The Stars Aligned

When we planned our mini-trip up north to visit my uncle in Brainerd we decided to swing by the “Lake” on the way home…Lake Superior that is. Yes, it was two hours away but it sounded like a good idea so we did it, and I’m glad.

I took this photo of the rocky shoreline of Lake Superior on Monday after most of the clouds lifted.

I knew of a resort on the lake not too far north of Duluth. We’ve thought about staying there before but it never worked, besides they had a two night minimum stay. But I called last minute to see if they would accept a one night stay and he said yes. And, he included an early check-in and a late check-out time. How nice is that?

A view of the cabin from the shore edge.

There was a full moon that night, but the forecast was for cloudy skies. On our drive over from Brainerd to Duluth we kept seeing peaks of sun through those clouds. I tried not to get too excited. Eventually the sky mostly cleared and we had a beautiful afternoon and saw a stunning moonrise over Lake Superior that night. I was excited!

This photo I took on Monday late afternoon showing beautiful tinges reflecting the sunset, although we were facing east.

Our cabin was right on the water. The cabins were originally built in 1932 so there were no zoning restrictions at that time. It was a cozy, one room log cabin with a wood burning fireplace and a bundle of wood included in the price.

Looking out the cabin’s patio door to deck and water below.
Fire wood arranged in fireplace…just light a match!

The patio door led to the deck overlooking the lake.

The deck. They use plexiglass for the railing so not to block the view.

One of my favorite moments was walking into the cabin and seeing a stuffed black bear sitting at the kitchen table, welcoming us. That whimsical touch warms my heart. I love it when people do things like that.

Our friendly greeter.
More whimsical art in the cabin.

The cloudy morning turned into a beautiful afternoon and we were in a lovely cabin right on the water… I was in my happy place. I brought soup for supper, and after dinner we lit a fire and watched the moon rise over Lake Superior.

The March full moon.

When we crawled into bed (all in one room) we moved the sofa so we could see the fire embers fade away as we fell asleep.

The wood-burning fireplace was in the corner so we could look out to view the moonrise while enjoying the fire.

I wondered if it would be clear in the morning to see a sunrise. That would be too good to be true.  I didn’t set my alarm, although the sunrise was at 7:30. We were up in time and we did see a glorious sunrise over the lake.

March sunrise over Lake Superior.

We definitely got our “Lake Superior” fix….with everything falling into place and I’m grateful!

A little bit of dramatic winter ice on some rocks near the cabin.

Home Again

What a wonderful week we’ve had weather-wise…sunny, seventy’s and low humidity. Perfect for being anywhere, especially up in northern Minnesota. I was on the Whitefish chain of lakes with a friend, staying on her porch, with a cabin attached. Our days were relaxing, and among other things we did some boating and a lot of reading. 

Looking out in front of the cabin.

We went out on her pontoon which was a highlight for me. We left the jet skis docked this year, and my cell phone in the cabin. In previous years we’ve taken out the jet skis and had some…let’s say…complications. Then there was the year my iPad fell off the dock into the drink during early morning quiet time. So I tried to avoid any type of fiascos this year. Success! 

Getting ready for a pontoon excursion.

The evenings were still and cool so we slept on the large porch listening to the loons calling as we fell asleep. 

A lot of loon activity on the lakes.

Before I left home for the cabin I had fifty pages left to read in my latest political thriller. So when we arrived at the cabin Sunday afternoon, after unpacking the car, we immediately got out some lawn chairs, set them up near the lake and started to read. I quickly finished the book. I brought along three non-fiction books so I had plenty additional reading material.

One morning’s sun reflecting on the lake that looks like clear glass. Beautiful.

When it was time to leave the cabin four days later, I had fifty pages left in one of the other books I had started reading up there. However, when I arrived back to our house in Northfield things changed… I no longer felt I could just sit down and finish the book right away….there was unpacking to do, laundry to throw into the washing machine, email and catch-up conversations, plus weeding flowers and so forth. So instead of sitting down to finish my book I did chores instead. I felt I needed to get something accomplished before enjoying more reading time. 

Daggett Lake, a lake on the Whitefish chain of lakes.

I guess that’s why it’s always good to get away. At home we see all there is to be done (although my friend saw things that needed to be done at her cabin while we were there),  but we had a delightful time on our annual trip to Daggett Lake.

I came home to my Star Gazer lilies in bloom.

Two Fun Sightings

Last week, on a trip to a lake cabin in northern Minnesota, we were excited to see two fun and rare sightings.

The black bear, crossing the road.

The first sighting occurred as we were driving. There was a black bear on the road in front of us, mid-morning. We slowed down, and as I fumbled for my camera, he crossed the road in front of us and continued through the ditch into the woods. It was fun to see. I’ve seen a black bear in the wild a few times, but not often, so when I do see one it’s exciting.

The gorgeous showy lady slipper.

The other sighting was the beautiful showy lady slipper, Minnesota’s state flower. 

We were staying at a privately-owned cabin up north, on twenty-five acres, with a creek running through the property, and shoreline on Lake Kabekona. The cabin sits up high on a hill with a well-worn path down from the cabin to the lake. (The view from the screened in porch was lovely. We saw an eagle several times, fortunately seeing the majestic eagle is no longer a rare sighting – but always a wonderful one.) 

The yellow lady slipper. Photo by BB.

As we walked along the path we saw this beautiful flower in bloom, and upon closer look, we discovered it was the showy lady slipper. Moments before we had seen the yellow lady slipper along the shores of Lake Kabekona, then as we turned to go back to the cabin we noticed the elegant showy lady slipper. And…there were several buds on stems nearby, ready to gently open. 

Three of the seven showy lady slippers on the path.

I have only seen the showy lady slipper blooming in the wild one other time, years ago, up near Lake Superior. I don’t think it’s very common to see one in the wild, unless you know where it is located.

We made our way down every morning to check on this wonderful beauty. It was our morning devotion, appreciating and praising God for his unique and bountiful creations.

A Broken Ornament

A friend and I went into a Christmas Store a few days ago, curious to see if they sold any fishing ornaments. She wanted one for her grandson. While looking around I saw a jet ski ornament. This friend has a cozy cabin up north, complete with two jet skis, and we vacation there together once a year. When I saw the ornament, memories of her and I on jet skis flashed through my mind…

My friend’s cozy cabin, with a beautiful porch.

The first memory is of  the two of us, 60+ year old women, standing on the dock in our bathing suits and life jackets while she used her cell phone to call her son to ask a question about starting the jet skis. It was comical. We managed to get them started, back them out of the boat lift, tooled around the smaller lake before heading to a bigger lake and really taking off. We had a great time speeding across the water – up to 40 miles per hour. I always thought jet skis were loud, and they are, but now I understood their attraction.

The two jet skis in the boat lift.

My next memory was the year we were cruising around the lake and I ended up with thick weeds tangled in the motor, so my jet ski stopped in the middle of the lake. I drifted awhile until my friend noticed I was in trouble. She rode over and she decided we’d burn out the engine if we tried driving it back to the cabin, so the only alternative was for her to go get a towrope and tow me back. It took awhile but it worked. I was nervous that maybe the motor was ruined. When we got back to the dock I got into the water and pulled lots and lots of weeds from the propellers. When it was clear we started up the jet ski and it worked. I breathed a sigh of relief.

And then this year…we rode the jet skis fast then slowed into idle mode to follow the shoreline and look at cabins. We decided to go through the channel to the next lake to do the same, so we revved up and sped to Little Pine Lake. I was trailing behind when all of a sudden an alarm went off…”O no, not again”. The indicator sign was flashing “Fuel, Fuel”, the gas tank indicator went from three bars to a half bar, and the alarm kept going off. So I turned off the engine and waited once again for my friend to notice I had stopped – all the while the alarm kept sounding. She soon turned around and we decided to head back to the boat lift. We did so without incident, and with out running out of gas, but the alarm persisted until we pulled the key out. We got the skis safely tucked away and found out later the jet ski was OK, just low on fuel. I sighed another sigh of relief.

So when I saw that jet ski ornament in the Christmas store I just had to show my friend. As I picked it up it fell to the floor and broke. The store policy is if you break it you pay half price for it. So I did, and left with the broken ornament. (It was a clean break so I was able to glue it together and will add it to my Christmas ornaments.)

My new, but repaired, jet ski Christmas ornament.

On the way home from our outing I started to laugh and called my friend to tell her how fitting it was that the ornament broke… given my history with jet skis!

I’m glad she just bought a pontoon at the end of the summer.

Sunset over Daggett Lake in northern Minnesota (July 2017).

Sunrise Over Lake Superior

Now that we are back home from our wonderful week on the north shore, I miss seeing the sunrise over the lake…but I can envision it. I have a morning routine when I am up at the cabin. The cabin’s large front windows face east, overlooking Lake Superior. I have checked the timetable to set my alarm accordingly so I don’t miss the sunrise over this big, beautiful lake.

First light. (2018)

My routine starts with “first light” about a half hour before the actual sunrise. I get up in time to make coffee, switch on the gas fireplace and open a window to heighten the sounds of the water lapping over the rocks. I rearrange a chair so I’m looking right where the sun will come up. I’ve watched it come up so many times over the years I know the spot where it will rise over the lake.

Still waiting…(2018)

When coffee is done, I turn the lights back off. It’s dark but my eyes adjust and I can see the lake and the shore and the silhouettes of the few trees out front.

Pop! It’s up. (2018)

I settle in and watch the show. On this morning the sky is dark with a sliver of orange light on the horizon… it turns bright orange-red and slowly fades into sunrise colors by spreading out, and up, to the cloud bank.

Another morning, another sunrise! Clouds back lit by the rising sun…so pretty. (2018)

I watch with a heart full of gratitude as I wait for that moment when I first see the tip of the sun’s arc and then pop…just like that it’s up. And it’s amazing and it’s quick and it’s wonderful and I am thankful for eyes to see this spectacular daily occurrence that happens whether I am watching it or not.

The sun rising over a cloud on the horizon., 2018.

I sigh with contentment, to be up at the cabin on Lake Superior, ready for a new day.

“This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24 NKJV)

I have hundreds of photos of  of Lake Superior sunrises. Here are a couple from the last couple of years,  including my all time favorite at the end.



2017: this looks amazingly similar to one taken in 2016.

My favorite Lake Superior sunrise photo taken in 2010.


Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it.”  (Psalm 96: 11 NIV)

Gray Skies and Huge Waves

Obviously it’s not always sunny on the north shore. We love it when the sun shines and the sky is autumn blue and the lake shimmers, but there are cloudy days too. We enjoy all kinds of weather on the north shore. We try not to let the weather stop us from doing what we like to do.

It’s really hard to “catch” the hugeness of the waves on my iPhone.

On this particular day the skies were gray, the lake full of whitecaps, and the waves were huge. The waves were so loud as they crashed over the rocky shore right outside our cabin windows. It’s exciting to witness the rough seas of Gitchi-Gami (Ojibwe for “the big lake”).

Rough seas.

It’s fun to sit back and watch the tumultuous weather from inside the cozy, pine-sided cabin with the gas fireplace lit, looking out through large windows so close to the water’s edge, watching the drama of the waves unfold. The gulls are nowhere to be seen and the trees sway in the wind and the waves tumble to shore.

The waves look so small here…

We’ve experienced a storm on Lake Superior only a couple of times and we’re happy to see it, but we’re glad to have the safety and comforts of the cabin.

A corner of the cozy cabin.


Isaiah 25: 4 God, “You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in their distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat.”

Oberg Mountain Trail

Our annual trek to our beloved (rented) cabin on the waters of Lake Superior again proved to be refreshing, relaxing and good family time as our oldest son and his wife and daughter joined us at the cabin. We miss you TAZE!

A view inland.

From the fall color we had already seen we anticipated amazing vistas from nine overlooks on a favorite hike, the Oberg Mountain trail. It’s great trail that takes you to the top and then loops around offering a 360* view of the surrounding area.

Looking up.

Looking down.

So we waited until our son and his family arrived to hike this trail. It was a sunny day and the colors were spectacular: vibrant in the sunshine with a blue sky dotted with some white clouds.

The loop trail.

Walking through the yellow and lime-green trees and stepping out into open vistas over looking Lake Superior, inland forest and lakes and surrounded by incredible colors: red, yellow, orange and evergreen… it takes your breath away.

On top of Oberg Mountain with Lake Superior behind us.

No words can describe and pictures really don’t capture the spectacular beauty we see…we are just grateful to be able to be here in the moment.

It’s hard to say good-bye…

The first light, before the sunrise.

09/21/17  The sun did it’s beautiful thing again this morning with no clouds to obstruct our view. We leave for home today and I’m sad to say good-bye, although I’m so grateful for the time we had up here in this amazing place. I’m praising God for this incredible beauty.

Another day has begun.

Our adventures this year included hikes up Oberg Mountain (two times), Britton Peak, Shovel Point, Temperance River (several times, different areas), bike rides on the Gitchi-Gami trail, drives along Hwy 61 and inland roads, eating delicious meals right at the cabin overlooking the lake. We took time to read, reflect and just plain “sit around and watch the lake”. We pieced together a jigsaw puzzle, enjoyed campfires on the rocks… explored new places.

It was wonderful to be with our son, his wife and our five-month-old granddaughter.

Three seagulls on the rocks outside the cabin.

There were many seagulls in the air and on the rocks, an eagle that flew by several times, hummingbirds at the cabin feeder and a few ducks floating along.

Praises for incredible beauty.

It was fun to see this barge heading out to sea, sailing past a beach we were exploring for the first time.

We always enjoy having a jigsaw puzzle out on a table to slowly piece together during our time in the cabin. There are many puzzles available at the cabin. I chose this Tall Ships puzzle to remind me of my kayak trip watching the Tall Ships parade last summer.

From Oberg Mountain.

From Britton Peak.

We saw a lot of fall color on the inland trees this year, and we had several varied weather patterns: wind and rain and rough seas, and some gorgeous, clear, autumn blue skies…all makes for a wonderful week on the north shore of Lake Superior.

Our lunch spot…can’t find a restaurant with these views!

We’re going home relaxed, renewed, rejuvenated and rejoicing.

Sigh…it’s so hard to leave, but my heart is full.


Notes from the north shore:

So hard to capture the overall uproar of the lake with my camera; an older iPhone.

Gitchi-gami, the Ojibwe word for big lake, was tumultuous when we arrived at the cabin a couple of days ago. I told my husband that if we don’t have sunshine this is second best: to see, and hear, the huge (5-6 foot) waves crash to shore…it truly is a sight to see. We were safe in the cabin…protected from the wind and rain, but I opened a window to let the sounds in. The waves were so big and wild that they erased our shoreline and covered the fire pit on the rocks where we build a campfire…but I still saw a seagull flying by and a hummingbird feeding at the feeder outside the window. The waves continued to crash to shore…all day and all night…

After dark our son and his wife and five month old baby arrived.

…In the morning it was still cloudy and rainy but the lake had calmed down. It is always majestic, a wonder, and beautiful. We stayed indoors most of the morning. When the rain let up we took a walk to Temperance River on the Gitchi-Gami bike trail which has access near the cabin. But most of the day we were paying attention to our beautiful five-month old granddaughter, another wonder and joy to watch!

The sun higher on the horizon, over the clouds. The lake is calm.

…The next morning a thick cloud covered the horizon where the sun rises over Lake Superior…I’ve seen the sun rise multiple times over the years so I know the spot where it comes up. I set my alarm to get up in time, pour a cup of coffee and then wait with my camera (iPhone) ready. I have managed to take several beautiful pictures of the sun rising over the big lake through the years. This morning my camera is close at hand, ready to take photos knowing clouds can sometimes add a beautiful dimension to pictures if the sun peaks through (and sometimes not so great – sigh). Overhead I see blue skies…it’s going to be another great day on the north shore. I wonder what the day will bring…

Lake Superior – Here We Come

As we head up to my one of my all time favorite places I will re-post the psalm I wrote a few years ago. We typically rent a cabin in September and I consider it  my “new year” since it is a relaxing, renewing and “reviewing” time for me…looking back on the past year and looking forward to the coming year.     Click here to read my post on Anticipation from September 2016.

Lake Superior Psalm

The Lord is my Shepherd

I shall thank him.

He allows me to be on the shores of Lake Superior

And hear the calming waves.

He restores my soul.

He guides me on trails of the Superior National Forest

And leads me along the rocky shores.

Even when the waves are rough – even when the lake is calm,

I am content to being near the water.

And the Lord is with me;

His creation and His majesty, they comfort me.

He anoints me with many blessings

My cup overflows and I am grateful.

Surely I will praise him and follow him

All the days of my life,

I‘m grateful to dwell in His presence

On the shores of Lake Superior.