use my iPhone to take my photos. He has a fancier camera. He suggested I try one of the Canon DSLR cameras the library loans out. I laughed out loud and said… I want to learn one thing at a time, and right now that is simply how to use the Libby app.